Alien Snack Bar

Chapter 42: Mushroom Bachelor

Early the next morning, the prince took a carriage to pick up Qin Fei, and Qin Fei went out of the city.

When the front foot just left, a group of people came to the back foot, and the banner was smashed at the door of the snack bar outside the border: "Don't defeat the bad profiteers, and I am healthy!"

“Stinky tofu is soaked in manure, and it’s so good!”

The old week selling wonton noodles came out of the alley with trousers: "Noisy, noisy people have gone out of town early in the morning."

People face each other, and the leader quickly went to find Lin Donghai's treasurer to report: "The victim is not there, do you want to make trouble?"

"Noisy, noisy neighbours know everything!" Lin Donghai thought about the money, and did not make trouble.

Then a group of people continued to scream and scream, and many people believed in evil. They said: "I said why stinky tofu is so stinky. It was originally made from manure, but I didn't eat it."

Of course, there are also some sensible things: "How could it be soaked in dung water, it is very delicious to eat, even the Qin boss himself eats."

"Is it possible that Qin boss likes to eat cockroaches? Doesn't he often eat pig big intestines, cow belly and the like?"

No matter how troublesome, Qin Fei is not seen, and the heart is not bothered. He is enjoying the morning in the morning, the air is fresh, and the birds are fragrant.

About half an hour later, I went to a manor on the mountainside in the east. The prince said: "Dry, this is the summer home of Yuanjia. I am going to call people, wait a moment."

"Yeah." Qin Fei got off the carriage and looked around. This half-mountain manor occupies a vast area. The ground is covered with bluestone slabs. The roads are covered with exotic flowers and grasses.

Looking into the distance, there are pavilions and pavilions in the manor, and there are everything in the water. The rich people know how to enjoy.

Not long after, the prince section and a young girl of similar age walked out of the manor. The little girl was dressed in sleek clothes, with two or three servants, and it was estimated that Miss Yuan Jiada.

"Miss Yuan, this is my cognac Qin Fei, the master of food, the king of mushrooms, also known as the man standing at the top of the food chain!" The prince was blowing, and it seemed that Qin Fei was blowing more cattle, his face was The more light there is.

The little girl is quite tutored, but she doesn’t look good. She whispers: "Uncle Qin is good."

Qin Fei almost sipped a sour plum soup and did not contain it. I am so old? Quickly said: "The prince section told me to play and play, my age is not much bigger than you."

"Oh, then I call you Qin Big Brother." The little girl smiled.

Qin Fei stunned, suddenly remembered a little girl who called her big brother Qin every day, Shen Yan for a moment: "You still call me Uncle Qin."

? ? ?

Miss Yuan has a face that is inexplicable.

The prince said: "Okay, the day is in the morning, let's go up the mountain and pick mushrooms!"

"Isn't Xu Rusheng also going to be together?" Miss Yuan asked.

"He diarrhea, pulled a bed, afraid that it will not come." Prince sighed with a look.

"Oh, this way." Miss Yuan was a bit cold, and she went up the mountain road with everyone.

The mountain road was repaired and it was very good. After about a fragrant incense, turning over a hill, it came to a lush pine forest.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a voice behind: "Miss Yuan, wait for me!"

A young man with a few servants chasing after him, Miss Yuan stunned: "You are not diarrhea can't come?"

"I diarrhea?" Xu Rusheng groaned and looked at the prince section on the side. He understood what was going on and was angry. "Prince, you are a mean villain, and filthy me in front of Miss Yuan!"

"Heaven and earth conscience, passing your home in the morning, your servant said that you have a diarrhea, I am willing to let you rest at home, how do I say that you are filthy?" Prince prince a look of grievances.

Seeing that the two of them are going to quarrel, Miss Yuan frowned. "Since it is here, pick the mushrooms together. If you quarrel, I will go back."

The two of them just gave up.

After Xu Rusheng came, she had been around Miss Yuan. She said the mountain on the mountain, said the water on the water, and teased Miss Yuan, who was giggling.

The prince section whispered on the side of Qin Fei: "The Xu family financed a problem and wanted to cross the crisis through the marriage of Yuan Jia. It is shameless to do it."

Qin Fei was speechless for a while. You didn't think about doing business with Yuan Jia. He was half-pounded and had any qualifications to say that others were shameless.

"For the cognac, you see that person is not." The prince paragraph pointed to an old man next to Xu Rusheng. "This person is called a mushroom bachelor. He has a book "Mushroom Encyclopedia". Xu Rusheng spent a lot of time. Money is from the state."

"Oh?" Qin Fei looked at the old man with admiration. It is really good to study such an unpopular study in this era of greed.

As I spoke, the group entered the pine forest, the ground was covered with fallen leaves, and the feet were very soft.

"Everyone pays attention, don't accidentally trample the matsutake." Miss Yuan picked up a special stick and carefully pulled the leaves.

"Hey, what kind of mushroom is this?" Miss Yuan pulled out a cluster of blue mushrooms and felt curious. She wanted to pick it by hand. The mushroom bachelor suddenly said: "Stop!"

"This is a mushroom, the skin will be festered, don't touch it with your hands!"

Miss Yuan has some unsettled: "Thank you for reminding my Anyway." The old man slightly daggers, covering the blue mushrooms with leaves.

Qin Fei looked at it all arbitrarily, Tianba mushroom? Can this name be free?

Qin Fei used the snack system to check it. This blue mushroom is actually called the sky blue mushroom. It is a kind of basidiomycete fungus. It is like a blue elf in the jungle. It is very beautiful.

If it is only the difference in name, Qin Fei will not be surprised, the key sky blue mushroom will not touch it and it will be bad.

In a short while, Miss Yuan pulled out a bunch of bright yellow mushrooms, but she did not dare to touch it easily. She asked the Bachelor of Mushrooms: "Predecessors, what kind of this is this?"

The mushroom bachelor glanced: "The tyrant mushroom can be eaten, but there is a sirloin taste."

When I heard it, I was so sick that Miss Yuan was too lazy to pick it up and quickly went to the other side.

Qin Fei used the system to check it out. The name of the mushroom is pure yellow and white ghost umbrella, which is very poisonous!

The mushroom bachelor just licks a name, even if it is non-toxic and toxic, can't tell?

Wouldn't it be a liar?

When Miss Yuan discovered a third unknown mushroom question, the mushroom bachelor stepped forward and said with horror: "Everyone retreats, this is a wow mushroom, if it smells its breath, it will die!"

Qin Fei looked at the mushroom bachelor without a word. He has confirmed that this guy doesn't understand anything. He relies on a few mouthpieces.

"If today's Xu Gongzi and his predecessors are accompanying, the little girl may be escaping!" Miss Yuan was so scared that she was white and covered.

Xu Rusheng’s heart was dark and refreshed, and he retired: “As long as Miss Yuan is well-being.”

These two people are eyebrows, seemingly on the eye, the prince paragraph silently sighed, dogs and men.

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