American fame and fortune

Chapter 161 Lighting a Fire

The pickup truck turned into the parking lot. Martin looked at the small building not far away. There were many paparazzi gathered at the entrance of the building.

These guys have a very good sense of smell.

For every actor per capita in Los Angeles, there are also news informants per capita.

Bruce called and said, "Mené's agent, Munir, and his lawyer are already inside."

Martin opened the door and got out of the car, walked towards the office building with Bruce, ignored the paparazzi reporters, and entered the office building.

After explaining their purpose, a civil servant immediately led them into an office.

Munir and the lawyer are waiting here.

"Is he all right?" Martin asked.

Munir said: "He is very nice, and he can leave after paying the bail."

Martin asked directly: "How far is it?"

"I collected a part of it, and part of Mene's salary is still there." Munir said quickly: "There is still a shortfall of 5,000 US dollars."

Martin wrote a $5,000 check to Munir, and Munir and his lawyer went to apply for bail.

After a while, the two led Mene out.

When Mene saw Martin, he lowered his head: "Boss..."

"It's fine." Martin walked out first: "Get out of here first."

He reminded again: "There are paparazzi and reporters outside."

Mene slowed down a little: "Boss, you and Lao Bu go first, I will go out later."

"Meeting at the fitness center in North Hollywood." Martin and Bruce went first.

When the two got into the car, Meine just came out of the building, and the paparazzi reporters were excited, and the microphone wanted to be stuffed into Meine's mouth.

Bruce smiled heartlessly: "He grabbed the headlines again."

Martin shook his head: "This kind of headline is unnecessary."

When he came to the fitness club, Bruce opened a separate lounge. After waiting for a while, Mene and Munir walked in together.

Martin ordered some wine and snacks: "Sit wherever you want."

Mene wept bitterly: "Victoria is too unprofessional, I won't tell you when I've had enough fun, and I'm still going to be arrested!"

Martin said, "Fishing."

Bruce knows a lot: "The FBI often does this, using fake news on the Internet to catch traffickers or perverts..."

Munir interjected, "Lawyer, the bail intermediary, he said that Mene danced too much on the Paris matter and was already on the LAPD's radar."

Martin asked Menet, "I remember you saying you never took her money."

Mene was very helpless: "This time she secretly stuffed $100 into my pocket, and I didn't pay attention at all! $100, I'm worth $100!"

Bruce asked: "They didn't ask anything else? Like your club?"

"No." Mene said: "Someone warned me not to talk nonsense, my nuclear weapon might kill me if I didn't understand it, so I didn't say a word."

Bruce said: "Fortunately, you are not stupid, don't be fooled by external publicity, they don't behave very well."

Martin asked Munir, "What did the lawyer say?"

Munir asked carefully, and said, "In the end, it should be a high fine, probation, and community service."

Martin reminded Mene: "It's better not to go to that club of yours. Be more stable recently, and don't get caught and hurt your feet again."

Mene lowered his head and said, "Boss, I will obey you." He vowed, "I will return the money to you as soon as possible."

Martin waved his hand: "If you have an audition opportunity, you audition normally, and when you don't, you assist the crew in the pre-planning work."

Munir was just a small agent. He kicked Mene and said, "I'll keep an eye on him. If he dares to act recklessly, I'll sell it to Mexico!"

Mene got tired of being played with first, and then was arrested for a job, and the usual escape was gone: "I will report to the studio tomorrow."

Munir left first.

Mene went out the back door of the fitness center alone, looked back, and said to himself: "I thought the boss would throw me away."

Not to mention helping the boss register the studio, even if he faces 20 people over 50 years old, he will rush forward for the boss Martin.

No matter how much, you have to think about it, after all, it is related to your life.

In the lounge, Martin couldn't help but said, "LAPD is also playing so well."

Bruce shrugged: "Public funds are used to enjoy the body and mind. You don't think LAPD is a person who is both law-abiding and professional?"

Martin smiled: "How could that be?"

Because of the short time, he still remembers reading a piece of news before he suffocated, that the Los Angeles officials disclosed or leaked all the information on the undercover list of LAPD.

What a ridiculous thing this is. Those LAPDs in special positions will probably doubt their lives.

Bruce added: "A friend of mine in the military said that the biggest gang organization in Los Angeles is the LAPD."

The next day, with the cooperation of professional organizations, Mene registered and established a separate accounting studio for "Wanted Warrant", which rented a small studio in Warner Studios.

Buying out the copyright of the comics, screenwriter Michael Bradt's screenwriting fees, and various other expenses and reserves, Martin has invested 700,000 US dollars in the project, which will be fully accounted for in the film production cost.

Counting various labor and management expenses incurred during the period, at least 2 million US dollars must be invested.

This is definitely a conscience price in Hollywood.

The six major companies like Warner Bros. operate the assortment project and produce a film of 50 million US dollars. If they don't incur a management fee of 5 million US dollars, they are ashamed to say hello to the other five Hollywood companies.

Martin is very clear that he needs to climb up now, and needs to be a word-of-mouth operation brand, and he can't go too far.

To put it bluntly, deceit and abduction also need signs and strength.

After the news of the recruitment of directors and action directors was released, the studio quickly received more than 20 resumes.

Martin has never heard of most of the names, and there is no work that can be sold in the past.

He didn't dare to take too many risks and use directors who had no successful experience.

In this regard, Martin can only discuss with Louise.

Wearing black-rimmed glasses, Louise carefully read the director's resume brought by Martin, and said directly: "There may be talented, capable and dreamy directors among them, but they haven't proved themselves, so their talents are worthless. , if the investment is only a million dollars, we can take risks, but at the tens of millions of dollars level, all these people pass.”

Martin has experienced torture from dream to reality in his previous life, so he agrees with Louise's statement: "I would rather spend more money to hire a director with successful experience than take the risk of using a talented newcomer."

"What about John Wu? He's very good at shoot-out action movies," he asked.

"John Wu from Hong Kong?" Louise thought about it carefully, shaking her head slowly: "His personal style is too strong, especially in the genre of gunfights. Do you think he will make a cool and innovative film?" A shootout action movie, or another John Wu-esque movie?"

Martin has seen too many John Woo-style shootout action movies.

At this moment, flying white doves, solemn churches, dance-like romantic movements and gun battles seemed to flash before my eyes.

"The latter is more likely," Martin said.

Louise reminded: "He is a mature director who has been famous for many years, his style has already been established, it is difficult to change, and forcing him to change is unpredictable."

Martin nodded: "I see."

Nikki knocked on the door and came in, saying, "Thomas Lane is here."

"Thank you." Martin got up and left Louise's office to go downstairs to Davis's studio.

Thomas was waiting in the inner room of the office. When he saw Martin, he said, "It's nothing important. I just sent Oscar Isaac to the studio for an audition. I passed by here and just came over to have a look."

Martin sat on the sofa and said, "I remember he was another client of yours?"

Thomas specifically said: "Latinos are completely different from your acting style."

Martin nodded, and lit the fire for Thomas at the right time: "A few days ago, Mike Vogel's agent Pinto approached me."

Thomas said, "The matter of the poisonous snake has nothing to do with you..."

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly realized that his face was somewhat tense, he quickly adjusted his breathing, and asked pretending to be relaxed, "About your brokerage contract?"

Martin said directly: "That's right, Pinto wants me to choose him as my exclusive agent after the expiration of the agency contract. Also, he promised to fight for me for the 20th Century Fox's A-class production, a Leading actor in an epic directed by A-list director Ridley Scott."

Thomas couldn't help but grab the armrest of the sofa, he didn't have the ability to do so for the male protagonist of a major A-type production.

That was Ridley Scott. The last epic blockbuster "Gladiator" not only sold well at the box office, but also made Russell Crowe the Oscar winner.

Even though Thomas's brain was spinning rapidly, he didn't know what to say for a while: "Martin, he's just drawing cakes for you..."

"I rejected him!" Martin said righteously: "I have never forgotten that when I first came to Los Angeles, it was you who helped me gain a firm foothold and let me settle down in Los Angeles."

Inexplicably, Thomas let go of his hanging heart.

Martin's words were resounding: "Thomas Ryan, we are golden partners!"

Thomas suddenly felt that he owed Martin a little bit, a leading actor in a major production of A category!

At least Martin has a chance to compete.

As for myself, I couldn't even find a chance to compete.

Thomas gritted his teeth secretly, with a resolution he had never had before: "Martin, I assure you that within a year, even if I go to sell my ass and accompany old men and old women, I will still win you an important role in quasi-A productions." !I swear!"

He dare not talk too much, because quasi-A is the limit he can hope to touch.

Martin said seemingly casually, "Just do your best."

The fire is on, and Martin is not only talking, but also taking practical actions: "If the "Wanted" project can work, there are roles suitable for your other clients, just ask."

Thomas smiled and said, "No problem, I won't be polite to you."

Martin asked again: "Does the company have a suitable shooter action director?"

"I released the news, but I haven't responded yet." Thomas thought for a while: "The company has a lot of director clients, the biggest names are Eastwood, Michael Bay, and Mel Gibson. Kurt, Guillermo del Toro, Brad Bird and others who are well-known, I have notified the agent."

Martin knew that there was no need to rush this matter, and said: "You should pay more attention to the company." He emphasized: "Directors with similar successful resumes."

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