American fame and fortune

Chapter 522 Martin is a good doctor

In the not-so-spacious room, Leonardo was sitting alone on the sofa rocking chair. He seemed to be asleep and made no sound.

Drowsily, he seemed to hear some movement. He opened his eyes and looked around, but found nothing unusual. He picked up the dart at hand and threw it away.

Maybe by some bad luck, the dart hit the center of the target.

Leonardo closed his eyes again, thinking about where to go to meet models after get off work and relax.

As he was thinking about it, the faces of Martin and Nicholson suddenly flashed before his eyes. He shook his head vigorously. He was thinking about the blond and long-legged supermodel. Why did he think of these two bastards?

However, Leonardo felt a little missing after not seeing them for a long time.

Those two bastards didn’t even know they were here to visit!

Leonardo heard a strange sound again. He opened his eyes and looked again. It seemed as if a rocket was lit on his butt, and he jumped up.

He jumped so fast that the sofa and rocking chair tilted.

A dozen mice were frightened and ran out from the walls and corners. Some of them panicked and ran towards Leonardo.

"Ah! Ah -" Leonardo's hair stood on end, and in an instant he broke out at the fastest speed of 110 meters and 11 meters, and rushed towards the door.

He wanted to open the door and found that it was locked from the outside.

More rats were frightened by him, dozens of them, running around in the small room.

Two of them even hit Leonardo's feet.

Leonardo jumped up like a frightened rabbit, grabbed the open window above the door with his hands, and struggled upward with all his strength.

He shouted loudly: "Help! Help!"

In desperation, Leonardo burst out with great strength, pulled his heavy body with his arms, and his head emerged from the window sill.

Then came the shoulders and chest.

At this moment, Leonardo used his three-stroke stunt again, frowning, glaring, and roaring: "Help!"

But after just one shout, he stopped.

Just outside the door, Leonardo saw two old guys who were thinking about him day and night.

Martin and Nicholson!

Leonardo discovered that the two of them were wearing thick leather gloves, each holding a mouse in their gloves, and four eyes like those of a century-old demon were looking at his handsome face.

Martin held the mouse by its tail, shook the poor mouse, and said to Leonardo: "I have been practicing throwing recently. My technique is not very good, but it is so close, I think I should be able to hit your face."

Nicholson responded: "Leo, open your mouth. My target is your mouth. Please cooperate and open it quickly."

Leonardo roared angrily: "I regard you as my brother when I ride on a horse, but do you regard me as a cat?"

"Don't put gold on your face!" Martin loudly refuted Leonardo who refused to accept his brother's kindness: "Whose cat would be scared of a mouse and scream?"

Leonardo can't help but be soft: "You two have some conscience, help your brothers."

Nicholson made a gesture of throwing a mouse, and Leonardo was so frightened that his hands loosened and he fell down.

After a muffled thud, there was a scream.

Leonardo felt something stepped on under his feet. When he lowered his head to look, a rat fell down with his big foot and smashed the lower half of its body.

The internal organs and everything were sprayed out.

Seeing this slightly bloody and disgusting scene, Leonardo didn't know why, but suddenly felt that the mouse was nothing at all, so he raised his big feet and then dropped them.

Face your fears, overcome your fears, become your fears!

This poor rat's head turned into pulp.

The other mice were so coaxed that they all ran away.

Leonardo felt inexplicably happy, grabbed the dead mouse by its tail, and threw it out of the window: "I'll give you a gift!"

Those two bastards are still out there, we can't let them have an easy time! "

Martin had sharp eyes and good skills. When he saw something flying out, he ducked and hid by the door.

The dead rat smashed against the wall on the other side of the corridor, and a lot of blood fell on Nicholson's head and clothes.

It seemed like something else had landed on his sunglasses.

Nicholson, an old pervert who had never experienced anything before, didn't care at all. He turned to look at the mouse on the ground and raised his thumbs at Martin: "Your special treatment worked!"

He stepped forward to unlock and opened the door.

Leonardo rushed out and ran into Nicholson's arms.

The latter hugged the former and rubbed his face against Leonardo's: "My good brother, you have finally overcome the fear in your heart!"

"Let me go! Let me go quickly." Leonardo felt something sticky rubbing from Nicholson's sunglasses onto his face.

Martin was disgusted by these two bastards and said, "Go and clean up quickly."

Leonardo looked at Martin: "You came to visit me, why don't you give me a hug?"

When the trio faced the inside, they were all helpless people who had no position. Nicholson let go of Leonardo and wanted to come over to pull Martin.

Martin walked quickly and stayed away from them.

Nicholson yelled angrily: "Unloyal bastard!"

Martin shouted, and the cleaning team and rat-catching team that the crew had contacted in advance rushed into the rest room and started catching rats.

Half an hour later, Nicholson and Leonardo, who had taken a shower and changed clothes, came out and joined Martin.

Leonardo pointed at the two bastards: "Is this your treatment plan?"

Nicholson had no integrity and became a traitor: "It was all Martin's idea and had nothing to do with me."

Martin's nose was almost crooked with anger: "You called me and asked me to come over to treat Leo together. You also added the details of the treatment plan. You said it had nothing to do with you?"

"Treatment? You two bastards, do you think this is treatment?" Leonardo glared, frowned, and yelled: "You haven't thought about it, what if my problem becomes more serious?" "

Martin said seriously: "Brother, have you ever thought that the best way to overcome fear is to face it head-on!"

Leonardo said: "Because I am strong enough, if it were anyone else, I would make you crazy!"

Martin patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I have contacted Dr. Laura." He specifically explained: "Laura is my psychiatrist and her medical skills are very good."

Nicholson took out his sunglasses and put them on: "I booked a room for you at the Presbyterian Hospital Psychiatric Center, and Martin is responsible for the expenses."

Leonardo was quite helpless: "How come I know you two bastards!"

Martin asked: "Are you still afraid of mice?"

"Of course I'm not afraid anymore!" Leonardo pinched his waist with both hands, as if he wasn't the one who was frightened by the mice and shouted for help: "If there are another 100, I dare to shoot them all to death."

Martin asked them both at the same time: "Has my treatment plan worked, huh? Just tell me, is it top-notch? Do you want to call me Dr. Martin?"

Nicholson and Leonardo looked at each other.

Scorsese came over from the other side and had a headache as he watched Leonardo, Martin and Nicholson attack each other, bragging and spanking.

When these three idiots come together, God will go crazy.

He quickly asked: "Leo, are you okay?"

Leonardo stretched: "Great, I feel like I'm back in full swing."

Scorsese looked at Martin and then at Nicholson, always feeling that something was not normal between these three bastards.

Leonardo came over and put his arm around Scorsese's shoulders: "Director, I will rest today. I will be full of energy and devote myself to work tomorrow."

"Okay!" Scorsese was really worried about the trio, and he was also old friends with Martin and Nicholson, so he specifically said: "You three, please don't cause trouble in the crew. I am a serious crew, except Leo, others can't stand your nonsense."

Martin patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, director, I will restrain these two bastards who have no idea what they are doing."

Before they could retort, Martin shouted: "Let's go."

The three of them left the office building and walked toward the parking lot, passing several sound stages rented by the "Shutter Island" crew.

In the distance, Martin saw a familiar figure.

Heath Ledger walked over with a three- or four-year-old girl in his arms.

He also saw the three Martins and stopped automatically.

Martin ignored him and walked directly past.

Heath Ledger watched Martin walking further and further away with complicated eyes.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?" the little girl asked, "Take me to my mother quickly."

"Let's go find mom right now." Heath Ledger smiled at the little girl and walked toward the studio with her in his arms.

On the other side, Martin asked: "Heath Ledger is also on the set?"

"His ex-girlfriend Michelle Williams played a supporting actress." Leonardo suddenly thought of a good idea to engage Martin: "I heard that you and Heath Ledger had a very unhappy relationship. He I've been visiting the set a lot recently, probably because I want to restore the relationship with Michelle Williams."

Martin knew he would only give bad ideas: "You can shut up."

Leonardo just wanted to say: "I will introduce Michelle to you and invite her out for a drink in the evening. I can see that Michelle is very lonely and needs a man to comfort her..."

Martin said: "These people are in the past tense. I am a person who likes to look forward. There is no need to entangle with them. It will not be good for me."

Nicholson rarely agreed with Martin: "Am I missing a woman among the three of us?"

The three of them got in the car, Bruce drove to the hotel, and they went into Leonardo's luxury suite to drink together.

Martin opened a bottle of whiskey and poured three glasses of wine.

Nicholson picked up a glass and said, "Gisele is engaged and doesn't invite us to her pre-wedding party. It's so inappropriate!"

Leonardo took the wine glass and drank half of it in one go.

Martin asked: "Are you engaged not just because of the mice, but because of Gisele?"

"Who am I? Will I be sad for a woman?" Leonardo drank the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp: "Martin, stop joking, I will be sad for a supermodel?"

He emphasized: "I will never give up an entire forest for a tree in my life!"

Martin poured him another drink: "I believe this last sentence is true."

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