Valentine's Day is coming soon, and Will Smith is coming with "The Rival of All People". Its strong appeal has almost booked the box office champion of the weekend.

The promotion of "The Mountain Has Eyes" is still going strong.

On Tuesday morning, Warner Bros. called a meeting with Martin and Anne's representatives to agree on a Valentine's Day marketing strategy.

Still going on around Martin.

The plan was quickly finalized on the same day and sent to Martin and Annie.

Annie has long been convinced by her agent Maha that the work needs to be kept popular during the window period, and she herself is very much looking forward to Martin's Valentine's Day gift.

For example, the kind of jewelry that Martin talked about at the premiere.

She checked it specifically, and the high-quality goods among them are of high value.

Martin found Daniel, who was in charge of film promotion at Warner Bros., and had a private chat.

The two films that adopted Martin's publicity opinions were very popular, so Daniel attached great importance to Martin's words and asked, "Is there a problem with the plan?"

Martin knows how to speak: "Your Valentine's Day-themed plan is very good, top-notch plan."

Although he knew it was a compliment, but the words were pleasant to his ears, Daniel said with a smile: "You, just say what you have to say."

Martin's suggestion is not a plan, but another aspect: "Do you want something special for the shooting? We can't tell people clearly that we are shooting for the sake of shooting. Will Annie and I become a glass love?"

Daniel strongly agreed: "It makes sense, this is no different from ordinary routine publicity. Many celebrities will release similar videos or photos before Valentine's Day, and it is easy to be overwhelmed."

Martin didn't say any more, he believed in Daniel's professionalism.

Daniel did not disappoint, saying a name: "Paris Hilton!"

Afterwards, he called Annie, Thomas and Maha to discuss the details.

To be a star, one must have the professionalism to be a star, Annie agreed immediately.

Funded by the crew, Martin booked a luxury suite at the Four Seasons Hotel.

In the middle of the afternoon, the two went over to make preparations.

Arriving at the hotel, Martin entered the lobby, where Bruce was waiting, handed him a bag, and said, "Everything is inside."

He lowered his voice again: "I checked the room."

Martin understood what he meant, and said: "Anne and Laura have talked carefully about the leak. Keep an eye on Laura, and make no mistake."

"I see." Bruce said, "I haven't shot the video yet. You're going to start filming first."

Martin waved his hand: "Fake."

Annie entered the lobby at this time and asked, "Are you ready?"

Martin waved at Old Bu, and pulled Annie upstairs.

After entering the suite, the two began to get familiar with the position, and Martin adjusted the camera.

After all, as a professional actor, Annie knew it by heart after several walks, so she came over and asked, "How do I make up that special state?"

Martin put down the camera, pulled her over, and said, "Make-up is better than being real, isn't the real state better?"

Annie lay prone in Martin's arms. When she was in a daze, she didn't forget to ask, "Did you turn off the camera?"

Martin raised his head slightly: "Of course."

Words like God Jesus kept popping out of Anne's mouth.

It wasn't until it was completely dark outside that the room became quiet.

Annie took a break for half an hour, put on new underpants, put on a white shirt from Martin, and went to the bathroom.

Martin took the camera and started shooting.

After a while, Anne came out of the bathroom in the dim light and walked towards Martin, and the two were still talking intimate jokes.

During this period, "The Mountain Has Eyes" was mentioned many times.

Anne said the film was well done and she is now a fan of Martin's...

The camera was placed on the table, and as the lights were turned on, the atmosphere became serious.

Martin took out the gift box from behind as if by magic, and handed it to Anne.

Annie opened it and saw a green jade tablet. She opened her mouth wide in surprise, her eyes were red, and water mist floated up.

It's not that the acting skills exploded, but that the jewelry really came!

Annie finally got the gift she really wanted.

She picked up the green stone and was so excited that she couldn't even speak.

"Valentines for you," Martin said.

Anne looked at the emerald gemstones under the light, and then at the equally beautiful Martin on the opposite side, pursing her lips hard to keep herself from crying.

Martin smiled: "Honey, didn't you tell me?"

Annie wanted to put down the gift box, but before she dropped her hand, she quickly put it away, took it to the back, stuffed it into the bag, took out the heart-shaped metal box from the bag, and ran back.

"For you." Annie gave Martin $99 worth of chocolate: "Try it, do you like it?"

Martin opened the box, gave Anne a piece, and then ate another piece for himself.

The box was thrown on the sofa, and the two kissed.

Martin carried Annie into the bedroom.

The camera turns off quickly.

In the morning of the next day, Martin pulled Annie out of the hotel, and many Yuji paparazzi who got the information from the informant kept taking pictures.

Jessica drove the car and took the two to Warner Studios.

Annie opened the exquisite mahogany box, and once again admired the green jade plaque. Although it was not the same as emerald, it looked lovely.

She leaned over, kissed Martin, and said, "Thank you for the gift."

Martin smiled: "As long as you like it."

Annie asked, "The chocolate I gave you is to your liking?"

Martin didn't like sweets at all, but Annie gave him chocolates with a strong sweet taste. He nodded and said, "Chocolate is as sweet as you."

Annie is in a really good mood today.

Once the jewelry has been given for the first time, there will be a second time. When the number of gifts increases, it must be changed, such as a luxury house?

Yachting is not unacceptable either.

She felt that with Martin's ability to raise and mobilize funds, none of these were problems, at most she would wait for a while.


Near the entrance of the Four Seasons Hotel, Bruce was wearing a pair of sunglasses, sitting on Menet's second-hand car, observing the movement at the entrance of the hotel.

Most of the paparazzi and Yuji were gone, only Jody was leaning on the motorcycle, still waiting.

Mene asked: "Old Bu, you've been staring at that paparazzi for a long time, and you're interested in her? Shall I teach you how to use your mouth and tongue to make sure she..."

Bruce didn't turn his head: "Shut up, if you keep making noise, I'll send you to see Paris Hilton."

Mene quickly lowered her voice: "Why didn't she leave?"

Bruce could roughly guess that Jody was waiting for him, because every time Martin showed up, he would break the news again.

In fact, it will still be there today, but in a different way to make everything look real.

Jody leaned on the motorcycle and waited for nearly ten minutes. Seeing that the prudish bastard did not show up, he was about to leave.

Suddenly, she saw Anne Hathaway's assistant come out of the hotel.

With a bag in one hand and a lot of things in the other, the female assistant came to the parking lot, put down her things and looked for the keys.

The intuition of being a paparazzi for a long time made Jody keep following the female assistant, watching the female assistant open the door, get things into the car, and drive away.

Just where the female assistant put things, something was left behind.

Jody looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he hurried over to pick it up, and it turned out to be a USB flash drive.

She quickly stuffed it into her pocket, got on her motorcycle and left to avoid being discovered.

The motorcycle quickly disappeared.

Bruce raised the window and said to Mene, "Let's go."

"Following her?" Mene asked.

Bruce found that he didn't have a tacit understanding with this guy, unlike Martin, who could understand each other's true meaning with just a word and a look.

He said, "Go to Warner Studios."

The motorcycle was running fast, and when they arrived at the small rented apartment, Jody immediately went upstairs. The USB flash drive was plugged into the computer, and there were many messy files in it, most of which were knowledge about makeup and skin care collected by Anne Hathaway.

These were useless, and Jody opened the last folder, which contained a video.

Click on the video, it is not particularly clear, the picture is definitely a selfie!

Jody gets excited, and if there's any hot stuff about Martin and Annie, she'll post it!

Looking further down, Annie appeared, but she was not naked as Jody was expecting, but she was wearing a long men's shirt, her hair was messy and her face was blushing, and it was easy to make people think of certain aspects.

Then there was a conversation between the two people. They were discussing "The Mountain Has Eyes", which basically means that Anne is talking about how good the movie is.

Voices Jody could hear, Martin and Anne!

Looking at the shooting time, it was clearly last night.

Jody longed for the two to get together, longed for Paris Hilton-esque flair.

The frame freezes, and Martin appears in the shot, giving Annie a gift.

Under the light, the emerald green reflective stone looks like a top emerald.

"Dogs and men are so generous!" Jody couldn't help but cursed.

But she soon realized that something was wrong, the man who was generous was Martin.

Martin gave jewelry as a Valentine's Day gift, and Anne just sent a box of chocolates, the normal kind you can buy in the supermarket.

Jody kept shaking her head: "This woman is so stingy, the two of them will be finished sooner or later!"

Gifts were exchanged, the two kissed passionately, Martin carried Annie away from the camera, and then disappeared.

Jody sighed in disappointment, it wasn't a video of hot dance without class, and hundreds of thousands of dollars were leaving her.

She quickly regained her composure, and such videos are also valuable.

Those entertainment channels, gossip blogs and entertainment portals must be interested!

Jody quickly took the mobile phone, dialed the executive of an entertainment channel, and said, "I have a selfie video of Martin Davis and Anne Hathaway in my hand. Don't care where the video comes from. It's definitely not illegal. I Guarantee this video is so good that you will buy it immediately after watching it! Okay, I will come to you in an hour."

She opened the drawer and found a few USB flash drives to copy the video. Taking advantage of the time for copying, she called the heads of several media.

I even took a few video photos and sent them in MMS.

Those people got the MMS and couldn't wait to see Jody.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, an entertainment TV channel, a large entertainment blog, and a web portal simultaneously released explosive videos.

"Shock! Martin Davis and Anne Hathaway's hotel date leaked!"

Martin and Anne - Hathaway easily grabbed the headlines of all entertainment media.

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