I just don't know if this red-robed ghost girl will startle the snake.

At this moment, Li Jingzhe can only shrink at the stairway and wait for the result quietly. Now he can't act rashly. After all, there are so many social cameras now.

If his behavior is too suspicious, then if he really kills this man, the police are likely to follow the vine and find him.

At that time, he might get into serious trouble, even if it wasn't his own hands.

Within ten minutes, Serena's figure reappeared in front of him, and at the same time, there was the red figure.

"How is it? Is everything she said true?" Li Jingzhe asked calmly while looking at the tall woman in front of him.

Serena didn't reply directly, instead she raised her right hand and shook it horizontally in front of Li Jingzhe, and suddenly an illusory light curtain appeared in front of the boy.

The light curtain in front of him is a bit similar to his blue light curtain, except that all kinds of pictures appear on it, not just the simple words like the blue light curtain.

At this moment, the picture shows a man Li Jingzhe has already met, punching and kicking an unfamiliar beautiful woman, and the woman’s mouth is sealed with tape, her hands and feet are also tied with ropes. The expression has long been numb.

How similar this scene was to the scene the woman in red showed him.

He doesn't need to believe in the ghost in red, but he will definitely believe in Serena from another world called by him.

In this way, given the evidence, the last thing Li Jingzhe had to do was to decide whether to kill or not.

He looked at the female ghost in front of him, and finally asked:

"Do you have to kill him? Send him to the police, the police will sentence him, and the law will punish the man. What do you think?"

To Li Jingzhe's disappointment, the woman in red stubbornly shook her head.

But to be honest, in fact, the other party's reaction did not surprise him.

After all, he paid the price of his life, so how could he be willing to just let this man go to jail for no more than seven years?

Although the other party didn't kill her directly, it forced her to commit suicide intolerably.

The cause of death all came from her husband, that is, this man with a beast.

Just when Li Jingzhe was hesitating, Serena, who was beside UU reading www.uukanshu.com, suddenly cooled her voice and said:

"You don't need to worry about anything. I have countless ways to kill this man invisibly. Just leave it to me."

"I don't deny that there are good men in your world, but **** like this is definitely not rare."

"Although such a person has a human appearance, it is more terrifying than the various monsters in my world."

"At least the appearance of people in my world is not bad."

"And in your world, although there are no terrifying monsters, the most terrifying are those who look like humans, but whose hearts are like wild beasts."

Speaking of this, Serena took a deep breath, then slowly spit out, reached out and patted Li Jingzhe on the shoulder, and said:

"Anyway, leave it to me. I will help this female ghost, not only kill this man, but at the same time, I will collect all the evidence of his crimes."

"In addition, I already understand the task you want to accomplish."

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