American fame and fortune

Chapter 150 For popularity

The main cast and crew of the crew gathered together, and the champagne tower was piled up as high as one person. Susan Levin stepped on the elevator to the high place, took the large bottle of champagne from Robert Downey Jr., and poured it down.

There was warm applause from the audience.

At this moment, the crew was extremely harmonious, there was no noise at all, as if there had been no fights during the preparation, filming, and release.

Because the loser of the battle is not eligible to participate in the celebration party.

The waiter delivered champagne to everyone.

Susan exclaimed, "Here's to success!"

Everyone, including Martin, raised their glasses and drank together.

Laughter and joy.

Holding a glass of wine, Martin found Susan, who introduced him to the president of Silver Films, her immediate boss, Joe Silver.

This is one of the most famous producers in Hollywood, masterpieces of Die Hard and The Matrix trilogy.

However, he is already in his eighties and retired from front-line work after The Matrix.

For a young man like Martin, Joe Silver is not cold. Over his 50-year career, he has seen too many people of all kinds.

After a few greetings from Martin, he left the celebration party.

Robert Downey Jr. came over at this moment, hugged Martin's shoulders, and said with a bit of bossy air: "Dude, your role is not bad, and you have a bit of my style back then."

Martin clinked glasses with him, telling the truth: "You have won the Oscar nomination for best actor, and I am far behind."

Downey was short, and it was uncomfortable to hold Martin's shoulders for a long time. He took the initiative to let go of his hand and said politely: "Someday when you are free, let's have a drink together."

"No problem." Martin could distinguish between sincere invitation and polite words.

He left this side and found Zomi Shirra.

Completely different from the uneasiness when the film was first released, Zomi was so excited at the moment that he almost had a successful director written on his face.

Martin smiled and said, "How many are you looking for tonight?"

The two old women had a tacit understanding: "Don't look for ordinary ones, we will go to Avalon together after the party, let's compare and see who can catch a famous actress."

Martin is full of confidence: "Dude, success makes you forget who you are facing. You are standing opposite the Hollywood lover, Georgia's most handsome man. You will lose."

Zomi laughed: "I now have a director halo bonus!"

Martin couldn't help scratching his head: "Is it good to talk about civilization and quality? Picking up girls depends on means, not profession."

Mene heard it not far away, and came to join in the fun: "How about counting me in?"

Martin sighed: "Zomi, we are doomed. Mene's damage to middle-aged and elderly women is at the level of nuclear bombs."

Zomi was in a good mood, and deliberately asked Mene: "Aren't you going to win back Paris' heart?"

Menet is like a poet: "The lost love is destined to be irreversible."

Representatives of several investors came over to have a drink with the three of them.

According to them, the Wax Museum can recover its investment by box office alone, and the later video tapes, TV broadcasts and DVDs are pure profits.

Horror films are a popular genre in offline markets such as videotapes and DVDs.

Thomas is here tonight, and he feels that he is clearly valued. Talk to anyone on the set, and no one is willing to say a few words to him.

Even Eliza Cuthbert's agent, Victor, came over to repeat the old story.

"The movie is a big hit. Martin and Eliza are the leading actors and actresses, and they had a relationship." Little stars need to keep their popularity the most, and Victor suggested again: "It's the most appropriate to get together again."

Thomas thought so too, but he still said the same thing: "You must promise not to force others to be vegetarians, and not to talk about vegetarianism, so that I can talk to Martin."

Victor said: "Eliza is going to take vegetarianism and environmental protection as the direction of her social activities."

The two sides couldn't talk about each other, so Thomas quietly found Martin, came to the resting place, and briefly talked about what happened just now.

Martin had already made a decision: "Don't bother."

Thomas reminded: "As the popularity of the film decreases, your attention will also decrease. You have just become famous, and there is no problem of marketing and overexposure. Before Geshan Youyan is released, it is very important to maintain a certain degree of exposure and topicality. Is necessary."

"Romance is the way to go, right?" Martin asked.

Thomas nodded: "It's better than Leonardo. When there is no work, he also uses this method to maintain exposure."

Martin suddenly realized: "There is also this advantage of changing girlfriends frequently."

"Your idea is too different from Eliza's, and Paris is a pit, neither of which is suitable." Thomas sincerely suggested: "Martin, you are known as the most talented person in Zuozhou, use all your skills, Go pick up a female celebrity."

Martin asked, "Isn't the bigger the better?"

Thomas said: "Of course, if you can get an Oscar queen, you will be hotter than Menet."

Martin has self-knowledge: "Except for Kate, other first-line actresses will not talk to me. Kate is married, and she is also Louise's friend. It is not appropriate."

Two well-dressed guys were discussing how to catch the attention of female stars.

Thomas thought for a while: "I'll inquire within the company and see if there are any famous actresses under other managers who want to use your current popularity to create a topic, but there is little hope."

What can Martin say if the agent is so concerned: "I usually pay attention to this aspect, there are so many stars in Los Angeles, maybe one day I will meet an opportunity."

"Look for the target, don't be afraid of embarrassment, rush up and stalk..." Before he finished speaking, Thomas consciously shut up and slapped his forehead: "You should teach me, not me."

After the party, Martin, Mene, Zomi and Bruce drove to the Sunset Boulevard and came to the Avalon Bar to start the second half.

Just sitting in front of the bar, a woman in her 40s suddenly came over.

She took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Mene: "Are you interested in having a drink with me?"

Menet glanced at the woman's Hermes bag and Patek Philippe watch, and said in one gulp, "No problem."

The two went to the booth on the second floor.

Martin praised: "As expected of a middle-aged killer."

Bruce put down his glass and said, "Mene is famous now, hotter than you and Zomi combined."

Zomi regained her confidence: "I see, she wants to try the one Paris used..."

Bruce reminded: "Aren't you two going to compete? If you lose, you will have a treat tonight. I will watch and be the referee."

Nothing else, he looked around, he was stunned that there was no one with a bigger butt than Jin.

Avalon and the opposite Grapevine Manor are the night spots that Hollywood celebrities love to come to.

Many female celebrities also like to come here for a drink.

Legend has it that it was here that Sandra Bullock met Ryan Gosling, who was 16 years younger than her. After nearly two years of dating, Gosling's career advanced by leaps and bounds.

Thinking of Thomas' words, Martin turned his eyes around the room. Without Nicole Kidman and Charlize Theron, it would be fine to have Halle Berry to let him practice.

Anyway, he has a thick skin, and he doesn't feel ashamed if he fails.

Oscar queen's thigh, which little actor doesn't want to hug?

Zomi was the first to find the target. He had just achieved a great success. His confidence soared, he winked at Martin, and walked towards a booth with a wine glass in his hand.

There were several women, most notably Penelope Cruz.

Martin didn't get anything on the first floor, so he turned his eyes to the second floor, and soon stopped at the booth diagonally opposite.

There sat a young actress with bright eyes and bright teeth and a sweet smile.

Martin tidied up his clothes a little, got up and went up to the second floor, and looked at it as he walked there. The young Anne Hathaway was indeed very beautiful as long as she didn't laugh out loud.

How should I strike up a conversation? It's not going to bother old... no, it's not going to bother the most talented man in Atlanta.

Martin took the car key, hooked it in his hand, and played with it. When passing by Anne Hathaway, he loosened his fingers slightly, and the key was thrown out, and it hit Anne Hathaway's desk with a bang.

Including Annie, the three girls at the same table were startled.

Martin turned around quickly, his face full of embarrassment: "Sorry, I was careless..."

When he saw Annie, he froze for a moment, and said with obvious surprise: "You are... you are Princess Mia!"

Seems like a fan of an idol, at a loss: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Such a good-looking sunny man apologized sincerely, and the three girls didn't take what happened just now to their hearts.

Annie picked up the key and handed it to Martin: "It's okay, be careful next time."

Martin took the keys and put them away, and hurriedly rummaged through his pockets, "Why didn't I bring my notebook? Damn it, why didn't I bring my notebook!"

When he saw the tissue box on the table, he pointed: "Your Highness, can you leave me an autograph?"

Anne Hathaway pulled out a tissue, signed it, and handed it to Martin.

"Thank you." Martin folded it carefully, and put it away solemnly. The first step has been successful, and he immediately started the second step: "I'm very sorry for disturbing you just now. I invite you all to have a drink as an apology. Please give me a chance to apologize. .”

A fan of Princess Mia, a personable and handsome man, a man who speaks so politely and well-bred, it is hard for people to refuse.

Besides, this is his due apology.

The other two girls looked at Annie, and Annie nodded slightly: "You are too polite."

Martin called the waiter, asked each of the three girls what they wanted to drink, and then ordered four glasses of wine.

One of the glasses was of course his own.

When the wine was served, Martin pulled out the chair logically and sat on the table.

He raised his glass: "Thank you three for forgiving my stupid mistakes."

Annie took the lead, and the other two girls also raised their glasses and drank together.

Martin took the initiative to find a topic: "Mia..."

Anne Hathaway shook her head lightly: "You should call me Anne."

"It's my luck to meet Anne tonight." Martin introduced himself: "My name is Martin Davis, and I'm also an actor."

"Anne-Hathaway." Anne nodded with a smile.

Two other girls also introduced themselves, one named Laura and the other Sandy.

Annie was curious: "Are you an actor? I think you look familiar."

"I was in House of Wax, which just came out," Martin said in good time.

Sandy is just a small actor: "It turns out that you are a star just like Annie."

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