American fame and fortune

Chapter 527 Don’t miss any opportunity

In downtown Los Angeles, near City Hall Plaza, the crew blocked an entire road.

Martin got off the makeup trailer and went straight onto the set.

The road was full of cars, and the summer sun shone on the asphalt road, making it extremely hot.

Nolan is coordinating the entire crew and asking the stunt team to slowly bring the train over.

Mene came over at this time, stood next to Martin, and said: "Oh, the crew built a train that does not use rails."

Martin looked down and saw the wheels and said, "It should be modified from a truck."

Ellen Page entered the set at this time and came to say hello to Martin first.

Ken Watanabe, Cillian Murphy and Tom Hardy arrived soon after.

Nolan came back from the crane and reminded loudly: "Be sure to pay attention to safety."

Once the main actor is injured, all subsequent scenes will have to be postponed. He added: "As planned, it will be divided into two parts, two cars!"

Everyone nodded.

Nolan was worried and said: "Many of our props are one-time use, so we can't shoot them a second time to show them in their best condition!"

This is the shortcoming of live-action shooting. If a model built with a lot of money is broken, it will be broken.

Martin got into a red Cadillac.

The filming of the scene here had to be done according to the order of the script. He drove the car to the side of the road and out of sight.

Mene and Watanabe got into a Los Angeles yellow cab.

As Nolan's voice came from the loudspeaker, three sprinklers mounted on cranes sprayed a large amount of water, creating a small-scale artificial rainfall.

Fortunately, there is still bright sunshine in the sky.

This scene is a dream, and Nolan requested that the sun must rain. In order to allow light to enter and partially darken the scene, the crew specially marked the path of the sun and hung baffles between the buildings to block it.

Mene drove a taxi to pick up Cillian Murphy, and Martin drove to pick up Ellen Page.

Then came the highlight of the Los Angeles scene, when the dream train suddenly broke in and squeezed out of the way of vehicles blocking the street.

The originally neat streets became chaotic.

The shooting took place in a cluttered environment, with the roar of motors, brakes and tire friction constantly heard.

Martin began to shoot a large number of short scenes, some of which Nolan would call a "block" in just a few seconds.

However, all of his scenes were in the Cadillac, and he never got out of the car. His limited lines were also dialogues with Ellen Page.

The heavy rain outside the car didn't stop.

Emma Thomas sent her assistant Amanda over to accompany Maria, who was wearing a one-piece raincoat, busy on the street.

Maria Guanhai took the DV given by Elizabeth and recorded some busy scenes of the crew when the crew paused filming.

All these can prove that she has been here and that she participated in an extremely important social practice.

Amanda reminded loudly: "We have to shoot the shootout and car crash scenes next, so let's stay away."

Maria nodded and followed her to the height of the steps where it was absolutely safe.

Amanda pointed to the other side of the set: "Look over there, Martin is going to film the gunfight scene himself."

Maria quickly picked up the DV, and the camera turned to that side. She saw Martin holding a pistol and communicating something with the director Nolan. Several more actors came from behind and rehearsed their moves twice with Martin.

Seeing that the filming was about to start, she quickly turned off the DV camera.

The ping ping ping ping ping ping of gunfire soon started.

After filming a few scenes, Maria discovered that Martin and Nolan started communicating again. The two seemed to talk a lot, and they would chat together from time to time.

The rain became sparse and the artificial rainmaker needed to be replenished, so the crew took a break.

Nolan found Martin and said, "I just had an idea. Can you listen to it and see if it works?"

Martin was very surprised. Nolan always insisted on making decisions when it came to filming, so how could he ask for his opinion? He nodded immediately: "Just tell me."

Nolan gestured in the direction of the City Hall with his eyes: "Is the First Daughter related to you? Can we invite her to make a cameo in front of the camera, even if it is a background board that flashes by?"

He is the kind of director who never misses any promotional opportunity.

The other party came to the set and left nothing behind. How could Nolan let her go in vain: "When it comes to publicity and promotion, this will be a very good gimmick."

Martin thought for a moment and said, "You can try it and ask someone to communicate with her. It doesn't matter. Just tell her."

Nolan called Emma Thomas and briefly communicated with her. Emma Thomas called her assistant Amanda.

Not long after, Amanda came over and expressed that Maria agreed to leave the country.

Nolan added a temporary scene. The scene was very simple, with Maria as the background and Martin passing by in a Cadillac.

What Maria wants is a practical experience that can become capital, which can better prove that she has been here.

Moreover, her tutor called Michelle Guanhai, and the White House did not object.

Nolan slightly adjusted his afternoon shooting plans.

After lunch, news spread that the crew had started filming in downtown Los Angeles. From movie fans to entertainment paparazzi, more and more people gathered.

Assistant Anderson looked at the make-up of Maria Guanhai and wrote in the notebook of real behind-the-scenes: "The first daughter Maria regarded director Nolan as her first idol and repeatedly requested to join the crew for filming, even if it was just as a background board. After leaving the country, director Nolan decided to give her a chance and wrote a scene for her alone."

Nolan passed by, glanced at the real behind-the-scenes record book, and nodded with satisfaction.

Anderson laughed happily. Encouraged by his immediate boss, inspiration suddenly broke out. He happened to see Martin get into the red Cadillac used for filming, and immediately wrote a real behind-the-scenes clip.

"When Martin Davis first heard that Nolan had such an idea and creativity, he was determined to star in the film and asked Director Nolan to agree to him as the leading actor no matter what. Even at that time, he did not know that he would star in the film. What are the specific themes and content of the film?"

Anderson is very clear that his future lies with Nolan, so the tidbits he writes naturally encourage Nolan vigorously.

As the sun gradually turned to the west, the cast and crew left the set one after another. A professional cleaning company entered the set, carefully photographed and marked the location of each prop car and decoration, and prepared to clear the set.

Martin and Mene walked toward the trailer together.

The latter said: "Paris is the last stop of filming. I will stay in Paris temporarily after filming this movie. Boss, if you want me to do anything, just call me and let me know. I will rush back to Los Angeles immediately."

Martin patted Mene: "Be at peace with your goddess and try to win a Cannes award next year... It may be too late for Cannes. Try to win a Venice Golden Lion Award for Best Actor."

Mene smiled with two lines of white teeth: "Isabelle Huppert must be given priority first."

He mentioned one thing: "When I was on the phone with Huppert yesterday, I suggested that she organize actresses from the French acting circle to have a party with the crew. I think it would be good."

Bruce came over from the other side and answered, "Don't be all aunt goddesses in their forties or fifties."

Menet said seriously: "Huppert promised me that he will definitely call on many new-generation French literary and artistic goddesses, such as Audrey Tautou, who will endorse Chanel No. 5 with Martin, and "The Dream" The heroine in Paris."

Martin had seen this film more than once and was deeply impressed. Venus de Milo was so classic. He asked: "Eva Green?"

Menet said: "It should be her. Huppert has a strong appeal among French actresses and is definitely the number one at the moment."

Ellen Page ran over from the other side and asked: "Martin, I heard that you want to be the spokesperson of Chanel No. 5?"

"We are still talking about it, but it has not been finalized." Martin gave a clear answer.

The news released now is to test the market's reaction. Other sponsors have no objections, but it is difficult to say what the fans and public opinion think.

Generally speaking, the reaction was relatively normal, and there were no inexplicable attacks.

WMA is still collecting various feedback data. If we really want to talk about it, it will not be until the end of the year at the earliest.

Ellen Page may be interested in this for her own reasons: "It is a great initiative for men to endorse women's perfume. Karl Lagerfeld and Chanel are very brave."

Martin smiled: "But it gave me a problem."

Ellen Page acted like a good friend, clenched her fists and bumped fists with Martin, encouraging him: "I think among all the male stars in Hollywood, except Leonardo, you are the only one who can hold down Chanel No. 5."

Seeing her fist-bumping like a man, Martin raised his hand to bump her fist and said, "Thank you for your encouragement."

Ellen Page said: "Before you arrived at Astra Cinemas in Morocco, that Tom Hardy wanted to bully me. Later, you took the initiative to accept me, and he never dared to mess around again."

Mene asked curiously: "What did he do?"

Ellen Page had had more contact with Mene and knew that he meant well. She shrugged and said, "At Astra Studios, Tom Hardy pointed at a local woman in her forties who was applying for a job and said, "I Should go over there and fuck her.”

She spread her hands helplessly: "The crew around me were all British. They were either laughing or silent."

Mene said: "Some British guys deserve to be treated like mortars!"

Martin now understood why Ellen Page took the initiative to move closer to him. He stretched out his right hand and said, "Ellen, welcome to join the temporary American gang of the "Inception" crew."

Ellen Page held his hand firmly: "Thank you for accepting me."

Martin had a good impression of her and said one more thing: "You have chosen a very difficult path."

"I know that once it becomes public, many characters will automatically stay away from me." Ellen Page is very determined: "No matter how difficult it is, I will continue."

Martin nodded: "Good luck to you."

The three actors each went back to their trailers to take off their makeup. When Martin left after get off work, Elizabeth specially drove a brand-new Porsche to pick him up and invited Maria to have dinner with her.

The latter stayed with the crew for only a few days. After the novelty wore off and he got the practical experience he wanted, the crew left after filming half of the scene in Los Angeles.

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