Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 163: Hijacking

Seeing the effect of Feixian liquid is so good, Qin Fei will arrange for the clerk to send it to General Feilong. Wen woman said: "And slow, use this jug to go up."

Wen woman took out a jug with Tai Chi pattern, Qin Fei asked: "What is the name?"

"This pot is called a yin-yang pot and can hold two different liquids. Just hold down the hidden switch of the handle and you can freely control which liquid is poured out." Wen woman explained it again.

Qin Fei understood, to avoid the generals of the dragon to be alert, to drink diluted wine to others, and to give the dragon generals the spirits in the pot.

Why can a warm woman, a righteous figure, have such a sinister hidden weapon?

Qin Fei looked at the drunken wishing heroes, inexplicably raised a terrible idea, and did not want to be a hero who was really a woman.

Six six six.

Qin Fei put the diluted Feixian liquid and the enhanced version of Feixian liquid into the yin and yang pot, and let the clerk take it to the guests.

“Everyone, the store has brewed a new drink, and please try it.” In order not to alert the generals of the dragon, every guest in the hall got a cup of Feixian liquid to try.

Just when the generals of the Dragons poured wine, they started the switch and poured out the spirits in the pot.

"Hey, good wine, cool!" The diners drank the diluted Feixian liquid, and they all sang well and sang well.

General Feilong sniffed the wine in the sniffing cup. The wine was strong and strong, and the population was so strong that he would drink the glass and drink it like everyone else.

"Flying dragon uncle, this wine is really good to drink, or will it be ten pounds?" The younger generation of guests had tasted Feixian liquid, and asked excitedly.

General Feilong drank a cup and only felt a sip of flame, burning his stomach and pain, and immediately felt drunk.

I don’t know why someone else is drinking like a okay person. Is it because the general’s drink is not enough?

General Feilong took a few deep breaths and ran his head and said: "Yin, there is something to be done in the camp tonight. You can't drink too much. One pound is enough."

The younger generation of the guests did not persuade too much, so they had to call a pound of flying fairy liquid.

The male clerk has been waiting nearby, pouring wine to the guests, and General Feilong drank two glasses and slammed on the table with a bang.

"Flying Dragon Uncle? You can't do this!" The young man of the hospital smiled and pushed the General Feilong. He eventually lost his energy and squatted on the table.

"The guests are drunk and help them to rest in the second floor room." Wen said.

The clerk moved the two to the second floor room. When they came down, they handed over a token to Wen woman: "Drunken, I can't wake up in the morning."

Wen woman's decapitation: "It's better to finish things as soon as possible."

But she looked at the drunken and unrecognizable heroes, and her brows were tight. Without his body assistance, even if he got the general order, he would not be able to rescue Li Daren.

"I will go." Qin Fei sighed and stood up.

Originally, he only wanted to help in the kitchen, but he didn't show up, but he went to this festival. Qin Fei didn't want to fall short.

"How is your body, can you take people to a cliff of 20 feet high?" Wen said.

Qin Fei had listened to them before, and General Feilong’s army was strict, and it was easy to get in and out. The procedure was cumbersome, and it was very troublesome to hold the general order.

The safest way is to receive Li Xiaoguang directly from the cliff behind the military camp, and the guarding power there is also weak.

Qin Fei mentioned the male clerk, cast Dapeng 诀, flew up in a fluttering manner, and hanged a few square feet before landing.

Wen woman is slightly wrong, although Qin Fei is only a situation, but the body is really good, with a person can still be free, this is what she can not do.

"Okay, just do it!"

Qin Fei and his party just left the snack bar, and the general Feilong, who was resting on the second floor, suddenly opened his eyes.

He reached out and touched the general's order that disappeared in his arms, and smiled: "I wish you good luck."

Turning over, General Feilong screamed.


Several people of Qin Fei put on the military uniform of Wang Longguan and came to the big camp. The scale of a thousand defenders is not large, but the patrol guards shuttled and shuttled, which caused great pressure.

"Stand up!" Although the military uniform was replaced, the entrance guard stopped them. "How have you never seen a few of you?"

Wen woman Xia coughed, thick and scorpion: "We are scouting camps, there are things to report to the generals."

There are a lot of spies in the scout camp, which are placed in the city. They rarely show up in public, and they are naturally born. This is a decent statement. Plus Wen’s man shows the general’s order, and the door post is released.

Wen woman has done a lot of preparatory work in front of her. She seems to be familiar with the military camp and went straight to the prison camp. If there is no accident, Li Xiaoguang will be inside.

Seven turns and eight bends, the front suddenly became a school ground, the original sin camp was gone, Wen woman Xia said: "The legendary general Feilong in order to make the enemy unpredictable, always change the formation, it seems that the previous mastery of the news is outdated ""

If it is in the military camp, it is easy to cause patrol suspects.

At this time, there was a soldier who passed the night, Wen woman was ready to force him to ask, Qin Fei waved his hand and went forward and said: "Assault check!"

The soldier was shocked and immediately stood upright: "Yes!"

"Name, affiliated camp?" Qin Fei asked.

"Bow Arrow Camp, Zhang Xiaogang!" the soldier replied.

"Well, Zhang Xiaogang, test your familiarity with the military camp, where the big knife camp and the sin camp are in each position." Qin Fei asked.

"The Dadaoying Camp is located in Zhengxi, next to the Spears Camp; the sin camp is located in Zhengbei, next to the Shield Battalion." The soldiers replied quickly.

"Don't go around in the big night, run back to camp!" Qin Fei ordered.

"It’s the sir." The soldier ran forward and disappeared into the corner.

Wen woman Xia nodded secretly and asked her position without revealing her identity. Qin Fei was really brave.

Subsequently, several people successfully found the sin camp, the conditions here are much worse than the garrison's camp. The exiled prisoners wore shovel ankles, laid a thin layer of hay on the ground, and slept on the ground.

"Take the peak command to review Li Xiaoguang." Wen woman Xia showed the general order, the guard did not doubt, and Li Xiaoguang was brought out.

Li Daren is about sixty years old. I don't know why. He is not as embarrassed as other prisoners. His style is still good.

A few people are ready to leave with Li Daren, Qin Fei suddenly found a person who knows.

Yunjiang County’s predecessor’s county magistrate, because the restaurant was jailed and exiled to the frontier, did not expect to encounter it here.

"There is still this person, take it with you." Qin Fei ordered.

Yunjiang County ordered that he had a good night's sleep. He was violently stunned and looked unhappy. He suddenly saw Qin Fei, understood what he was, and his heart was moved.

But he still had three days to release his sentence, so he shouted screamingly: "I don't leave, I won't leave!"

"You can't be you!" Qin Fei thought that the other party was embarrassed, so it was fierce, and a hand knife smashed the Yunjiang County Order and lifted it up.

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