Almighty Technology Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 310: : Scientific Pig Production

If lithography is regarded as the second biggest problem in modern integrated circuit devices, then there is absolutely no other technology that dares to call it the first.

The role of photolithography is to project the shape of the photoresist onto a photoresist that is only a few dozen nanometers or even more accurate, thereby "copying" the circuit structure onto a silicon wafer. Of course, Ye Hua has decided to replace silicon with tin wafers. sheet.

The chip technology is commonly known as the flat printing process, which is easy to understand and the same as printing. This is why the chip is produced in large quantities, and the larger the quantity, the cheaper it is.

Because interference and diffraction have a great impact on the pattern projection, the requirements for the light source and the lens are extremely high. It can be said that the lithography machine is the most critical and difficult equipment in the production process of semiconductor chips.

The unit price of a high-end lithography machine is already 100 million euros. It has to be lined up to buy, and Huaxia is also lined up to spend money and not sell it.

This is due to the restrictions of the United States-led "Wassenaar Agreement". High-end lithography machines will not be exported to Huaxia people. They can only buy low-end and mid-range products from ASML. No matter how high the price is, they cannot buy the most advanced ones.

For example: Intel, Samsung, and TSMC will be able to buy ASML10 nanometer-level lithography machines in 2015, while Huaxia will only be able to buy ASML32 nanometer-level lithography machines in 2015.

Five years is enough for the semiconductor industry to update the market more than three times, plus Intel's squeeze toothpaste.

Until now, Huaxia has only been able to buy 12 nanometer-level lithography machines. In fact, the most advanced lithography machines have reached 5 nanometers, which is still behind the gap of three or even four generations.

Originally, in 2018, ASML had to deliver a 7-nanometer EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography machine. As a result, an "accidental" fire was yellowed out, and then dragged on. It was more than two years. This year was originally It is about to be delivered, and now there is such a thing. This thing is probably a cool rhythm. The 7-nanometer lithography machine doesn't need much fantasy.

In contrast, among the best lithography machine manufacturers in China, Shangdu Microelectronics Equipment (SMEE) has mass-produced lithography machines, the best performing technology can only reach 90 nanometers, which is equivalent to the Pentium listed in 2004. At the level of four CPUs, and due to the advent of PHC abroad, Intel has already pulled out 5 nanometer chips.

The gap between them is not a tiny bit.

Because of this, the high-end lithography machines required by domestic wafer fabs are completely dependent on imports. It depends on the face of foreigners. If you are in a good mood, you will give it. If you are in a bad mood, you will be dragged out. If you are in a bad mood, you will not give it directly. The friendship boat really said to turn over for you.

This time, Shangdu Microelectronics also joined the Semiconductor Industry Alliance to become a member of the CSAC system. If ASML's lithography machine level is the king, SMEE is a silver grade, at most it can not be higher.

In fact, in this team of Ye Hua, in addition to a few such as Huawei Hisilicon, dozens of others ... Reasonably, basically belong to the paddling bastard, waiting for the great **** to lie down and take off.

The team is not easy to bring, there is no better way for Ye Hua, otherwise what else can we do.

I can only get taller in the short. These gold and silver are relatively the best, and there is no better, and the latter group is more bronze, scrap iron, and I ca n’t count on it, even if I shout 666, I ’m too lazy. It's just that.

Alas, the team is not good.

It can be said that this team of Ye Hua is a king and three masters, of which two are sailors, and the rest are a group of gold and silver.

Then take such a team and a group of PK all composed of kings ...

No wonder the outside world is very pessimistic.

But for Ye Hua, an optimist, it's not all bad. There are good things. His teammates are too dishy, ​​at least they know their dish, and they will obey the words of the gods.


In a villa area next to the Zifeng Research and Development Center, Ye Hua was more frequently in the Zifeng R & D center during this time. Naturally, he also arranged a temporary residence here, but it will not be long.

It was night. Ye Hua stayed at Zifeng tonight.

In the living room, Beichuan sister-in-law brewed a cup of hot tea and placed it on the nearby table, then sat beside him with a curious look and watched him operate the floating screen in front of her. She knew a little about technology but still She couldn't reach the professional level. After all, her expertise was not technical development, but she also saw that the holographic display in front of Ye Hua was a mathematical model.

"What is this?" Kitagawa said boringly, holding her jaw.

"Logic architecture." Ye Hua said a moment, thinking for a moment, then looked at her and laughed: "The chip design that is being conquered, the volume is reduced, and the power consumption is reduced by 98% ... Imagine the PHC server-level chip Will it be brutal when used on a watch or a mobile phone? Integrated super CPU chips will dry up Intel. "

However, Ye Hua said that she didn't care about it at all, and immediately shifted the topic, Jiao Didi said, "It's too late, go to bed."

She was wearing a silk nightdress, **** and charming, still seductive.

There was an unveiled charming state here, which successfully evoked Ye Hua's appetite.

However, at this moment, the phone rang, and Ye Hua opened it. It was quite a surprise. It was Bob Swan, the head of Intel Corporation. When he answered the phone, Ye Hua had a plan After a brief operation on the holographic display, he turned to look at Aya Kitagawa: "First take a call, then have supper."

"Hate ~~ People aren't your supper." Beichuan **** strangely.

However, Ye Hua has got up and left the living room and ran to the balcony to answer the phone. She suddenly glanced at it and confirmed that she immediately took out a small U disk from the heel of the high heel.

Connected to the port of PHC, quickly and skillfully called up a few floating panels, and then began to download data.

As time passes, the speed of 5G networks is not generally fast.

From time to time, she secretly glanced at the balcony, and glanced at Yu Guang with a pair of eyes every second or two. Ye Hua's less clear conversation came from the balcony, and she seemed to be arguing fiercely with the other end of the phone.

"Hurry up, hurry ..." Beichuan sister-in-law was very guilty now, and finally had an opportunity, Hao teeth biting on her lower lip and muttering. At this moment, she could feel her heart pounding.

She understands legal affairs and Chinese law. She knows that if this matter is revealed, she may face a prison sentence of more than 20 years and a fine of more than 100 million US dollars, no matter which one she cannot bear.

At the balcony, Ye Hua said to the communicator, "... Mr. Swan, do you want me to dissolve the CSAC system? Sorry, but it is difficult to follow. Others can be discussed. There is no room for negotiation on this issue. I must give it to me. The partners explained ... you said they would automatically quit with force majeure? That's nothing to say, that's their business. "

The other end of the phone: "Sorry, then we have to respond accordingly ... Listen to Mr. Ye, we really don't have to be so rigid. You have overreacted to this recently, and the news will soon If it calms down, things will be put to rest, most ... "

Before Bob finished speaking, Ye Hua hung up the phone and walked to the living room. His eyes fell on Beichuan sister-in-law, and he returned to his original position to sit down. Beichuan sister-in-law next to him was as quiet as ever.

Ye Hua patted her hips suddenly: "Go to the bed, I want to eat hot."

"Obviously ~" Beichuan sister-in-law gave her a charming and charming look ~ ~ but also obediently got up and went to the bedroom.

Looking at her leaving the living room, Ye Hua retracted her gaze and immediately called up a display panel to enter the hidden background. A series of information came to his eyes. Data records showed that the "TSI" file was downloaded once a minute ago.

Ye Hua couldn't help but sigh: "This **** stunner is really not polite to me, a whole 47.5 G of data."

Really will seize the opportunity, as long as she is given the opportunity to take advantage of it, she will certainly take advantage of it, and her courage is also very bold.

Broken the connection to the cloud private server, closed the holographic display, Ye Hua got up and walked to the bedroom, stolen so much that she couldn't bear it, and punished her severely.

Xiaohua, who has n’t had a meal for a few weeks, ate directly to Fanghua this evening ...

Zhao Ling Saitama said

New week, ask for a recommendation, today three more ~~

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