American fame and fortune

Chapter 143 Conscience

On the second floor of an office near the entrance of Warner Studios, Menet was rubbing his hands nervously. Looking out of the window, he could see many reporters and paparazzi blocking the entrance of Warner Studios.

He returned to Los Angeles after filming "Land of the Living Dead" three days ago, and the boss gave him a big gift to appear in front of the media.

Manager Munir is also a black man. He came over and said, "Don't be nervous, you don't often say that big scenes are trivial to you."

Mene squeezed out a smile, which was uglier than crying.

Publicity director Parker asked Martin: "Is he not mentally well?"

Martin said: "He has a very good mental quality, but he didn't adjust for a while. From obscurity to becoming a celebrity in the media all of a sudden, it takes a process of adaptation."

Parker understood this, and many people suddenly became famous, their mentality collapsed, and they fell into the cliff.

Martin said at this time: "Mene, can you do it? No, don't force it. I'll go to someone else. The kangaroo you beat up in Australia is more relaxed than you are now."

Mene came over: "I haven't experienced it before."

Martin pointed to Bruce: "You have memorized the manuscript, what are you afraid of? Do you want Lao Bu to accompany you? Let him support you behind your back?"

"No, no." Mene quickly shook his head: "Munir just stay with me."

Martin lowered his voice: "Man, think back to those people you have served, your swollen lips and tongue, you are so poor that you want to live with Lao Bu, isn't this the opportunity you have been waiting for?"

Mene pursed her lips and nodded silently.

These are not very useful, Martin frowned, and suddenly thought of something: "Are you afraid of those bitches in the media? Dude, don't I remind you to remember that you have nuclear weapons!"

Mene looked at the back of his hand and his complexion, and said, "Yes, I have nuclear weapons."

He raised his head and straightened his waist: "I have nuclear weapons!"

Except for Bruce, no one else at the scene understood what this meant.

Mene called on Munir: "Let's go out and do those bitches in the media!"

Munir followed Menet out of Warner Studios.

Just after leaving the security post, the flashing lights suddenly exploded and almost blinded people.

Munir is just a small manager of a small company, and has never experienced such a scene, so he subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes.

Paparazzi reporters swarmed.

"Do you still have a relationship with Paris?"

"Tell me about your experience in Australia!"

"Why did Paris fall in love with you?"

This question fell on his ears, and Mene almost released the nuclear weapon on the spot, but the nuclear weapon was the bottom of the box after all, so he held back forcefully.

The unreliable agent of the coward was squeezed to the periphery by the paparazzi.

Menei regretted not letting Lao Bu follow him.

It's good to support him from the back.

Parker, the crew's publicity director, had already made arrangements. Several big-armed studio security guards rushed out and erected a human wall between Menet and the paparazzi reporters.

Mene breathed a sigh of relief and shouted: "You are so messed up, I can't answer."

The paparazzi reporters present all had experience. After the initial stage of rushing up, they were adjusting the order themselves, because no one would get news if the chaos continued.

It gradually quieted down here.

"You want to know about me and Paris, I can tell you, free of charge, no money."

Uncle Mene was bold once, and when he was actually in front of the paparazzi media, he found that he was not as nervous as he imagined, and said loudly: "This was a mistake that shouldn't have happened, but Paris is young and beautiful, you all know that."

The male reporters at the scene smiled knowingly.

Obviously, all have seen the tapes.

Mene continued: "Paris is so beautiful and sexy, and she took a thick pile of money and threw it on my face." He spread his hands, very helpless: "You guys, what can I do? Who can say no to a normal person? ?”

These guys nodded slowly, expressing their understanding, don't talk about giving money, they will rush forward if they don't give money.

"Later I returned the money to her. I'm not that kind of person, Meine!" Meine's chest thumped loudly: "I think love has arrived, but it turns out that love comes and goes quickly."

A female reporter was annoyed and said, "Why did Paris choose you?"

Mene said with a smile: "Because Paris was teasing the male kangaroo during filming, it was dangerous anyway, I rushed to seduce... No, I attracted the kangaroo and saved Paris. I thought the hero saved the beauty, Love comes and it doesn't."

He asked some random questions again, some reporters shouted to take pictures, Mene put out a POSS, and asked the reporters to take enough pictures.

Then he got into the car and left under the escort of security personnel.

Two hours later, Mene returned to Warner Studios, and found Martin in the coffee shop of the studio.

"Boss, I give my performance full marks!" Mene came in and ran across to Martin: "You are so right, those people are not as tough as Australian kangaroos."

Martin added: "In the follow-up, let your agent maintain communication with the crew. Susan Levine is a very good producer and will supervise and produce more film projects in the future."

Mene nodded frequently: "I understand, I understand, boss, what's the matter for you in the future, just a word."

Just as they were talking, Louise and Susan Levin entered the coffee shop.

Susan glanced at Mene: "I remember you, the crew played a supporting role and did a good job."

Mene took out his business card and sent it over: "Ma'am, if you need anything, just call me, I'll be there for you."

Susan put it away.

Mene winked: "Talk, I have something to do."

Louise pulled out the chair, sat beside Martin, and said, "You have so many ideas."

Susan sat across from Louise, and laughed: "The feasibility is not bad."

Martin asked the two what to drink, and said, "Susan, you made my idea feasible. Without you, it's just a fantasy."

Susan kicked Louise: "Did you hear that, you speak so nicely, better than Donnie."

Louise's long brows raised: "Is the person I like wrong?"

Susan finished her cup of coffee and said, "I'm going to work."

Martin and Louise sat together for a while.

Louise said, "Walk with me."

The two left the cafe and walked along the road with the most palm trees.

Louise asked, "Have you been planning for Paris for a long time?"

Of course Martin would not admit it: "Is it necessary to plan? Isn't it normal for her to do this series of things?"

Louise didn't ask further: "Actually, the box office of this film is very good. The actress earns the most money as an actor. You won't get much benefit."

She suddenly thought of a possibility: "Because I participated in the platter? You want to repay me?"

Martin just said: "I'm not as good as the heroine, but it's still good. I played the number two role. The box office of the film is high. When other crews use me, at least they won't reject me as a commercial failure."

Louise said: "If the film's box office market responds well, it will be regarded as another debt you owe me."

Martin deliberately asked: "Didn't you pay off last time?"

Louise didn't speak, and walked forward with her head held high.

Martin had inquired elsewhere about "Alexander," which opens in November.

Pacific Pictures participated in the platter investment. Although most of the funds for the platter came from various foundations, if the film failed miserably, he estimated that it would have a great negative impact on Pacific Films.

If "House of Wax" turns out to be a good one, bad drunks should be better off.

Martin didn't say much, and accompanied Louise on the road.

After a while, Louise reminded: "The manager has prepared a promotional article for you, right? If the film succeeds at the box office, you are the leading actor. If it fails, you are just a supporting role."

Martin said, "I understand."

The promotion of "House of Wax Museum" has been steadily advancing, and some newly released films have been posted before the screening to warm up the market in advance.

TV and Internet promotional videos have also been released one after another.

Posters, road shows, trailers, various media advertisements and outdoor advertisements, etc., there are also many conventional publicity methods.

This movie is a remake of an old horror movie, and it has a bit of appeal among people over 25 years old.

The Paris publicity plan focused on by the crew is also advancing steadily.

Twenty days before the premiere in North America, the distributor Warner Bros. held a viewing meeting for theater managers and media.

The former has an estimated market value score of 65 points, which is a medium level in traditional American massacre horror films.

Warner Bros. easily won 3,220 North American theaters for the film.

This is considered to be a relatively high opening theater among R-rated horror films.

At the beginning of October, all kinds of publicity began to exert force, especially Kim Kardashian broke out more violent news, such as Paris was extremely narcissistic, and she deliberately called the paparazzi when she went out to play, asking them to follow her.

And she went to see reproductive diseases several times, and even the people around her didn't tell the truth, suspecting that she was suffering from certain diseases because of blue glue.

Paris' manager Steve also stood up, declaring that he had had enough of Paris's various demonic behaviors and wanted to resign from his managerial position.

Gradually, there is a voice on the Internet, want to see Paris Hilton get the punishment she deserves? Go see House of Wax in theaters.

Followed by the wax figure poster released by the crew.

One week before the premiere, the crew made a big move.

A female anchor of Warner TV lashed out at the media for pursuing Paris Hilton. She refused to read Paris-related news during the show, and even took out a lighter to burn the press release, but was stopped by her colleagues.

Then she said in the show: "I will definitely go to "House of Wax Museum" to see how that lawless woman is executed in the movie! It will at least make me comfortable for many days."

The next day, Paris' lawyer sent her a lawyer's letter.

This matter was dragged out again.

Mene was also invited to the TV show, facing the camera lens, telling the story of how he and Paris Hilton bonded through a kangaroo.

Loyal Kardashian spread across America, good and bad, she's already famous.

In an interview show, Kardashian announced that she was preparing to publish a book, and the title of the book was already thought out-"What Paris Hilton and I Have to Say".

As long as you find a suitable way of publicity and marketing, there is no need to doubt Hollywood's ability to execute.

Even after death, people can be dragged out to realize it.

In contrast, the regular publicity of Martin and Eliza is much smaller.

But how much does matter.

Martin's blog has been hosted by Thomas and is updated two to three times a week.

After the relevant promotional materials of "House of Wax Museum" were posted on the blog, there were at least hundreds of comments saying that they would go to the theater to support it.

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