All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 405 The place of animal-shaped intelligent life! (2-in-1)

When the animal-shaped intelligent beings saw Chen Mo, a humanoid intelligent life on the ranking list with a power of 100 million, they were filled with shock, fear, fear and panic.

A beast-shaped intelligent life made a trembling voice: "This is impossible! His divine power has actually reached 100 million points! How terrifying this is!"

The mouth of another animal-like intelligent being was opened wide, almost filled with a huge claw, as if he was afraid that he would say something offensive.

He stammered: "This, this is simply a nightmare! His divine power has exceeded our imagination!"

A tall lion-headed beast with a magnificent mane on its head. The golden fur shone with the sun. His eyes revealed fear: "This is simply unbelievable! How did he do it? How is it possible? So much divine power?

A sacred crane with blue wings, its body is slender and white, and its eyes are full of the light of wisdom. Although he was surprised, he still said with a noble temperament: "I have seen the stone tablets left by the older generation saying that humanoid intelligent life is very powerful, but this has gone beyond the legend. We only have a few thousand divine powers, but he has How terrifying it is to have 100 million divine powers."

A pale tiger-shaped beast, with stripes on its body like ancient runes, said with frustration in its eyes: "I thought our power would have the upper hand in this Tianyuan world, but now it seems that we have become him 's plaything."

A brown, solid and thick boar beast with bulging muscles and a pair of curved fangs. It showed a wary expression and said: "We have to be careful not to attract his attention, otherwise, we may pay the price with our lives."

A tough rhinoceros beast, with thick skin and curved horns that made it look mighty, now tried to stay calm and said: "Calm down, everyone, maybe he is just a special case and will not attack us."

A huge centipede beast with many legs, its body covered with hard carapace, its eyes kept scanning around and said: "Don't forget, we also have our own power. Perhaps, we can unite and target all Can other weak humanoid intelligent beings be able to take care of all areas by himself and kill all of us?"

A huge flying dragon, its long neck and wings stretched in the air, with feather-like scales on its body. It tried to maintain its majesty and said: "His divine power may be very powerful, but we still have the numerical advantage of those with high divine power. We should not retreat easily."

At this time, although Chen Mo's divine power on the humanoid intelligent life has far exceeded that of everyone else, except for him, the overall divine power intensity of the humanoid intelligent life is far inferior to that of the animal-shaped intelligent life.

There are many people with high divine power among animal-shaped intelligent life forms, hundreds more than there are among human-shaped intelligent life forms.

Therefore, the remarks made by this animal-shaped intelligent life are quite constructive.

At this time, although some animal-shaped intelligent life forms still maintain an optimistic attitude, most of the animal-shaped intelligent life forms have begun to flee in all directions, fearing to encounter Chen Mo who possesses such huge divine power.

They hid in some remote locations as much as possible, fearing that if they were targeted by Chen Mo, they would become his prey and have their divine power taken away.

The entire force of beast-shaped intelligent beings was frightened by Chen Mo's huge divine power. They began to doubt, be afraid, or fearful. But in any case, Chen Mo's appearance has changed the balance of forces, making the beast-shaped intelligent beings in this Tianyuan world more powerful. I feel extremely small.

On the side of humanoid intelligent life, alien forces are shocking Chen Mo's strength, and people on Earth are also extremely horrified by Chen Mo's supernatural power.

Jiang Yun and the others also immediately sent a message to Chen Mo to inquire, wanting to see if they could replicate his successful case.

However, Chen Mo's case could not be replicated at all, so the possibility was directly rejected.

Although the three alliance leaders felt it was a pity, the appearance of such a Chen Mo on the earth was enough to shock all the foreign races in the Tianyuan world.

The Earth side doesn’t want to ask for too much.

Looking at the reminder from Tiandao, Chen Mo was also thinking a lot at this time.

With his current strength, he actually has no interest in dealing with some animal-shaped intelligent life to absorb divine power.

After all, the current divine power of these animal-shaped intelligent beings is really not worth mentioning in his eyes.

But he considered that he would soon go to the second floor of the Tower of Eternity. If he went to the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, he might not be able to come back in time when the animal-shaped intelligent life made trouble. .

After all, he still doesn't understand the rules of the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, so before going to the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, he still has to eradicate all animal-shaped intelligent life beings which is the safest option.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to continue to break through, but directly used Divine Flash towards the area where the animal-shaped intelligent life was, and instantly invaded the enemy's territory.

Once a humanoid intelligent life enters the territory of an animal-shaped intelligent life, it will not only be attacked by the animal-shaped intelligent life Destined People, but also the aborigines of the animal-shaped intelligent life.

As mentioned before, when different intelligent beings enter the other's intelligent life area, they will restrict the other's intelligent life's highest divine power according to the level of the area in Tianyuan World.

For example, if Chen Mo enters the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, an animalistic intelligent life, then Chen Mo will be restricted by the suppression of the upper limit of his divine power.

But even if he was suppressed, his divine power at this time was already far higher than all the animal-shaped intelligent life in this area.

As long as he wants, he can kill any animal-shaped intelligent life and absorb divine power.

When he came over, what Chen Mo saw was a completely different scene from the previous area of ​​humanoid intelligent life.

The area where animal-shaped intelligent lifeforms live has no houses, but a large natural landscape.

Chen Mo stepped into the territory of animal-shaped intelligent life and immediately fell into nature.

There are no high-rise buildings or streets, only vast wilderness extending to the mountains in the distance. This area is full of natural wilderness beauty.

The wilderness is covered with rolling green hills, surrounded by primitive woods, and is full of vitality.

The trees are huge, their roots are criss-crossing, the native vegetation is swaying in the wind, and the flowers and wild grasses are dotted among them, forming a magnificent natural picture.

Without the hustle and bustle of the city, the animal-shaped intelligent life here chooses to be close to nature, living in trees and nests, and relying on the food and water sources provided by nature.

Their lifestyle is simple and primitive, living by hunting and gathering, and inheriting the ancient way of life.

Here, each family has its own nest, and creeks and lakes become shared water sources, allowing them to live a quiet and simple life in nature.

The social structure among animal-shaped intelligent beings is based on tribes, emphasizing the close ties between families and tribes.

Family and community are the backbone of their lives, and they build a tight-knit group by facing the challenges of nature together.

Although it is completely different from the civilization of humanoid intelligent life, this territory of animal-shaped intelligent life exudes a unique and close-to-nature charm.

This place is full of primitive vitality and harmony. In this area, Chen Mo felt the profound charm of nature and the lifestyle of animal-shaped intelligent life integrating with nature.

Chen Mo quietly hid in the dark, observing the life scenes of animal-shaped intelligent beings.

These creatures resemble wild animals in appearance, with strong muscles, thick fur or scales, and sharp tusks.

They did not adopt humanoid-like tools or houses, but relied on nature's caves, meadows, and trees to meet their survival needs.

This group of animal-shaped intelligent beings gather together, cooperate with each other, live in nature, collect food, hunt prey, and meet their survival needs in a primitive way.

Among them, a strong animal-shaped intelligent life was walking out of the primitive woods. Its body was strong and powerful, and it proudly displayed its wild instincts.

In an open grassland, animal-shaped intelligent beings sat together and shared their hunting results. Some were preparing food, and some were discussing their recent hunting experiences.

Their lives are full of wildness and nature.

A mother teaches her children how to catch prey, imparting hunting skills.

This tribe emphasizes the importance of family and community, and is full of affection and cooperation.

The lifestyle of this tribe is completely different from that of humans, relying more on wild resources and the laws of nature.

They live in primitive ways and live in harmony with nature, which makes Chen Mo feel the uniqueness of different civilizations.

Although they are said to be hostile to each other, seeing other people living in such harmony, it seems a bit too cruel to just rush into their homes and kill them.

Just when Chen Mo was hesitating, a beast-shaped intelligent life with an extremely sensitive sense of smell had already discovered him.

In an instant, a tribe of animal-shaped intelligent beings all looked at him warily.

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little confused for a moment.

Being watched warily by this group of animal-shaped intelligent beings, he knew that although his divine power was much higher than theirs, in this environment, he was an outsider and an invader. As an Earth that had been invaded by the Eternal Star System As a Chinese who has been invaded and oppressed by foreign powers, Chen Mo knows very well the feeling of being invaded, and he does not want to replicate it again.

An old man in the animal form of intelligent life, possessing a strong leadership temperament, revealing wisdom and determination from his gaze.

He slowly approached Chen Mo, there was no hostility in his eyes, but a kind of understanding and respect.

"Stranger, you are a humanoid intelligent life. How come you have ended up in this place? This place is full of animal-shaped intelligent life, and they are quite hostile to humanoid intelligent life. Fortunately, our tribe is not like this, but I advise you to still Leave quickly." An old ape man with dry fur all over his body looked at Chen Mo and said in a low and powerful voice.

Chen Mo understood that now was not the time to show hostility, so he responded, "I have no ill intentions towards you aboriginal people. It's just that I came here because there are some enemies that I have to deal with, and my strength is not afraid of encountering strong enemies."

The old man sensed part of the divine power that Chen Mo deliberately revealed and nodded, "I know you have powerful divine power, but this is our territory and we must protect it. If you have no ill intentions, you can stay here for a short time, but please don't Hurt our tribe members."

Chen Mo readily agreed, "I will never hurt you. Don't worry, I just borrowed this place."

The reason why Chen Mo said this was because he found that after entering this area, most of his teleportation and perception abilities were restricted. Especially the teleportation ability was greatly restricted. As for his perception ability, it was not bad. At this time, he could only Traveled on its own. Therefore, it was inevitable that he would have to deal with aborigines who were intelligent creatures in the form of animals, but he did not want to kill these aborigines innocently.

For some reason, the old ape seemed to believe Chen Mo's words and led him directly into the tribe. Chen Mo felt their friendliness and enthusiasm.

He understands that even in different worlds, peace and understanding are precious.

Although hostile to each other, harmonious coexistence is possible.

When Chen Mo entered the tribe of animal-shaped intelligent beings, he was led to a large grassland. The grassland is surrounded by green trees, and the sunlight shines through the leaves on the ground, forming mottled light and shadow. Here, there is a huge round wooden table surrounded by a variety of ingredients.

Fresh wild fruits are placed on wooden plates, including red wild berries, purple wild cherries, and golden wild grapefruits.

These fruits look crystal clear and seem to contain drops of morning dew. Their aroma fills the entire venue and makes people salivate.

Not far away, a pile of nuts were spread out on the leaves, including almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts. Each type was carefully selected, and the shells were tender and easy to open, exuding a strong nutty aroma.

The most eye-catching thing is the rare birds and animals placed next to the fire.

The meat of these birds and small mammals is fresh and tender, and after roasting, the skin is crispy and tender.

Their aroma fills the air, and the smoky taste is mouth-watering.

One of the birds had gorgeous reddish-gold plumage, a plump body, and a faint smoky aroma to its flesh.

After seeing what the tribe used to entertain him, Chen Mo discovered that the taste of food for animal-shaped intelligent beings was really not much different from that of human-shaped intelligent beings.

Chen Mo sat at the wooden table and felt the aroma of these delicacies coming to his nostrils. He tasted the food and found that the fruits were sweet and juicy, the nuts were crispy and delicious, and the meat of those exotic animals was delicious, and the smoky taste in his mouth was intoxicating. Every bite of food is a treat, as if one is one with nature.

This delicious meal not only satisfied Chen Mo's appetite, but also served as a cultural exchange and the establishment of friendship.

At this reception banquet, Chen Mo experienced the enthusiasm and friendliness of animal-shaped intelligent life. These foods became a symbol of friendship and bridged the gap between them.

Because of this, Chen Mo even more eliminated the idea of ​​dealing with animal-shaped intelligent life forms indiscriminately.

People are just living a normal life in their own homes and do not threaten themselves at all. There is really no need to kill them.

But just when Chen Mo was thinking this, he suddenly saw an unusual animal-shaped intelligent life walking near the tribe of animal-shaped intelligent life.

Because there is a series of numbers on the head of this animal-shaped intelligent life, which means that it is a destined person! (End of chapter)

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