American fame and fortune

Chapter 266 The Bastard's Bad Move

In the studio, Chad pressed the remote control, and the clips of Bruce Lee's old-fashioned action movies were played on the TV screen, specially for Martin to watch and study.

In the film, the hero Eddie's fighting is self-taught, mainly from learning to imitate action movies.

Martin had always been serious about his work, and saw it very carefully.

Chad said: "His movements are characterized by fast, accurate, and ruthless, and he directly knocks down the opponent. He is absolutely strong and powerful."

When Martin was a martial artist in his previous life, he also studied Jeet Kune Do. After reading it carefully, he said, "Try it."

The two of them had changed into their exercise clothes long ago, and when they came to the field with thick mats, Chad specially emphasized: "Let's go slow first, after we are familiar with the routine, we can go faster."

Martin nodded: "No problem."

As if slowing down the camera, the two practiced their action routines.

After all, making a movie is not actual combat. Even in the fist-to-body fighting mode, the first thing to ensure is that it is still cool and good-looking.

If the action scene really turns into a fist fight, the audience will have to spit the screen full of saliva.

Chad's action design style is also close to actual combat.

The whole morning, the two of them were practicing action routines.

Before noon, after showering and changing, Martin and Chad went to the Smoke House across from Warner Studios for dinner.

Martin finished ordering and found that the people at the next table knew each other.

The girl with two dimples when she laughed, kept looking at him.

Martin nodded actively: "Good afternoon, Mia."

Mia, a waitress at the soda shop in the studio and an actor, quickly responded: "Hello, Martin."

Then, she introduced the male partner opposite: "This is Sebastian, a pianist."

Martin said, "I know you."

Sebastian got up and bowed slightly: "Mr. Davis, you have sent me flowers several times."

The other party was the pianist of the restaurant, and several times Martin accompanied his girlfriend over for dinner. When he was in a good mood, he would spend money to buy a bouquet of flowers for someone to send over.

It is used all over the world, and the pianist who sends flowers can get a commission.

"Go ahead." Martin stopped disturbing them, and turned around to continue chatting with Chad about work.

In addition to hand-to-hand combat, the film also involves gunfights.

When the meal came, the two talked while eating.

Chad still has the previous point of view: "Smart medicine improves the learning ability of the protagonist, and the gun is also learned from the movie. I will choose some actual combat-style gunfight clips in the future, and then you can imitate."

Martin reminded: "The shootout scene should not be too intense, it's just a supporting scene, don't steal the main scene."

Chad knew this: "I see."

After lunch and a short rest, Martin changed the crew.

"The Departed" has started post-production at Warner Studios, and Scorsese asked several leading actors to re-dub some shots.

When he came to the studio, Martin saw Leonardo and Nicholson, two bastards, he ignored them and greeted the director first.

Scorsese didn't talk nonsense, and directly talked about work: "This time, let the three of you come over. Most of the shots that need to be dubbed are full of swear words, especially Martin and Leo. Your swear words are not strong enough."

Martin asked, "About Falk's voice acting?"

Scorsese nodded: "Whether you send Cleo or Leo sends you, both lack the power to hate to the extreme!" He took the lead towards the recording studio: "Come with me."

Entering the recording studio together, Leonardo took the lines, advanced the recording studio, and mounted the screen on the wall, and played the long shot of the rooftop confrontation.

Leonardo tried dubbing, and facing the recording microphone was a line beginning with F.

Scorsese put down the headset and called out Leonardo: "The strength of what I'm talking about is not the pitch of the voice, but the tone and emotion. These cannot be solved by staring, frowning and roaring."

This is exactly the triple hit when Leonardo exerts force.

He scratched his head: "I'll try again."

The recording restarted, but Scorsese, still unsatisfied, called out Leonardo again.

Although he is one of the few super giants in Hollywood, Leonardo is not an actor with explosive talent. After going back and forth twice, he still can't find the feeling.

Scorsese pointed to Martin: "Think of him as your life and death enemy!"

Leonardo looked at Martin, still frowning.

Martin suddenly had an idea, but he didn't mess around. When Leonardo turned to the far side of the room, he whispered, "Director, I have an idea."

Scorsese knows that the threesome of the assholes have a lot of bad tricks, but sometimes it works, and nods, "Give it a try."

When Leonardo turned back, Martin suddenly said: "Can you do it, Leo? Your dubbing won't be the same as that, is it an 11-second man?"

Scorsese asked just right: "What 11-second man?"

Martin gestured and said, "As far as men and women are concerned, you know!"

Scorsese's old face becomes extraordinarily wonderful.

Leonardo immediately became angry, and raised his middle finger at Martin: "Fake! Fake..."

A string of foul words came out of his mouth.

Scorsese clapped his hands and shouted: "Yes, that's the feeling!" He used to push Leonardo into the recording studio: "Hurry up and start while the feeling is still there!"

If the bastard's bad tricks are used well, it will also help the crew.

Leonardo's dubbing ended smoothly.

When it was Martin's turn to go in, he sneered and said, "Teresa, Melissa, KK, Angela, Doutzen, these people never forget you, and they all want to know where your home is so they can visit your home. I want Don't tell them? Take a video at the same time and send it to Blake, it's wonderful!"

Nicholson, the old bastard, didn't forget to add toppings: "How about giving Julie another one?"

"The studio of my other crew is right next door. You are welcome to visit later and practice action routines together." Martin entered the recording line, and it took him two times to really find the feeling, and he completed a bunch of dubbing.

Nicholson, by contrast, had the easiest time because the characters involved him had fewer lines.

All the shots in this movie, just the fak popping out of their asshole trio's mouths, would be over 500.

After editing into a film, it is estimated that there will be no less than 200.

In the middle of the afternoon, the work was declared complete.

Martin called Leonardo and Nicholson to a studio not far away, suggesting that the former put on exercise clothes and exercise together.

Leonardo was not fooled by this, and said: "I don't shoot other action scenes except water guns, and I don't need to exercise."

Martin exposed his shortcomings: "That's right, when you become a greasy and fat uncle like Jack, Oscar will give you a statuette."

This sentence scolded the two bastards, and before Leonardo could say anything, Nicholson hit back: "Little bastard, with the way you play now, you won't be able to be hard again until you are thirty years old at most. When we are playing, you watch, cry dry your tears."

Martin snorted coldly, and said, "You guys don't understand my strength at all. Just like Leo, after playing for so many years, it's no problem. I'm much stronger than him."

"Who says he's okay?" Nicholson turned on the random killing mode: "He's 11 seconds now!"

Leonardo came from behind and strangled Nicholson's neck: "I'm going to kill you!"

"Don't kill him, he's still useful to me, and when I run out, you can kill as you please." Martin patted Nicholson, "Old bastard, there is a big villain in this film, a Wall Street capitalist, are you interested? "

Nicholson half-jokingly said: "I'm not doing it for less than $10 million!"

Martin gave him a middle finger: "You can go to hell."

Nicholson broke free from Leonardo's arms and asked, "Looking for a place to go to relax at night?"

Leonardo shook his head: "No, I'm going to recharge my batteries recently."

Nicholson's eyes widened: "You won't betray the trio like Martin, the bastard?"

Martin was unhappy: "How did I become a traitor?"

"You found a girlfriend on a horse!" Leonardo replied first, and then explained: "I finally became single again, what do I do with a regular girlfriend? You know how cool it is to change to a young and beautiful female companion every night." ?"

Nicholson said with a deep expression, "I know!"

When he was young, he spent more time playing than Leonardo.

Martin was utterly ashamed, because he didn't know, he was holding back the bastard trio.

So, work hard.

In the evening, Martin invited two bastards to go out for a drink together, and the three came to the Avalon nightclub together.

Before entering the store, he specially took the prepared things from Lao Bu.

Martin asked for a bottle of whiskey. Seeing that Leonardo and Nicholson had randomly chosen a place in the lobby on the first floor, he went over to sit down.

The three drank a few glasses, and Martin seemed to be drunk, and said: "Leo, Jack, we three bastards, we have similar smells, we drilled holes together, we sharpened our guns together, we have nothing to do with each other!"

"Ever since Warren Beatty got married and returned to the family, and Marlon Brando went to see God, I haven't met bastards who are as congenial as you for a long time." Nicholson raised his glass and clinked glasses with the two of them one by one: " Kudos to our bastard trio!"

Leonardo and Martin toasted.

Martin said again: "Since we are a bastard trio, I will tell you a secret. Do you know why I am so strong?"

Mentioning this, Leonardo became angry: "You are just young and strong."

"No." Martin took out two small green boxes from his pocket and placed them on the wine table: "The real secret is them!"

Nicholson asked, "What drug is this?"

"A drug without any side effects, which is very suitable for that." Since it's called a bastard trio, how can they not do assholes? Martin still remembers that the two bastards asked the paparazzi to secretly take pictures of him, and he strongly recommended: "The effect is very, very good, and I am the best example."

Leonardo doubted: "What you said is true?"

Martin asked back: "My credit has always been good!"

The two had seen Martin's strength with their own eyes, and they all put it away.

Nicholson tapped Martin's arm and signaled with his eyes, "Pete is here."

At the bar door, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck walked in together.

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