All Hail Cousin Brother

Chapter 956: Destiny is coming

Returning to Jiushao Courtyard, Yu Youyao dismissed the servants, took out the golden nan gloomy wood inlaid treasure box sent by the Queen Mother from the secret compartment beside the bed, and solemnly handed it over to Yin Huaixi.

The box is carved with nine dragons and nine phoenixes, and on the top lid is a huge dragon head with angry teeth, beards dancing wildly, and two scaly toes tearing forward, which is very vivid.

At a glance, it looks like a giant dragon rushing towards it with overwhelming power. Against the golden and lustrous wood and texture of the gloomy wood, a suffocating divine power rolls in, making it almost impossible to look directly at it.

Yu Youyao urged: "Open it and take a look."

Yin Huaixi tore off the small piece on the box, opened the box, and saw the "Alchemy Book and Iron Deed" placed in the box. The thick page exuded heavy power.

"Is this why you urged me to come back?!" Yin Huaixi picked up the Alchemy Book and Iron Deed, read the contents on it, raised his eyebrows, and was a little surprised.

Yu Youyao nodded: "You are implementing national policies in the north. This is an important contribution to stabilizing the country and assisting the country. The Queen Mother is going to give you the iron book and the iron contract. It is a logical thing. Why should it be kept secret? Do you need to say more words? In one fell swoop, I delivered the Alchemy Book and Iron Deed to you through my hands?"

Yin Huaixi put the Alchemy Book and Iron Deed back into the box and locked the box: "Of course it is to avoid people's eyes and ears."

What the Empress Dowager wants to avoid is Empress Ning's eyes and ears. Yu Youyao still has many puzzles: "Is it possible that Empress Ning still has the ability to prevent the Empress Dowager from giving you the elixir book and the iron deed?"

This is unlikely.

Yin Huaixi said meaningfully: "Earlier, Eunuch Zhu sent news that the Empress Dowager's condition has worsened. No one is allowed to enter or leave the Shouyan Palace. Even the Imperial Guards and the Yulin Guards in the palace have been mobilized. I think the destiny is coming."

The purpose of mobilizing the Royal Guards and Habayashi Guards was to prevent someone from stealing power and disrupting the government while she was critically ill.

Yu Youyao took a breath: "So, so, this, this is the Queen Mother..." Because she was so shocked, her voice trembled unconsciously, and she couldn't even speak clearly. She couldn't help but tighten her hands. , took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down: "Is the Queen Mother arranging funeral arrangements?!"

I can’t explain how I feel.

She and the Queen Mother were only involved in constant calculations and interests, but over time, she did get the Queen Mother's protection, and she got to where she is today step by step.

Yin Huaixi nodded, and then said: "Rather than explaining the funeral arrangements, it is better to say that the Queen Mother is arranging the backup plan."

Yu Youyao suddenly realized that Yin Huaixi was the back-up man and needed to avoid Empress Ning's eyes and ears. It was self-evident who the back-up man was targeting.

Yin Huaixi added: "The Iron Deed with the Alchemy Book is very rare in the Zhou Dynasty. It has the privilege of refuting the holy will and punishing rebellious ministers. The power is very powerful. The emperors of the past dynasties will hardly grant it easily, lest the ministers borrow the Iron Deed with the Alchemy Book." Holding the emperor hostage, and ordering the princes to steal power and disrupt the government." When he said this, he paused slightly and smiled a little playfully: "The Queen Mother is worried about Queen Ning's fight for the throne and disrupting the government, disrupting the imperial court, and is also worried about the wrongdoings entrusted by the great Zhou Dynasty. Man, give me the iron letter of the Alchemy Book."

Yu Youyao's heart trembled as she thought of the content of the Alchemy Book and Iron Deed: "On the basis of privileges, the Alchemy Book and Iron Deed also emphasizes [orthodoxy], and even has the privilege of bringing order to order and doing justice for heaven."

Since ancient times, the only one who can do justice for heaven is the emperor. The so-called king's power is divinely authorized and the king's power is determined by heaven.

If the harem fights for the throne and the three princes are incompatible with each other, then Yin Huaixi will be the only orthodox one. When the Danshu Iron Deed comes out, it will become more logical...

"Put it away," Yin Huaixi pushed the box in front of Yu Youyao: "The Alchemy Book and Iron Deed are of little use to me, so I don't need to pay too much attention to it."

Yu Youyao only glanced at it: "Since the Queen Mother gave it to you, you still..."

"You are wrong," Yin Huaixi shook his head: "On the surface, the elixir is given to me by the Queen Mother, but in fact, it is given to you in my name."

Yu Youyao looked confused: "Why is this?"

Yin Huaixi took her hand and said: "You are a loyal queen, from a famous family, with a reputation for saintliness, kindness and virtue. You have been raised by your grandmother since you were a child, and you have inherited your grandmother's loyalty. You are a rare virtuous woman in the world. You have the power to save the world." The Queen Mother knows very well that only by putting the Alchemy Book and Iron Deed in your hands will you treat it with caution and play its true role, instead of being driven by selfish motives. , use it to calculate profits."

In other words, the future of the Zhou Dynasty depends on Yu Youyao, and Yu Youyao is not a person. Behind her is a family full of loyal Yu family members. Even though she has countless calculations, she can always plead for people's lives and be given the gift. Prince Wu Muding, who was about to get married, was her strongest supporter even though he had great achievements and shocked the master.

This is the brilliance of the Queen Mother.

Yu Youyao suddenly realized that the battle for superior positions was simply breathtaking, especially the use of power and the calculation of people's hearts.

There are too many trade-offs involved in this.

The Queen Mother clearly took a fancy to the fourth prince, so she let Queen Ning join the royalist party, hoping to use Queen Ning's help to give the four princes an opportunity to seize the throne and secure the court. Sheji.

The Zhou Dynasty had a crown prince, so there was no need to cover up the emperor's illness. It was only natural that the crown prince would supervise the country, dominate the world, and bring virtue to the world.

As Empress of the Yuan Dynasty, Empress Ning outranked Concubine Lan and Concubine Xu in terms of status. With her methods and the support of the royalists, Concubine Lan and Concubine Xu could not be her opponents.

But due to the old affairs between Ning Guogong's palace and the emperor's eldest son, the Queen Mother did not trust Queen Ning.

He even did not hesitate to give Yin Huaixi an elixir and an iron deed to guard against Empress Ning.

Yin Huaixi changed the subject: "The Dragon Boat Festival will be in two days. Then I will accompany you to watch the dragon boat race."

Yu Youyao suddenly thought of the first Dragon Boat Festival that "Zhou Linghuai" spent in Yu Mansion, and couldn't help laughing: "I remember you promised me that after your legs healed, you would take me to watch the dragon boat race in person. .”

When she mentioned what happened back then, she couldn't help but smile and curl her lips.

Those feelings in my heart, either because of getting older, because of the war between men and women, or because of avoidance of suspicion, taboo, or because of that piece of marriage paper... all the secular etiquette, the distance between Yin Huaixi and Yin Huaixi suddenly faded away a lot.

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and there is a strong festive atmosphere in Xiangping City.

The Xie Mansion, together with the Bai Mansion, and several wealthy households in Xiangping City, held the Dragon Boat Festival "Outing and Fighting Arts" and "Baicao Fighting" activities. Under the rule of Xiangping City, all unmarried men and women, women over eleven, men Anyone over fifteen years old can sign up to participate. All participants will receive free Dragon Boat Festival sachets, and the winners will also be rewarded with food, medicinal materials, and money.

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