Miss Lin knew it clearly. She pointed to a position near the window, "that's Qin Sheng's seat."

Fu Hanchuan nodded, went to Qin Sheng's seat and sat down.

Huang Xiaoyan's parents didn't come. Fu Hanchuan sat alone.

Mr. Lin stood on the platform and talked about the overall situation of class 4, including the average score and the learning situation of class 4.

Hearing that the students in class 4 had made great progress, the parents' taut faces finally showed some gratifying expressions.

Mr. Lin also talked about how parents should arrange their children's study at home in the next semester.

"I'll get the test report card." Miss Lin said and hurried to the office. She prepared the report card of each student. She wanted to show it to her parents, but forgot.

When Mr. Lin came back, he was holding 30 transcripts and a ranking of the students in the class.

"Mr. Lin." Lin's father came up and shouted, "that boy Lin Feng must have made trouble for you. This time he dragged the back of the class. Go back, I will teach him a good lesson and beat him up."

Lin Feng, who had disappeared, had a bad feeling when he heard his father's loud voice and his veins jumped on his forehead.

Sure enough, the next second I heard Lin Fu's words and said them in front of so many students.

Lin Feng finally calmed down. At this moment, his face turned red again. He went up and pulled Lin Fu's clothes, "Dad, can you save me some face?"

Lin Fu glared at him, "you stinky boy, what face do you want? You don't promise your teacher well. You must study hard and get into a good university in the future."

Lin's father really hopes Lin Feng can go to a good university and have a culture.

He is an explosive family with billions of dollars and a large company.

On the surface, those people were respectful to him, but behind their backs, they looked down on him and said he was a mud leg from the countryside.

Lin Fu wants to get rid of his habits, but it's difficult. He can only place his hope on Lin Feng.

He hopes that Lin Feng can become a cultured person, so that Lin Feng will not be looked down upon.

But Lin Feng has been a playful master since childhood and is not interested in learning.

Father Lin is worried. His hair is white.

Mr. Lin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled and said, "Lin Feng's father, have you misunderstood?"

Lin Feng stuck his neck and echoed, "yes, Dad, don't wronged me."

Lin Fu kicked it, and Lin Feng almost fell to the ground.

Lin Feng looked around and found that many people were looking this way. Lin Feng made a big red face again.

When he goes back, he must reason with his father. It's a shame. Can you save him some face outside?

Different from his attitude towards Lin Feng, Lin Fu turned around and put on a smiling expression, "teacher, is there any misunderstanding?"

Mr. Lin looked at Lin Feng. Lin Feng was holding his hands together and prayed to look at her. Mr. Lin found out Lin Feng's report card and gave it to Lin Fu, and then truthfully told Lin Feng's achievements and his recent performance.

"Lin Feng has made great progress this time. Every subject has reached the pass line. He is very smart and loves to study recently. According to this development, it will not be a problem to test a better two books at that time."

Lin Fu was surprised. It was the first time he heard the teachers' high evaluation of Lin Feng.

When they attended the parents' meeting, they didn't say that Lin Feng often spoke in class, fought with his classmates, and slept in the exam, which dragged the whole class back.

Father Lin turned his head: "son, have you changed your sex? Or have you been transferred?"

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