American fame and fortune

Chapter 535 The true face under the mask

The crew is based in the 16th arrondissement. It was just getting dark on the weekend. Martin, Mene and Ellen Page took the same car and left the hotel where they were staying.

Menei looked at Allen in surprise: "We are here to pick up girls!"

Allen's long hair was tied into a bun and he was wearing a fitted black suit. He said, "I'm also here to pick up girls."

"You?" Mene's eyes widened.

Allen nodded: "Who stipulates that women can't pick up girls?"

"What a waste! It's a shameful waste!" Now that he's become familiar with it, Mene speaks casually. He holds up two fingers and is extremely sad: "You're wasting two people at once!"

Allen said deliberately: "Which one do you like better? Be careful that I compete with you."

Mene shook his head: "It's useless, you can't take it away."

In this regard, he was extremely confident: "Don't talk about you, even the boss can't take it away."

Allen looked at Martin in surprise: "Is he bragging?"

"No, he didn't brag." Martin could accept that he was not as good as Mene: "I really can't beat Mene's target."

Allen couldn't understand and was filled with confusion.

Bruce drove to the villa area on the west side of Boulogne Forest Park and approached a large villa with a courtyard.

Isabelle Huppert has been in the film industry for many years and has a rich net worth.

The four people parked the car and came to the door of the villa. Several men in suits guarding the door read the invitation, took out four golden masks with their mouths exposed, and motioned for them to put them on.

Masked parties, as the name suggests, are all about this mysterious atmosphere.

A man in a suit reminded: "Please don't take off your mask before leaving."

Martin put on the mask, but took off his suit jacket and threw it to Bruce. When he walked in, he unbuttoned another shirt button. The fitted white shirt highlighted his strong figure, adding to his original gentlemanly temperament. A bit wild.

In the courtyard, there were more than a dozen men and women, all wearing golden masks, and their true appearance could not be seen clearly.

Ellen Page spotted a petite woman in a red dress and said, "I'm going to go it alone."

Martin waved his hand and entered the villa hall with Mene.

There were twenty or thirty people in the spacious hall at this time. Most of the women were wearing form-fitting skirts and masks covering their faces, but everyone had a good figure.

Some of the men are fat, some are thin, and a few of them look older.

A woman wearing a suspender skirt walked by nearby. Menei turned her eyes automatically and said, "Boss, I have to leave too."

"Go ahead." Martin was still looking for his target.

Bruce followed Mene's gaze and saw the woman in the suspender skirt and said, "Do you know her?"

Mene said: "On the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, I took a lot of photos of her where she was exposed, especially the exposed positions. I studied them carefully and I will never admit her mistakes."

He clapped his fist: "Sophie Marceau, that's her."

Martin heard it too: "Good luck to you, old man."

Mene nodded and walked quickly over there.

Maybe this guy really has a special temperament that attracts older ladies. By the time Martin's eyes swept around the hall and turned to Mene again, he was already chatting enthusiastically with the lady in the suspender skirt.

There was a woman wearing a black and white floral skirt next to her. She carefully looked at the faintly highlighted muscle outline under Martin's shirt, walked over quickly, and invited him: "Let's have a drink together."

The woman spoke French, and Martin could understand simple words.

Masked parties are like opening a blind box. If you are not familiar with the other party, no one knows whose face is under the mask.

However, this blind box is a two-way choice.

Martin smelled the scent of a woman, Chanel No. 5 perfume.

Leonardo and Nicholson, those two bad guys, have a deep knowledge of perfumes. Women who like Chanel No. 5 are somewhat older and more mature.

Martin declined politely: "Sorry, ma'am, I don't want to drink at the moment."

The mask covered her face and would not be embarrassing. The woman did not bother to find the next target.

Martin walked around the hall, and four or five women came up to say hello, but he politely declined them all.

From the size of her chest and the color of her skin, he could tell that Eva Green was not the first target tonight.

"Hi, buddy." Suddenly a man came over to say hello: "Alone?"

Martin shook his head and left directly.

There really was everyone at Huppert's party.

Not finding the target in the hall, Martin simply went to the backyard. As soon as he entered the backyard, he saw many people looking towards the third floor and turning their heads to look there.

On the balcony on the third floor, a man and a woman were leaning on the railing and studying horse racing.

Because they were wearing the same golden masks, I didn’t know who they were.

Masks cover not only the face, but also a person's embarrassment and shame.

Martin took advantage of the crowd to be attracted by the two people on the balcony. He quickly scanned the scene and then fixed on a woman who had just come out of the side door.

This man was about 1.7 meters tall, with long brown hair hanging behind a golden mask, and a long blue skirt that was held up to a considerable height at the front and back.

Martin walked over there. With his rich experience, judging from her white and delicate skin, he was about twenty-five years old.

The woman's golden mask also turned towards Martin.

The mask hid her expression, but Martin could tell from her behavior that she seemed interested.

He recalled watching "Paris" many times. Eva Green had brown hair, was about 1.7 meters tall, had a rather spectacular chest, and was in her twenties or seventies...

Martin took two glasses of wine from the tray held by the waiter, walked over quickly, and handed one over: "Can I buy you a drink?"

The daughter reached out to take the wine, touched it slightly with Martin, and took a sip.

According to the rules of the party, unless the other person agrees to leave with you, you cannot ask for the name. Martin took a sip of wine. He really didn't speak French very well and asked: "Can you speak English?"

"Of course." The woman said with a smile: "Although I am French, I have specialized in American English."

Suddenly, a strange cry rang out.

Martin and the woman turned their heads at the same time. On another balcony on the third floor, there was a person in a red dress pressing her hands on the guardrail, with a golden mask looming behind her.

Perhaps they were stimulated, and the two people on the balcony next to them also started shouting.

On the balcony between the two, a third pair appeared.

Masks give people great courage.

There were seats next to the swimming pool in the backyard, and Martin made an inviting gesture: "Sit down and enjoy?"

The woman came over and took his arm naturally: "The party here is really extraordinary."

The two came to the swimming pool and found a seat for two. Martin stretched out his hand to test the situation. Seeing that the woman did not refuse, he put his arm around her shoulders and watched the show together while building up the atmosphere.

The woman leaned against Martin and felt the strong muscles. Suddenly she stretched out her hand and touched the strong abdominal muscles.

Martin also confirmed that the opponent had no lining.

As for whether it is artificial or natural, he can tell it at a glance based on his experience.

On the third floor opposite, there are three big plays and six actors, whose performances are all wonderful.

People left the backyard one after another, and one group of people entered the villa, possibly going to the second or third floor.

Some people left the party directly.

After all, staying at the party means you can't take off your mask and you can't find out who the other party is.

There might be a Goldenberg face on top of that fiery body.

Most people abide by the rules tacitly.

Martin enjoyed the good show and praised: "Huppert is indeed the first literary goddess in France. The party he designed is very creative and full of artistic flavor."

The woman leaning on him was quite confident: "Perhaps in a dozen years, I will surpass Huppert and become the number one French actress."

Martin turned his head and could only see the confidence in the woman's eyes under the golden mask.

In such an artistic environment, the two looked at each other and leaned forward, wanting to kiss.

There was a soft bang, and the bulging noses of the two masks collided.

This damn mask is so well designed that it's not easy to kiss.

Martin stretched out his hand and actively invited: "Shall we change places?"

The woman nodded slightly, pointed to the villa, and asked, "Go inside or go to the balcony?"

Even though he was wearing a mask, Martin didn't want to be watched by people, so he said, "Why don't we go out and find a place?"

The woman did not refuse. She stood up after him and said as she walked out: "You really want to know who I am?"

Martin did not answer, but asked: "You don't want to know who I am?"

The woman said: "There are some guesses, but guessing is not appropriate here. Everyone in this party tacitly abides by the rules."

Martin had an idea: "Why don't we go out for a while, we write down our answers, and then we take off the masks to see who guessed it right?"

This game is very interesting. The woman said: "The one who guesses correctly takes the initiative?"

Martin is good at up and down, front and back, an absolute all-around player, and said: "No problem."

The two left the backyard, walked through the front yard, came to the door, and walked out of the door together arm in arm.

Martin saw Bruce getting into the car in the distance and was about to drive over. He asked the security guard at the door for a pen and said, "Write your name on the palm of your hand?"

The woman took the pen, turned the back of her left hand to Martin, wrote a line of words in the palm of her hand, and gave the pen to Martin.

Martin also wrote a name on the palm of his left hand.

Returning the pen, after waiting for a moment, Bruce drove a black car and parked on the side of the road.

Martin opened the car door: "Get in the car."

The two of them got into the car one after another, and Bruce raised the fender to separate the front and rear seats.

Martin smiled and said: "The game begins."

The woman closed her eyes, clasped her hands and prayed: "I hope I won't guess wrong, and I hope my dream will come true."

She opened her eyes: "Ladies first, gentleman, please take off your mask."

Martin unhooked the mask and took it off.

The moment the woman saw Martin's face clearly, her mouth and nose that were not covered by the mask burst out into a bright smile: "It's really you. Huppert didn't lie. She really invited Martin Davis to attend the masked party." !”

She turned over her palm, and Martin's name was written on it.

Martin pretended to be helpless: "I can be seen through so easily."

"Now my answer will be revealed!" The woman took off the mask.

The face that appeared was somewhat familiar to Martin, but he couldn't name it for a moment, but it was definitely not Eva Green.

"Don't you know me?" The woman has a good figure, and she is straightening her chest and waist at this moment: "I am Léa Seydoux, an actress."

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