American fame and fortune

Chapter 191 Experience the purpose of life

In the Los Angeles branch of Weinstein Films, Harvey flipped through a document in his hand, and on the front page were photos of Sophia Lee and Vincent Lee.

Two Atlanta businessmen came to Hollywood to invest in a film project. He didn't need to look carefully to guess that there must be tricks in it.

Even if you know him, you can't mess around, it's a big taboo in the industry.

Besides, Weinstein Pictures has also done a lot.

The subordinate on the opposite side said: "The project these two recently invested in is called "Wanted Warrant", led by Pacific Pictures, participated by Warner Bros., and starred Martin Davis and Angelina Jolie."

"Warner Brothers again?" Harvey was depressed. He dared to bombard Warner Brothers on TV, but he couldn't actually start a war.

You can scold capitalists, but you cannot harm the interests of capitalists.

But Harvey saw the key point: "They are from Atlanta, and they invested in two projects of Martin Davis in a row? Martin Davis, I remember, is also from Atlanta?"

The subordinate said: "The newspaper published a report on Martin Davis, a man from the Atlanta slums."

Harvey waved his hands: "Okay, you go down first."

As soon as the subordinate left, the assistant came in and said, "Matt Damon is here."

Facing the extraordinarily simple and honest Damon, he entered the office, greeted him and sat on the sofa.

Harvey asked, "Why are you free to come here today?"

"I came here specifically to thank you." Matt Damon's real famous work "Good Will Hunting" was run by Harvey when he was in Miramax. He and Ben Affleck had a deep relationship with Harvey: "Please Do me a little favor."

Harvey asked, "Isn't it still The Departed?"

Damon nodded: "I went through the investor Dyson Films and asked them to recommend me. I also found Warner Brothers. I thought I would just wait for the final audition, but something happened."

He elaborated: "Plan B, Leonardo, Pacific Pictures, Warner Bros.' Daniel, all recommended Martin Davis for the second lead."

Hearing this name that he had just paid attention to, Harvey scolded Jufake in his heart, and said, "He's just a new star, at least three levels worse than you."

Damon understands the situation and has a sense of crisis: "He represents Pacific Pictures' $20 million investment. Pacific Pictures has cooperated with Warner Bros. for many years. Louise Mayer is interested in investing, and Warner will never refuse. Dyson Films The amount of investment in the industry is only a little more than 10 million US dollars, even if Warner Bros. and the investment are tied, he still has the support of Plan B and Leonardo."

He sees it very clearly: "For projects directed by Scorsese, the proportion of the audition room is higher than that of general projects, but the factors outside the audition room are also critical."

Harvey was straightforward: "How do you want me to help you?"

"Can you help me persuade him to dismiss him?" When Damon competed for roles in the past, he often asked Harvey to help him in this way, so he and Da Ben have always supported Harvey.

Harvey replied, "Let me try."

Damon laughed.

Before he could really smile, Harvey took out a business card and handed it to him: "Go and deal with this woman."

There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Damon knew this truth. He took a look at the business card and understood what was going on. In the past, he and Daben often wiped Harvey's ass.

Harvey reminded: "Don't relax on your side."

Damon smiled honestly: "Scorsese refused to meet the actors before the audition. My agent found his assistant and transferred the fact that I was from Cambridge to Scorsese."

After a few minutes, Damon came out of the office and went downstairs to the car.

Sitting in the car, he glanced at the actress' business card, took out his mobile phone and called his good friend: "Ben, you have something to deal with."

A little over half an hour later, Ben Affleck showed up at a hotel and stopped an actress coming downstairs.

"It's not easy for you to get to this point. You worked hard to create a situation. You don't want to be ruined because of a little thing?" Da Ben has used it many times, and it is very easy to use: "You know who is opposite, who can determine your career. Think about it carefully, don't be impulsive, this kind of thing is very common in the circle, is anyone paying attention?"

Faced with threats and checks, the actress finally chose to compromise.



After walking around the streets with the patrolmen for two days, Martin and Mene joined the Special Operations Group of the Police Detective Bureau to experience the daily work of plainclothes detectives.

During the period, I went to the scene several times and learned about the process of BPD handling cases in detail.

Martin carefully observed every move of the plainclothes police detectives. They were ordinary people. They may have a lot of work pressure and have seen a lot of dark sides of society.

Individuals also tend to be violent.

Martin chooses to blend in, imitating the 30-year-old police chief Jack, and making some vulgar jokes with these plain-clothed police detectives when he is free.

He and Mene also specially learned the methods and rules of using various police equipment.

Then, every night, Martin spends a lot of money, entertains relevant personnel, eats, drinks and has fun.

In this regard, the whole world is common.

Martin can let go of his figure and is generous in spending money. As long as the BPD-related personnel do not violate the principles, they will be willing to help out a little at that time.

In the shooting gallery, the sound of gunfire kept ringing.

Martin held the gun in exactly the same posture as Jack next to him, and kept hitting fixed human targets until the magazine was empty.

Jack took off his earplugs, glanced at his electronic display, then at Martin's, and said, "Good marksmanship."

On fixed targets, Martin's worst shot had nine rings.

Mene on the other side answered immediately: "My boss is the most talented person in Los Angeles!"

Martin packed his gun and invited Jack: "Go for a drink, I'll treat you."

Jack has gotten to know Martin very well these days, so he followed him out and said, "Your Boston accent is better than mine from Massachusetts."

Martin said with a smile: "I am going to compete for a BPD role, and I have spent several months practicing it."

Jack said: "It's not easy being an actor."

"At least there is no danger." What Martin said was particularly nice: "Like you are always facing gunpoint, Boston can have the current order because you are carrying the weight forward."

These words reached Jack's heart: "Going forward with a heavy load? It's very vivid."

A few people asked for drinks and rested while chatting.

Mene's cell phone rang suddenly, and there was a text message.

He glanced over and leaned over to lower his voice: "Alan sent a message that Scorsese will be at the police station in about an hour."

Martin nodded slightly and said, "Jack, go back to the police station?"

Jack asked, "Is the person you're waiting for here?"

Martin didn't treat Jack badly these days, and said, "Do me a favor."

Jack picked up his coat and left: "Small."

While walking out, Martin's cell phone rang, but it was Sergeant John from the BPD Public Relations Office.

The other party's words were quite concise: "I'll be at the police station at three o'clock."

Martin thanked him and followed Jack out of the shooting club.

Back at the police station, Jack's special operations team captured a group of street vendors, and most of them were busy.

Martin was already familiar with these people, and he and Mene joined the work immediately.

Although I can't do formal work, I can run errands to get folders, help with phone calls, etc.

Because of careful observation and study in the past, Martin did it very smoothly, and his acting skills exploded, as if he was a real member of this action team.

On the other side, Sergeant John accompanied Martin Scorsese, William Mohanna and Allen into the police station.

The super director came to visit, and the director personally received him.

The two sides chatted for a while in the reception room. Scorsese wanted to see the plainclothes detectives handling the case, and the police department of course agreed.

The director's office is busy, so he left soon after showing up.

As the actual receptionist, John led the way and led a group of people to the special operations team.

The action team was very busy here, and Jack, the person in charge, came over to say hello, and introduced the work of the action team to the guests through the large glass window.

Allen's eyes lit up instantly when he saw a black face. He took out his mobile phone, entered the hotel room number, sent it, and edited another message: "I'll wait for you at night."

The phone screen flickered, she glanced at it, and the text message was concise: "OK!"

Thinking of Mene's superb mouth and tongue, Allen quickly found where Martin was, and asked John: "Sheriff, is that man Martin Davis? Or do you have detectives who look like Martin Davis?"

Scorsese was talking to Jack, and this immediately caught his attention. He glanced around the open office and saw a slightly familiar face.

John smiled and said: "Last month, Mr. Davis applied to come to BPD to experience life, saying that he wanted to prepare for a role. He first studied the police regulations at the police academy, and then ran with the patrol police for a few days. Came to the police department and joined Inspector Jack's special operations team."

Allen squeezed his chin and said, "This man is interesting. If he didn't look familiar, I wouldn't have noticed."

Through the glass window, Scorsese observed carefully, except that he was a little more handsome, that Martin Davis spoke and behaved no differently from other police detectives.

Martin Davis stayed inside to answer the phone and retrieve documents, just like a full-fledged member of the operation team, without being obtrusive at all.

Scorsese didn't speak rashly, but gave Allen a wink.

Allen asked, "Inspector, how long has Martin Davis been here?"

"Today is the sixth day." Jack said simply: "This person is very easy to get along with, and he integrates very quickly."

Everyone else believed this, because Martin Davis looked like a member of the action team, not an actor experiencing life.

Allen said from a professional point of view: "He seems to have taken the role of experiencing life."

Jack asked curiously, "What did you say?"

Allen smiled and continued to ask, "How is he?"

"He's a quick learner, very serious, and can speak fluent Boston dialect." Jack just needs to say truthfully: "He has been on site with us, learned various regulations, and learned about many anti-gangster and anti-drug cases that don't need to be kept secret. Familiar with the methods and rules of using various police equipment.”

He shrugged: "You may not believe it, but his gun posture is better than mine, and his marksmanship is better than mine."

Scorsese took the initiative to move forward: "Let's go visit other places." When Allen followed up, he lowered his voice: "Try to find a way to contact him, I will chat with him tonight."

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