All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter six hundred and twentieth IX: Royal Conquest!

Chapter 631: The imperial conquest!

Yu Youyao understood the key point. The late emperor valued literature over martial arts, but appointed Ning Guogong, who was a general, to teach the emperor, who was still the eldest prince, how to ride and shoot.

It can be seen from this that the first emperor did not value this son very much.

Zhou Linghuai continued: "In the first year of the emperor's enthronement, the Di tribe repeatedly violated the northern border, severe drought in the eastern border, external and internal troubles, natural disasters and man-made disasters, all of which seem to obscure the current emperor's lack of virtue."

That's why King Dongning, who offered the decree, was able to flatter him so loudly.

The Four Seas Flood Dragon Dagger is indeed a rare magic weapon. When this dagger was cast, whether there were thunders and rains in the eastern region is still open to question.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

The important thing is that the emperor believed it.

Yu Youyao held her fragrant cheeks and asked her cousin curiously: "What happened next?"

With a palm-sized oval face, small and delicate, Zhou Linghuai lowered his eyes: "The position is not stable, the country is not prosperous, the emperor just thought of a foolish trick."

Yu Youyao hurriedly asked: "What stupid move?"

Zhou Linghuai tugged his lips lightly: "Yu Jia personally conquers!"

Yu Youyao's eyes suddenly widened: "The current emperor has personally conscripted? Why have I never heard of such a big event?"

After speaking, she reacted.

I haven't heard of it, it must be because the result of Yujia's personal conquest is not good, the courtiers dare not mention it, and the world dare not speak. After a long time, the people behind will not know.

Really, deception!

Yu Youyao puffed her cheeks: "Since the founding of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the foreign military has always been very tough, and there are many generals who are good at fighting. Several emperors have personally conquered them, leaving behind great achievements in martial arts and martial arts. When the current emperor ascended the throne, I was once young and frivolous, and it seems reasonable to want to follow the example of my ancestors, to justify my name."

Why do you say it's a trick?

She was a little puzzled.

Zhou Linghuai understood her question, and explained: "The first emperor valued literature over military affairs. Although he was benevolent and compassionate to the people, he could be called a generation of virtuous and virtuous emperors. The old nobles such as the Hou Mansion have all disappeared, and there are not many generals available in the court. Most of the foreign troubles in the Great Zhou Dynasty were caused by the late emperor, and they gradually developed troubles. If you dare to make a change, foreigners will not dare to invade.”

After saying this, Yu Youyao understood.

Emperor Gaozu's bones flowed with iron and blood. After he ascended the throne, it was normal for the emperor to conscript himself.


There are many descendants who can recruit good fighters.

Clan relatives cannot enter the imperial examination to become an official. In addition to eating the ancestral business, they can only join the army and make meritorious deeds.

In the history of the Great Zhou Dynasty, many military generals came from the clan. The first emperor emphasized civility over martial arts, so that the generals were severely suppressed. Clan members could not join the army. Idle around and have nothing to do in the day, so it is inevitable that there will be more dudes, which is extremely unbearable.

Even if the current emperor Xiaozong ascended the throne and restored many clan titles, it will be difficult to change this situation for a while.

The Great Zhou Kingdom at this time is no longer the former Great Zhou Kingdom with a strong army and horses.

It is really not a good time for the dog emperor to conquest himself as soon as he ascends the throne, at least for three or two years, so as to change the phenomenon of emphasizing civil affairs over military affairs in the court.

Thinking of this, Yu Youyao asked again: "Where does the dog emperor want to conquer?"

While asking, she took a sip of tea and heard her cousin say, "Bei Di!"

"Pfft—" The tea that was too late to swallow was sprayed, and the remaining tea in her mouth choked into her throat, making Yu Youyao uncomfortable, and she couldn't help coughing. While coughing, she seemed a little unbelievable, and asked with difficulty: " Cough, cough, where are you talking about?"

"Be careful." Zhou Linghuai, who was sprayed with tea all over his face, was not annoyed at all. He took the handkerchief and wiped Yu Youyao's lips first, then slowly wiped off the tea stains on his face. The big palm went around her back, and he helped her straighten it one by one. He did it very naturally, as if he didn't think it would be inappropriate at all.

Yu Youyao is also used to her cousin's thoughtfulness, so she doesn't feel that this should not be the case.

After a while, Yu Youyao's throat felt better, but her voice became a little hoarse: "Cousin, did I hear you right, you just said Beidi?"

The Dog Emperor went to the Northern Territory to conquest in person. Did he lose his mind, or was he trapped by the door?

When Emperor Gaozu was in power, although the Northern Expedition was successful, Beidi was a large and nomadic tribe with no fixed residence and vast grasslands. To pay tribute to the best horses of the Great Zhou.

Where does the dog emperor have the confidence to think that he can succeed in the Northern Expedition?

Zhou Linghuai smiled: "Do you think it's unwise for him to choose Beidi?"

Yu Youyao nodded: "The big tribe of Beidi, with powerful soldiers and horses, has entrenched in the northern border area for generations to cause disaster. Many emperors have launched the Northern Expedition in the past dynasties, but no one has ever really succeeded. Emperor Gaozu is unprecedented, but he can't." Get rid of Beidi."

Zhou Linghuai shook his head: "Although that is the case, his choice of Beidi happened to be his brilliance. After the emperor ascended the throne, his position was unstable and the country was not prosperous. There were vassal kings guarding the east, west and south. Only the northern border, because of its special geographical location, is feared by the imperial court and has never established a vassal rule. If the emperor goes to the territory of the vassal king, he will be like a sheep at the mouth of a tiger."

Yu Youyao suddenly realized that although she was disgusted with the dog emperor playing tricks, she never doubted his IQ.

Zhou Linghuai explained: "Besides, at that time, the generals guarding the northern border came from Yuezhang Ning Guogong's mansion. Ning Guogong also often went to the northern border and had rich experience in fighting against the enemy. A strong barrier."

Yu Youyao nodded, this is also the reason why Xu Guogong's mansion has always been very prominent.

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "The Di tribe is a nomadic tribe, and they are not good at farming. Every summer and autumn, the water and grass are plentiful, and it is a time when soldiers and horses are strong. Once winter comes, due to lack of supplies, they have to recuperate and live. Therefore, the Di people often invade the northern border in autumn. , grab supplies, and stockpile supplies for the coming winter."

From this point of view, the emperor had thought deeply about conquering the north, Yu Youyao sighed slightly: "The fault is not where the expedition was, but that the emperor shouldn't have conquered it himself."

What matters in war is the timing, status, and harmony of people. If the timing is not right, no matter how good the calculation is, it will be useless.

Zhou Linghuai nodded: "Soldiers are expensive and fast. At that time, the New Year is over, the ice and snow have not melted, and everything has not recovered. After a cold winter, when the soldiers of the Di army are weak, the current emperor resists all opinions and insists on going his own way. Order Ningguo The Duke ordered troops, but the courtiers persuaded him to no avail, Duke Ning had no choice but to obey orders, and the Emperor led an army of 800,000 troops to conquer the northern border."

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