American fame and fortune

Chapter 230 Identifying a Spy

On the twelfth floor of the hotel, Martin and Bruce got out of the elevator, and Neves, the director of the FBI who was waiting here, came to shake hands with him.

"The other party has placed some key items in your room." He said to Martin: "We need to enter your room."

Martin was already prepared and said, "Yes, but my manager and I need to be accompanied all the way."

Bruce had a tacit understanding with Martin, and interjected: "Because of the Russians, in order to ensure Martin's safety, I set up some simple security measures in the room, and they may be photographed."

Neves glanced at Bruce and said, "This way please."

Martin took a few steps closer and asked, "What exactly is going on? The Russians are really going to attack me?"

Neves didn't know how to speak for a while.

His men rushed in, knocked down the three suspects with a shock bomb, and controlled the situation in the most brutal way. As a result, three press cards from News of the World were found.

Through the channels of the FBI, they immediately determined that the three people were indeed an expatriate news team under the News of the World.

More cases are still pending.

"If it doesn't involve state secrets, can you tell me something." Martin patted his chest, where the Presidential Medal of Freedom was still hanging: "I am the person involved, and my life is involved, so please give me some news." , I am also prepared."

Neves immediately came back to his senses and said, "Don't worry, it's not Russians. It's three reporters from News of the World. They bribed two employees of the hotel to install eavesdropping and sneak-camera equipment in your room."

Martin was shocked: "God Jesus! They are too crazy!" He responded as he should: "Old Bu, call my lawyer and agent, I will sue this newspaper for closing!"

After finishing speaking, he was a little lucky: "Fortunately, he is not Russian."

Neves smiled: "We are very lucky." He comforted Martin: "Don't worry, we will deal with it later."

When Martin came to the door, just as Martin took out the room card, Bruce took it and swiped the card to open the door.

Martin invited: "Come in."

Neves entered the suite with several FBI agents.

Bruce found out the notebook and camera he had placed, took them and put them on the coffee table, and clicked the play button.

Neves looked at Martin: "You are very careful."

Martin smiled helplessly: "I was quite courageous at first, but at Burbank Middle School, life and death were really on the line. Now that I think about it, I still feel scared, and my courage is getting smaller and smaller."

"Same." Neves agrees with Martin's statement: "The more you experience, the less courage you will become."

Bruce fast-moved appropriately, and soon saw two waiters enter the room.

Neves pointed, asked his subordinates to work, and asked Martin: "Can I make a copy of the video?"

Martin replied, "Of course."

Bruce took the memory card handed over and copied the video.

The FBI personnel found three sets of candid filming and wiretapping equipment from the living room, master bedroom and bathroom.

Martin's face was quite ugly, but his head kept on remembering and thinking all the time.

Neves answered the phone and came back and said, "Mr. Davis, don't spread the news for now, and keep it within a certain range. This is also what the White House means."

The chief of staff called him specifically for this matter.

Martin recalled the wiretapping door, guessed in his heart, and said, "I can cooperate with you, but I need an explanation, the hotel, the newspaper office, etc."

He ordered the Presidential Medal of Freedom again. Although the weight of this thing is just that, but it is more or less useful: "On the day I was awarded the honor, someone wanted to secretly film and eavesdrop on me. Their goal was very obvious and they wanted to make me bad. I I accept the honor from the White House, and I accept the honor from Mr. President!"

Neves said: "Within today, someone will definitely give you an explanation."

Martin sat on the sofa: "I'll wait."

He was not idle either, and called WMA and Coca-Cola respectively. Although he didn't elaborate on the specific matters, both sides would send special personnel over.

Especially for the Coca-Cola Group, Washington had originally planned an event, but it was disrupted by this incident, and the relevant person in charge is also actively contacting.


In New York, a commercial plane was scrambled to Washington, D.C.

Mockridge, North American editor-in-chief of the News of the World, and Tom, a lawyer who hurried over, were the only passengers other than the crew members.

"The latest news I got..." Mockridge explained the details of the incident as quickly as possible.

Tom thought about it for a while and gave a suggestion: "Three ways, refusing to admit that they are employees of the news newspaper, or the personal behavior of temporary workers."

"This is a way." Mockridge thought more comprehensively: "If Martin Davis is alone, it doesn't matter how he does it, but this matter involves the White House, and Xiao Bu has just awarded him an honor... We can publish it in the newspaper To say that he is as stupid as a pig is not good in real negotiations, and pigs need face."

Tom added: "Follow him through the legal process. With the News Corporation behind us, delaying can drag him to death." He added: "If you force him to reach a settlement with us."

Mockridge still shook his head. He had a lot of information, which was far beyond what the lawyer Tom knew.

Over in London, the News of the World is being investigated for leaks about William's knee injury.

As for eavesdropping and sneak shooting, it has always been the default means of news acquisition by newspapers and even groups.

Tom didn't mention the third way, it was obvious.

Mockridge made a decision: "Two points, those three are just peripheral news informants of the News of the World; reach a settlement with Martin Davis as soon as possible."

The employer has made a decision, and Tom, a lawyer, will naturally not object.

Mockridge took out his cell phone and called Washington.

In the White House, after Xiaobu got the feedback on the case, he left this trivial matter to the people below to deal with.

The chief of staff found Cohen, who was in charge of monitoring the progress, and said simply: "Mr. President needs media support."

Cohen responded, "I understand."

The chief of staff added: "Mr. President is also very annoyed."

"I'm going to try to get the parties to a settlement as quickly as possible," Cohen said.

The chief of staff said: "The people from the News of the World are on their way, you go to the Hilton Hotel." He reminded: "The people from Coca-Cola have arrived at the Hilton Hotel, and they have also contacted me."

Cohen knows that Martin Davis cannot be underestimated, and there is also a force behind him.

If Martin gets pissed off by the News of the World, Coca-Cola will definitely drop him.

But the current situation is that Martin is gaining momentum.


At the Hilton Hotel, Brown, the hotel manager, is of Asian descent, and entered Martin's suite at this time.

Martin glanced at him.

Brown introduced himself first, and then said: "Mr. Davis, the hotel is very sorry for the disturbance you have received. On behalf of Hilton Hotel, I would like to sincerely apologize to you."

He made a standard ninety-degree bow.

Martin knew at once that it was either a stick or a devil.

Brown straightened up and bowed again: "Mr. Davis please forgive me."

Martin did not speak.

Brown stood stooped, as if Martin didn't understand, and he wouldn't get up.

Martin said in his heart that in the future, big companies will find a stick or a ghost to apologize to others.

This talent skill point is full.

Martin raised his hand: "That doesn't have to be the case."

Brown straightened up quickly, as if he heard the creaking of his spine, he quickly said, "Thank you, Mr. Davis, for your understanding."

Martin was speechless. Isn't the spirit of craftsman the spirit of a rogue?

He kept apologizing, but didn't say a word about it.

Martin scolded Fake secretly, and said directly: "I have entrusted this matter to a lawyer. How about it, the lawyer will discuss with you. If the negotiation fails, we will go through legal procedures."

Brown touched his waist, originally considering whether to come to the third one, but after hearing this, it was unnecessary: ​​"Mr. Davis, the hotel is also a victim."

Martin laughed and said two names: "Wolf and Bellerin."

"In the Independence Day holiday, there are a lot of tourists, and the hotel hired a group of temporary workers, and they are among them." Brown took out a card and put it on the coffee table: "Hilton's VIP membership card can be used in all hotels under the Hilton brand. Discount."

Martin just looked at him without speaking.

Bruce took a sentence: "When Martin signed with Coca-Cola, they provided Martin with a VIP card with a 40% discount for all stores in the Hyatt Hotel."

This is not a question of a few discounts at all.

Martin got up and went to the bedroom: "I'm tired and need to rest, Old Bu, you can chat with Mr. Brown for a while, Coca-Cola has appointed a lawyer for me, and he will be there in a while."

Martin won't make any deal with Hilton until someone from News of the World or News Corp. comes along.

Bruce's talk is to drag on.

More than an hour later, Martin received a call, and White House aide Cohen wanted to ask him to go down for a chat.

Martin used being frightened as an excuse to let them talk about something.

Martin has been thinking about it since he got the exact news of the wiretapping and candid filming. The Sun and News of the World are not critical, but the News Corporation behind them has to think about it.

It will be very troublesome if this matter is not done well.

As for seeking fairness and justice in American law, he is not so naive.

Martin has been trying to recall the wiretapping door, as if he had seen a related news that the reporter who exposed the incident committed suicide.


The Presidential Medal of Freedom I just received today is useful if I say it is useful, but it is useless if I say it is useless.

In addition, he is just the spokesperson of Coca-Cola, not the son of Knight like Nike.

Even if you really want to do something, it's not now.

Martin was self-aware and quickly figured out how to deal with it.

There was a knock on the door, and Neves came here with the three of them.

After entering the door, he first introduced the two parties.

Cohn, a White House aide.

Mockridge, the North American editor-in-chief of the News of the World, and the lawyer Tom he brought.

On Martin's side, there are only him and Bruce for the time being.

The door of the suite was closed, and several parties started to negotiate, and soon reached a consensus that the three-person reporter team headed by Alex, all of whom had Slavic ancestry, were spies from Russia.

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