American fame and fortune

Chapter 170 Give You A Little Star

Beverly Hills, Jody was riding a motorcycle, turned towards the main entrance of the Hilton Hotel, and parked beside the flower bed.

Taking off the helmet and picking up the camera, she happened to see Martin and Annie get out of the car and walk into the hotel hand in hand.

Jody instinctively pressed the camera shutter, and said in his heart: "Don't come out, the dog and the man are going to spend the night together!"

These paparazzi are more anxious for gossip news than the parties concerned.

After waiting for more than half an hour, Martin never came out.

Jody found a place to sit and waited while he figured out what to write about the gossip.

It didn't take long for her to think of an appropriate title: Martin Davis holding hands with Hollywood princess Anne Hathaway, this is what love should be like...

Jody is a good and dedicated paparazzi. He not only takes pictures, but also sets up a gossip column on an entertainment website. When he sees people who won’t come out for a while, he takes out his pen and notebook, finds a streetlight, and follows the idea just now. composition.

Those who work hard will always be rewarded.

After a while, a tall figure suddenly covered the overhead lights.

Jody quickly closed the book to prevent her colleagues from copying her ideas. When she looked up, she saw Bruce's ugly face.

"What's the matter with you?" she asked.

Bruce didn't speak, but hooked his fingers.

Jody packed up his things and followed Bruce into a car.

On the way, she wanted to turn on the recorder again.

Bruce said, "Go back, I'll find someone else."

Jody took out the voice recorder and disassembled it into parts under Bruce's watchful eyes.

Bruce opened the car door and went in.

Jody got into the passenger seat.

Bruce took out a memory card, put it on the armrest box between the two, and said, "The photos of Martin and Annie in the hotel."

It was taken by him himself.

Jody nodded, picked it up, put it away, and leaned over to Bruce, hands straight to the zipper of his pants.

Bruce glanced at the bland ass that was lying on the ground, without any waves in his heart, and pushed Jody back: "Don't use your crappy methods to harm a good person like me, I won't be corrupted by you!"

Jody stood up and looked at Bruce. Compared with the person opposite, she had an inexplicable sense of nobility: "What do you want?"

Bruce is not too much: "100 dollars for hard work, the article you write must be inclined to Martin."

Jody took out all the cash on his body and stuffed it all to Bruce: "I will."

Bruce counted, and there were only more than 80 dollars, and he didn't care about it: "Martin won't be out until eight o'clock tomorrow morning, go back and sleep well."

Jody opened the door and got off the car, walked to the motorcycle alone, put on the helmet and returned to the rented house, but did not go to sleep immediately, but rushed to write the draft overnight, and sent it to the website column with the photos she took and provided by Bruce.

There were still a lot of photos left, so she called the paper media she cooperated with and sold the photos to them.

In the early morning, Laura got up early, picked up the camera, waited by the door, and watched the situation on Annie's side diagonally through the cat's eye.

Returning from Griffith Observatory last night, Martin stayed in Anne's suite.

In the middle of the night, Annie sneaked here, sweet and tired. According to her, she was tortured by Martin so much that she hid for a while during the intermission.

There was movement over there, Laura opened the door slightly, and the camera lens stretched out and aimed at that side.

She had practiced several times last night and was familiar with the road.

The door of Anne's suite opened, Martin came out of the room, and Anne, in her pajamas, chased to the door from behind.

One of them was inside the room and the other was outside the door. First they looked at each other affectionately, and then they kissed passionately.

Laura pressed the camera shutter and snapped pictures one by one.

Martin held Annie's hand: "There is work in the studio, I can't accompany you, take care of yourself."

Annie came over again and kissed Martin on the face: "Work is important."

After all, his work is related to her future.

"I was in a hurry last night." Martin apologized, "I wasn't prepared either."

Anne blushed just right on her face: " performed very well, perfectly."

Martin laughed: "I will prepare a special gift for you later."

Annie couldn't help being surprised: "Really?"

Martin nodded: "Of course, a surprise." He glanced at his watch: "I have to go."

Annie leaned on the door frame, watching Martin step by step and turn back into the elevator.

surprise? What surprise? Annie couldn't help thinking: a luxury car? Exquisite pigeon eggs? Or a complete set of luxury jewelry?

The door diagonally opposite opened, and Laura popped out, raising the camera in her hand.

Annie waved her hands and told her to do it quickly.

Laura returned to the room, dialed the collected entertainment media and paparazzi, and prepared to sell the photos of Martin leaving Anne's room.

Annie closed the door, picked up her mobile phone, called her agent Maha, and told her agent the latest progress with Martin.

"I will speak directly with Martin's agent," Mahal said.

Just like the marriage of two people on the other side of the Pacific Ocean is not just a matter between two people, the coming together of two celebrities is also not a matter between two people.

On the other side, Martin went downstairs, called Lao Bu, and when he came to the hotel door, Bruce just drove over.

Martin got into the car and said, "Go to Warner Studios."

Bruce drove out of the hotel, and said briefly: "On the Internet and in entertainment newspapers and magazines, there are a lot of news about you and Anne, and the popularity is very high."

"What's the reaction on the blog?" Martin asked.

"Your fans are discussing very enthusiastically, thinking that you and Annie are a good match." Bruce paid special attention this morning: "A lot of Annie's fans have been attracted, and it's very lively. I probably want you to treat Annie well."

Martin predicted this. There are differences in fan culture on both sides of the Pacific Ocean. Here, celebrities falling in love and the like don't have that much influence on fans.

Of course, there are also crazy fans.

Bruce continued: "Thomas called you, but your phone was turned off, and you called me. He said that you and Anne should keep a good rhythm, and extend it from one week to ten days. It would be best if "The Mountain Has Eyes" is released, If a small part of the enthusiasm is converted into market data, it will make a lot of money."

Martin nodded slightly, took out his cell phone and called Thomas.

After connecting over there, she briefly said a few words and mentioned an important matter: "Annie's manager, Maha, made an appointment with me for an interview, and she said that Annie mentioned it to you."

Martin said: "Annie told me last night, go talk to Maha."

Annie simply said last night that the two of them had attracted a lot of attention together, and the agency had specifically looked for her. If she and Martin were together, there were some things that needed to be discussed.

Martin, of course, agreed.

Just after hanging up the phone with Thomas, Daniel, who was in charge of the promotion of "The Mountain Has Eyes" at Warner Bros., called again and discussed with Martin how scandals can effectively increase the exposure of "The Mountain Has Eyes".

The seemingly simple relationship between two people involves various interests.

The Bruce people are numb: "In this broken circle, there are piles of shit on top of each other."

But Martin said: "In essence, it is no different from the marriages of those political families."

Bruce remembered something: "For example, Schwarzenegger married a woman from the Kennedy family."

Martin asked: "I'm going to give Annie some special gifts, what do you think is good?"

"What does she like? I think she must be interested in jewelry, luxury cars and luxury goods." Bruce repeated the old saying: "Give her a big diamond. I heard that there are man-made ones, which are more beautiful than natural ones. "

Martin shook his head: "This is too ordinary, let me think about it... I have it, how about giving her a star?"

Bruce doesn't want to talk to the man anymore.

Martin has always been an actionist, so he did what he thought, and took out his cell phone to dial Harris' number: "I, Martin. Give me a star that is easy to observe, called Anne Hathaway, that's right, that one Princess. The star map and certificate should be more exquisite, using the most high-end materials, yes! It should be high-end and elegant, highlighting the high style, and mail it to me after finishing it."

Harris answered immediately.

Martin tackles the gift issue with ease, romantic without being conventional.

This time he will give away stars, and next time he can give away real estate. Last time he mentioned to Harris about the development of the moon project.

It's much higher grade than those who don't move to get a seaside villa.

After all, one is in heaven and the other is on earth.

Came to the Geshan Youyan Studio of Warner Studios, and Martin participated in the new release meeting of the film.

Because the theater manager will be recognized after the trial, and the leading actor Martin himself is very popular, coupled with the success of the previous film, and the blessing of Wes Craven's golden signature, Geshan Youyan can reach 3300 theaters in North America. around home.

In addition, the wax museum will be released around January 20, 2005, when Warner Bros. will release a DVD, and the advertisement for "The Mountain Has Eyes" has been added to the DVD that is being pressed.

Martin then followed Craven and Jia into the producer's office.

Craven took some documents and handed them to Martin: "Look, the newly printed top-secret information."

Martin sat on a chair and looked carefully at the documents in his hand. The paper was slightly old, with a "Top Secret" red letter stamp on it, and the logo of the US Atomic Energy Evaluation Agency on its head.

Ajia was also watching: "It won't cause trouble, will it?"

Craven smiled: "No, it's just a bit similar. In fact, there is no such organization. We invented it."

Martin remembered a saying often said in Hollywood: "As long as the tax office is not blackmailed, other departments and agencies can be blackened."

"That's right." Craven said: "These are just small things, no one will care about them, and we are not purely creating fake news. The poster and the first version of the advertisement for the film have been released. After the public sees it, they will soon Think of movie promotion."

Ajia asked, "Viral marketing?"

Craven simply said: "It's a kind of viral marketing, Martin's idea. In the past few months, there has been a lot of noise about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. The political struggle caused by the election has also caused media division. Some people have come forward to break the news. Said there was only washing powder in Iraq."

The film crew and Warner Bros. adopted Martin's idea, which is also combined with the current social situation: "Now the public is paying special attention to weapons of mass destruction, so let's add fire."

(Speaking of The Departed, first of all, I think the Hong Kong version is better, and the US version is a blast. I personally lack understanding of the gangsters and social environment in the US version, and it looks boring. But this film is highly rated in North America. Before The Wolf of Wall Street, It is the highest-grossing movie of Martin Scorsese, and the North American critics call it the best movie of Martin Scorsese besides "Goodfellas".

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