American fame and fortune

Chapter 204 Public Opinion Focus

Not only Thomas reached an agreement with LAPD on behalf of Martin, but even Warner TV also reached an agreement with LAPD.

All TV stations are frantically reporting relevant news, and only Warner TV has the exclusive video.

The video taken by Helen did not have any unacceptable content for LAPD. For the sake of ratings and popularity, the video was specially cut into several sections and played on TV news in different time periods.

Warner TV is insane.

Helen, who personally hosted the show, also found the best excuse and reason: the DV was damaged due to the hasty escape, and the technicians were repairing the storage disk overnight.

Warner TV used this comment on the headlines of the evening news at six o'clock-Los Angeles hero: Martin Davis!

The video played was Martin Convenience Store saving lives.

Helen presided over the news report by virtue of the credit of shooting the video on the spot, and her voice choked up when she mentioned Martin several times.

"I don't know how to thank him. The person who bravely stood up to the gun is worthy of the title of hero. He saved sixteen people including me!"

No need to blow it up, because the video taken by Helen is enough to explain everything!

All the four major TV networks followed up, and each news channel rolled the broadcast.

Before Martin left the scene, he deliberately appeared in front of media reporters and asked them to take pictures of his body covered in blood.

Today, each live photo of him sells for tens of thousands of dollars.

The name of Martin Davis, with the crazy media reports, spread throughout North America in an instant.

Many European media, such as the BBC and Sky TV, immediately reprinted relevant news. Videos and images of Martin in the shooting spread to North America and caused great repercussions in Europe.

Martin had a connection with Helen, and several related videos appeared on the Internet that night.

From fleeing in panic when being attacked by gunmen, to desperately fighting back in the face of desperation.

Among them, the most widely spread is what Martin picked up the gun from the ground after getting out of danger, rushed out of the convenience store, and said back: "My brother is outside!"

The messages on the Internet can only be described as crazy.

"This sentence made me cry!"

"Such a brother, I also want to hand in!"

"Come on, I will never speak ill of Martin in my life!"

The name Martin Davis ranked first in Google's hot search keywords that night.

Numerous netizens poured into Martin's blog to leave messages.

"I watched the video on the news, and although I don't like your movies, you really are a hero!"

"Originally, I thought that Geshan's eyesight to blow up the perverted murderer was an exaggeration of movie art, but now I know that it is a true portrayal of you!"

"Martin is a true hero!"

There were thousands of the same comments in the blog area, and by around ten o'clock in the evening, the number exceeded 50,000 in one fell swoop.

Some cheerleaders who survived were interviewed as they left school.

NBC aired an interview with an ordinary girl.

"At that time we all thought we were going to die, and the classmate next to me was so scared that he peed his pants." The girl wore a coat around her waist, and the typical remarks of my classmates: "It was Martin who stood up! He took the risk to hide in the door closest to the gunman Behind the counter, he subdued the gunman regardless of his own safety. When I was peeking, I saw him smashing the gunman's head with a Coke..."

At the same time, NBC News, the head of the channel held an emergency meeting in the office and shouted to his subordinates: "I want the details of Martin Davis! Also, contact him and let him appear on our show, It's not a damn entertainment show, I want him to be on the regular news, the most serious news show!"

CNN, headquartered in Atlanta, invited Martin to be interviewed on the phone, and even called Kelly Gray.

ABC initiated the relationship overnight and called Ali Emmanuel of WAM.

Ali had already communicated with Thomas. Martin's exposure is so high now that he doesn't need to be on a special program. Participating in some programs rashly may have the opposite effect and he will be rejected directly.

What's more, there must be an official press conference in Los Angeles.

At ten o'clock in the evening in Los Angeles, Warner TV's evening news ratings reached a new peak. Tens of millions of viewers across the United States stood in front of the TV, waiting for the latest video of the shooting.

This is a picture of the three of Martin being forced into a corner.

Since both sides reached an agreement with the LAPD, the news caliber became that Martin and the others waited for the LAPD to come to the rescue, and cooperated with the LAPD to distract the gunners.

Martin is performing the whole time.

"Because I am the leader of the Coke God Sect, I can control Coke to attack!"

This word spread throughout the United States through TV programs.

Reminiscent of Martin using a glass bottle of Coke to headshot another gunman, the leader of the Coke God Church lives up to his reputation.

The news video was quickly forwarded to the Internet and spread like a virus.

The reputation of Coke Theology was erected in just one hour on the Internet.

Although Martin has always kept silent on the Internet to avoid being interpreted by others, he still couldn't stop enthusiastic netizens from coming to worship the "leader".

"How can I join the Cola God Cult?"

At the beginning, I still asked tentatively, and then I simply took the initiative to teach.

"Master, please accept me into the religion!"

"I want to join the Coke God Cult!"

"Kneel down and beg to be taught!"

Some people are even more ambitious: "Is there still a position for the deputy priest or the high priest? Can you leave me one?"


Because of the time difference, it was still early in the morning in Los Angeles, and people in Atlanta had already gone to work.

At the Coca-Cola headquarters, Marketing Director Brody had just arrived at work when his supervisor, Justin, knocked on the door and entered the office.

"Head, big news!" Justin held a USB flash drive in his hand: "Look at this, there was a shooting in Los Angeles."

Brody picked up the USB flash drive and inserted it into a laptop: "I heard that Burbank Middle School suffered heavy casualties."

Justin said: "Hollywood star Martin Davis who walked out of Atlanta saved more than a dozen people. He was so good that he knocked down the gunman with our Coca-Cola."

Brody reacted quickly: "Really? Can the marketing publicity do something about this?"

Justin added: "What's more, Martin Davis claimed that he founded a Coke religion, claiming to be the leader..."

Brody has already clicked on the video to watch. There are two videos in total. One is Martin Davis using a bottle of Coca-Cola to knock down the gangster, and the other is Martin using the so-called Coca-Cola to attract the attention of another gangster.

The more he looks at his face, the more exciting he is. Is there such an existence as the Coke God Sect?

Justin waited until his superiors had finished reading it, and said, "The reactions online are explosive."

Brody clicked on the browser, and on the Google search page, three of the top five search keywords were related to yesterday's shooting, and the top two were Martin Davis and Burbank Middle School.

And the Coke God Sect ranked fifth!

Brody clicked on the relevant items, and there were messages on many webpages from netizens arguing to join the Coke God Cult. He couldn't help asking: "Is there really a Coke God Cult? Or was Martin Davis just saying it casually?"

"Not sure at the moment." Justin remembered something that a friend mentioned: "Since last year, there has been a rumor in the beverage industry in Atlanta that a guy who claims to be the high priest of Coca-Cola is buying Coke produced in 2003 everywhere."

Brody couldn't figure it out: "What is the purchase of Coke in 2003? It's expired now."

He shook his head and returned to the topic: "You let me read these, for the sake of the spokesperson?"

Justin said: "He is one of the best young stars in Hollywood under the age of 25. He has played an absolute leading role in a movie with a box office of over 100 million in North America. Last week, Martin Scorsese and Leonardo's new film "The Departed" announced that he was the No. Second protagonist."

He pointed to the USB flash drive again: "And these, among the young Hollywood actors, who is more suitable to be our spokesperson than him?"

Brody shared a similar sentiment, with Coca-Cola showing his face as Martin subdues the gangster.

The leader of Coca-Cola and Coca-Cola are a perfect match!

Justin's words continued: "Martin Davis is from the birthplace of Coca-Cola! Come to think of it, there's so much we can do in our advertising campaign!"

Brody thought for a while and said, "You are in charge of collecting information related to Martin Davis. In the meeting, I will propose that Martin Davis be the new spokesperson for Coca-Cola. Fermentation, the possibility of passing is very high, and your team should also prepare for relevant negotiation matters.”

Justin responded, "Head, I'll take care of it."

At the subsequent meeting, almost without any resistance, it passed a preliminary resolution to contact Martin Davis and invite him to be the new spokesperson of Coca-Cola.


After a night of fermentation, the three major newspapers in North America the next day, the "Los Angeles Times", "New York Times" and "Washington Post" were all headlines on the Burbank High School incident.

The government intends to control public opinion, and the most prominent position in the newspaper is full of large close-ups of Martin saving lives!

The reports of the mainstream media all described sensitive points such as the number of casualties in small print, and focused on Martin's heroic rescue deeds in bold and black fonts.

This is the most commonly used news reporting method for tragedies.

The Los Angeles Times headline was succinct: "Los Angeles' Urban Hero: Martin Davis!" "

"Martin Davis, he should be called a hero more than any hero in any Hollywood movie!" "This is the headline of the New York Times.

The Washington Post is even more exaggerated: "Yesterday, Martin Davis was the spiritual totem of America!" "

The news channel of Warner TV launched a special news about the shooting early in the morning. Helen, who witnessed it, became popular, and discussed with another guest why Martin was able to defeat the gangster.

"In every shooting incident, innocent people fall, and Burbank High School is no exception, but this time someone came forward, and his identity is surprising: Martin Davis, a Hollywood star."

"Because of the movie promotion, he happened to meet at the right time. At the beginning of the incident, he panicked like an ordinary person. When he ran away, he didn't forget to remind people to run for their lives. When he was cornered by the gunman and everyone else was waiting for the fate, Martin stood up."

Because of the shooting and Helen, the ratings for the morning news are extremely high.

Helen specifically said: "Martin is preparing to participate in an action shootout film adapted from the comic "Wanted". In order to better interpret the hero, he has undergone long-term action gun training. It is precisely these rigorous training that makes Martin It can break out in a desperate situation and subdue the gangsters in one fell swoop!"

Countless people memorized the arrest warrant.

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