All-round Exercise System

Chapter 141: Grades

"Tens of thousands?" Liu Yumei opened her mouth slightly, her shell teeth were slightly exposed, and she was surprised that she had earned more than me in months.

" are going to play professional boxing before you reach adulthood?"

"No, it's not professional boxing. It's the owner, not the club."

With that said, Li Jingzhe roughly recounted his exchanges with Zhongwei Club.

After Liu Yumei listened, she didn't speak for a long time.

"Those are all businessmen, can you really believe what the businessmen say?" Finally, Liu Yumei couldn't help breaking the slightly heavy atmosphere.

"Don't worry, old class, I know it in my heart." Seeing the other party's worried expression, Li Jingzhe felt warm in his heart. "Although the other party does have some marketers, I am not a vegetarian."

"I have also investigated from the police uncle. The prestige and integrity of the Zhongwei Club are relatively high, and there is no negative news."

"Of course I didn't go boxing to make money. I mainly hope that I can embark on the real sports road of the Olympics."

"Olympics..." Liu Yumei's eyes were slightly distant when he heard this word full of honor.

But soon she recovered, staring at the fat boy in front of her and said:

"That said, how can you participate in the Olympics if you want to participate. Before becoming a national athlete, you have to go through layers of selection, right?"

Li Jingzhe nodded: "It is true, but I am still very confident in my own strength."

"The owner of the club also said that I am a very talented player, both in size and strength."

"And I have participated in dozens of boxing matches, and I have only lost less than ten games. The winning percentage is among the top three in our club."

"What's more, I am only sixteen years old now, and have great potential for development."

Seeing the young man's confident expression, Liu Yumei was silent for a while, and suddenly asked a question that surprised Li Jingzhe:

"Do you really like this sport?"

The expression on the boy's face was like someone asked him: "You really like going to school".

He lowered his head, rubbed his fingers, and then slowly said after a long time:

"In fact, people are not born to like something, whether it is learning or playing ~ Only if a person has achieved certain achievements in certain things, he has obtained a certain degree of satisfaction, and he will gradually You have to have a strong interest in this matter, and then really like these things."

Hearing such an answer, Liu Yumei was silent for a long time, and nodded in agreement:

"What you said is very reasonable. It seems that you already have the answer in your heart. Then why discuss with me?"

Li Jingzhe smiled and scratched the back of his head, and said, "Isn't it necessary to report to you in advance."

"In addition, if the head teacher understands me, if I really want to go this way in the future, my parents may also need your help..."

"After all, this is not an ordinary road. I believe that as a pair of ordinary parents, they might not be willing to see me embark on this unpredictable road."

Liu Yumei was silent for three full minutes this time, and the expression on her face changed from time to time.

In the end, she did not agree to Li Jingzhe, but she did not directly refuse. Instead, she said: "I can promise you, but only if you have to come up with the results that I promised you."

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