Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 142: Sweet potato cooked

In the Yunjiang County, thousands of miles away from Tianlong City, Xu Yuxi, the former Empress Dowager, has been somewhat troubled recently.

For the sake of the country, the local princes secretly sent letters and asked for the king.

However, Xu Yuxi knows that if he agrees to the princes to start the military, it is no less than drinking and quenching thirst. Even if the regent king is finally overthrown, there will be countless regent kings. When it is time, the world is in chaos and the war is not over.

Therefore, this mouth can not be opened, and the Regent King can only be defeated by the power in his own hands.

Xu Yuxi’s maiden family, the founding government, sent elite troops to collect a large number of refugees. By next fall, it will become a force that can incite the regent.

However, with the advancement of the plan, some problems have emerged. Training the new army has cost more resources than the budget, especially in the north, and soaring prices, resulting in the new army simply not eating enough, and what training?

Although this problem has not found a way to crack, Xu Yuxi can also hand over to his men's think tank, but the second trouble, she can not find anyone to discuss.

The stomach was getting bigger every day. The original way was to gain weight. As a result, various signs appeared, and she realized that she was pregnant.

Although it can be hidden with loose clothes now, it can be hidden for a few more months.

It is really a headache.

At this time, the female guards rushed to Xu Yuxi’s residence: "The Queen Mother, have, have!"

Xu Yuxi was red-faced and shouted: "Nonsense!"

The female **** looked awkward: "The Queen Mother, I said that there is a solution to the food."

Xu Yuxi breathed a sigh of relief and regained his calmness: "Oh? Let's take a look."

The female guard presented a red block: "Today, someone sells this item on the market, called sweet potato, which can be boiled, eaten raw, and tastes especially sweet."

Xu Yushao had never heard of it, and he tasted it a bit. It was sweet and juicy: "Do you mean to use this sweet potato as a food for the army? Is it enough?"

"A total of 10,000 pounds was acquired." The female guard replied.

Xu Yuxi looked dark: "How can this be?"

"Don't worry, listen to the subordinates." The female guard continued, "According to the introduction of the farmer, the sweet potato grows underground, and the yield per mu can reach five or six kilograms. Stems can be cultivated."

Xu Yu’s eyes are stunned, and there are such high-yielding crops in the world: “Is this true?”

If so, wait until the spring of the next year, the new army will have enough food to fill the stomach, and even the entire Tianlong country no longer has a famine.

"Under the time, I didn't believe it. I went to the farmer's test field for a special trip. It was as he said. So I bought the sweet potato all by myself, and brought the farmer. If the Queen Mother has doubts, it is better to go directly to him. Ask." Female guards please show.

Xu Yuxi nodded: "Proclaim him to come in."

Han Cheng was nervously entering the hall where the Queen Mother was located. Although the young emperor was cut, the Queen's title and strength could not be changed. He did not dare to look directly at the majestic woman in the main seat and pay tribute to the bridegroom: "The grassman Han Cheng, see the Queen Mother." !"

"Imperial!" Xu Yuxi looked at the other side, no nonsense, directly asked the key, "the cultivation of sweet potatoes, what are the requirements for climate soil fertilizer?"

Han Cheng did not keep it, and answered it at 1510.

Sweet potato is not as delicate as other crops. Xu Yuxi has a sense of proportion and asks: "The second question, if I give you 10,000 mu of land and two thousand people, how many sweet potatoes can you plant in the spring of next year?"

Han Cheng planted a season of sweet potatoes, already very handy, replied: "Conservative estimates of millions of pounds!"

"Why not 50 million pounds?" According to the statement of five or six kilograms per mu, it should be this value, Xu Yuxi wondered.

"Because of the shortage of potato, it is impossible to cover 10,000 mu of land in the early stage, and it is about to enter the winter. Even if the southern climate is warmer than the north, it also has an impact on sweet potato cultivation." Han Cheng replied.

Xu Yu stunned, this young man is not exaggerated, seeking truth from facts, can be used: "The last question, are you willing to serve the Yunjiang King?"

Han Cheng immediately bowed down: "The grass people die!"

"Why?" Although Xu Yuxi wants to use this person's ability, he must also know the purpose of this person.

"Because the Queen Mother set up a retreat, so that the retired soldiers who are widowed and lonely are old, and the grass-roots are raised by veterans who have retired from the retreat."

Han Cheng did not talk about any ideal ambitions. He only said this and showed loyalty.

The female guard nodded to Xu Yuxi and said that the facts were true. Xu Yuxi said: "Very good, this Queen Mother ordered you to go to the south to plant sweet potatoes, not to call back, you are willing?"

"Subordinate to the purpose!" Han Cheng first thanked, and then said, "Just a subordinate has a wish, if left, the veterans of the retreat are not taken care of."

"Don't worry, I will send someone to take over your job." For Xu Yuxi, this is not a big deal, and I immediately agreed.

Han Cheng had no worries, and thanked again, Xu Yuxi thought again: "Yes, where did you get this sweet potato, how have you never heard it before?"

Han Cheng replied: "I didn't know that there was such a crop before the job. I later met the boss of Qin. He taught me to plant."

"Qin boss?" Xu Yuxi was confused, "Which Qin boss."

“The boss of Qin Fei who opened a snack bar in Yunjiang County.” Han Cheng said here, some missed it, and I don’t know when Qin’s boss will return home. If he builds his career in the future, he will definitely repay.

"Is he?" Xu Yu stunned and suddenly smiled.

Since Qin Fei left Qingzhou, Xu Yuxi did not have his news. He did not expect to hear the name from Han Chengkou, and sent a big gift.

"Han Cheng, this Queen Mother decided to promote you as a big sinner, and lead all food affairs in the rear." Xu Yuxi suddenly made a wish.

"Ah? Thank you, the Queen Mother." Han Cheng was shocked and delighted, and had not established a career. He was a direct official.

The female guards whispered in the side: "The Queen Now promote him as the big sinnon, it is not appropriate, do you want to stop visiting?"

"I believe his vision." Xu Yuxi muttered to himself and looked into the distance.


A black cat flies between the mountains outside the city of Tianlong, and it is the cat demon.

Since the last shipwreck and Qin Fei broke away, she has been searching along the coastline for a few days, and she has no income. When she recalls Qin Fei’s itinerary plan, she will turn to the north to the Tianlong Guodu City.

As long as Qin Fei is still alive, she will definitely come. No matter how long, she will wait.

However, at this time, a woman wearing a white cloak suddenly appeared, blocking the way of the cat demon: "A beautiful cat."

The cat demon instinctively is also a demon, but there is no demon, especially vigilant: "Who are you?"

"The poor road fish Qingyao, the new Tianlong Guoguo division."

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