American fame and fortune

Chapter 549 The real culprit behind the scenes

After the press conference ended, Martin and his group got into the same commercial vehicle and left first.

In the car, Leonardo shook his head and regretted: "We came to see your good show, to see you being fucked, and this is the result?"

After the matter was basically resolved, Nicholson turned into a wallflower again and stood on the opposite side of Martin: "Can you change it next time and let Leo and I rush to the front?"

The last time he worked on a big book, he had a great time and felt like he had everything under control.

There was no sense of participation this time, and the whole process was a waste of time.

People like Elizabeth and Lily are already immune to the idiots of the Face Gang.

Martin didn't joke, saying: "The people behind Toni are Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt."

Nicholson pushed up his sunglasses: "It turns out to be an alliance of losers."

Leonardo responded: "They are the core members of the Foot Gang."

Martin nodded slightly: "You also said that many of the media today were invited by Harvey Weinstein."

He said directly: "Next, I am going to start a direct war with the Football Gang, and the target is directly at Xavi!"

What Nicholson fears most is that there will be nothing to do. He added: "Others worry that messing with him will affect their future. I have never been afraid. At worst, I will retire directly."

It would have been no different for him than to retire.

Leonardo still said the same thing: "Xavi is not simple, and the three of us are not ordinary people either."

"It's not just the three of us." Martin said briefly, and then added: "Just in time, with this extortion case, it starts with Ben, Pete and Cassie."


The process of the press conference was strange and extremely newsworthy, and reporters rushed back to finish the work.

Others rushed to Beverly Hills to interview the famous potboy Stuart Townsend.

Some reporters who had contact with Charlize Theron or her agent immediately started contacting people.

Toni, who was holding her child, was relatively ignored.

Aisha and others became stars in the eyes of the media.

Toni held the child in her arms and stood in the hall waiting patiently.

Several detectives from the Police Detective Bureau came over at this time, showed her the relevant procedures, and said: "Ms. Toni Fairman, you are suspected of blackmailing Martin Davis, please come with us..."

After hearing the other party's routine words, Toni said: "I'll go with you."

Two female police officers accompanied her out of the hall.

The reporters who had not yet left took pictures.

The group of people soon came to the police detective bureau, and the paternity test results did not match Martin at all. No matter how stupid Toni was, she could have imagined that her request for 10 million US dollars would turn into a huge trouble.

Like Lily said, there was a crime involved.

This kind of woman only thinks about herself. At such a moment, how can she care about the life and death of others.

Toni didn't hesitate and put all the blame on the Affleck brothers and Pitt.

There are even several phone and video recordings provided.

Toni secretly recorded what Ben and others taught her. It was originally used as a teaching to remind herself what to do when facing Martin.

These are all put to use now.

In the past, the police detective bureau might have had some scruples when facing the Affleck brothers and Brad Pitt, but now they are facing only a coalition of losers. The person in charge of this case immediately applied to the district attorney. Emergency arrest warrant.

The victim of a $10 million extortion case is an honorary citizen of Los Angeles and a national hero of the United States. This is a credit that is spoken of.


In the hotel room, Ben, Cassie and Pete were packing their things.

The latter complained: "Is this what you call a one-shot kill? Damn it, Ben, you can't even figure out the biological father of the child!"

Ben grabbed his hair hard: "How could I have thought that a pregnant woman would fabricate such lies? Jennifer Garner was a fool when she was pregnant, and her IQ dropped by at least 50 points! I asked Toni many times, she They say the same thing every time, what she and Martin are doing in the room!"

Pete yelled angrily: "You are a waste and an idiot, you have wasted so much of my time and money!"

"Do I want this? Do you think I want this?" Da Ben became rude when he saw that he was throwing the blame on himself: "You also listened to what she said and helped her make suggestions. Did you notice it? "

Pete retorted: "Because I trust you when I step on a horse!"

Cassie quickly stood between the two of them and said, "Stop arguing now. I think crazy fans like Toni may have fallen into some crazy fantasies and regarded them as reality. They even thought it was true. , that’s why we didn’t notice it.”

Da Ben was not a good-tempered person and said, "Where is that idiot? I'm going to kill her! Make her regret it..."

Peter suddenly remembered something. Martin Davis called the police because Toni was extorting money.

If the paternity test DNA matches successfully, the so-called calling the police is naturally a joke.

The problem is that the DNA of Little John and Martin do not match at all, and Toni's former sister even exposed the truth on the spot!

Pitt was already a little uneasy. At this time, he sensed that trouble was coming. He didn't care to argue with the Affleck brothers anymore and took his mobile phone and bag: "I have something to do. I'll leave now. I'll contact you later."

He opened the door and turned into the corridor. As soon as he turned into the elevator, he came face to face with a large group of people wearing plain clothes and police uniforms.

Peter turned around and ran back, throwing away his bag and reaching for his cell phone, trying to call someone for help.

"LAPD! Let me see your hands!" Someone shouted from behind: "Stop! Let me see your hands!"

Peter glanced back and saw several people's hands on the holsters at their waists. He quickly stopped, raised his hands and said, "Don't do anything, I will cooperate with you!"

Two strong detectives came over, twisted Peter's hands behind his back, and cuffed them.

At the same time, the accompanying waiter knocked on the room where Ben and Cassie were.

Cassie saw unfamiliar faces, more than one of them, and subconsciously touched the bat placed behind the door.

"Don't move! LAPD, let me see your hands!" A strong man rushed forward first and threw Cassie directly.

Another strong black man who weighed more than 200 pounds rushed to Ben's side like a professional football running back and threw him to the ground. His iron pillar-like knees and calves were pressed against Ben's back. On the back and neck.

Daben wanted to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he found it difficult to breathe and started coughing one after another.

Before he could say anything, his hands were forcefully twisted behind his back and a pair of shining silver bracelets were put on.

Immediately other LAPD came to search the room and took away all the belongings of Ben, Cassie and Pete.

The three people were also escorted into the elevator.

Ivan has been waiting at the door of the hotel, and even called "kindly" to inform many colleagues in the industry to come over.

"What other news can compare to the illegitimate child incident?" Someone said: "Many people go to Beverly Hills to interview Stuart Townsend."

"We can't get into Sunset Boulevard North," another said.

Ivan pointed to the door of the hotel: "Look, someone is coming out."

Several people raised their cameras and video cameras one after another and gathered around.

Three police cars drove over at this time.

Two strong men in LAPD police uniforms opened the way and took the lead out of the hotel door.

Immediately afterwards, three handcuffed people were escorted out one after another.

The flash came on, and the reporter who pressed the shutter was quite surprised and said, "Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, and Brad Pitt?"

"Yes, it's them!"

Another person asked: "Ivan, why did the LAPD arrest them?"

Ivan said while taking the video: "How do I know?"

Three people pass in front of the camera.

Peter was a little better, but his hand was twisted behind his back.

Ben and Cassie looked very embarrassed with their noses and faces swollen.

The reporter holding the camera asked loudly: "Officer, why do you want to arrest them?"

The police officer leading the team stopped and replied: "Three suspects are suspected of a serious extortion case worth up to 10 million US dollars!"

The reporter blinked and felt that the figure of 10 million US dollars was particularly familiar.

The police officer leading the team waved his hand, put the suspect into a police car, and quickly left the scene.

The reporter reacted: "Did that Toni Fairman blackmail Martin for $10 million?"

Another reporter also thought about it: "Yes, that's 10 million US dollars!"

Regarding the rumors about Martin and Pitt, many people in the industry and entertainment news have heard about it. This reporter said: "Could it be that the Affleck brothers and Brad Pitt are the masterminds behind the Toni incident?"

Another reporter ran towards his motorcycle. This was big news and could sell for a lot of money.

Others also reacted, got in the car and left.

Ivan got into the car and drove not far away. He found a place to stop, dialed Bruce's phone, and said, "Those three bastards were just arrested by the LAPD. I took the video. Whenever you have time, I will go and deliver them." for you."

"Wait, don't worry." Bruce hung up the phone and said to Martin.

Martin stood on the third-floor terrace, the highest in his house, looking at the neighbor's house on one side and said, "Why is there no movement?"

Elizabeth was quite helpless to him: "Your thoughts are too bad, and you always like these bad things."

Martin defended: "I saw Stuart kicking our trash can so hard it was deformed!"

"You watch here." Elizabeth went downstairs: "I'm going to have the kitchen prepare dinner. Leo and Jack should stay for dinner."

Thomas went upstairs at this time and said: "Brioni, Cadillac, Nokia and Cartier Men's Watch have called one after another to express their support for you."

Bruce laughed: "Will you support us after the result is confirmed?"

"It's normal." Martin said openly: "After all, it's just a business partnership, not as deeply tied to us as Coca-Cola."

Coca-Cola expressed support for him from the beginning.

Thomas added: "Ali also called, and the agency will fully support you."

All this was kept silent before, but now the dust has settled, and Martin is surrounded by good people again.

After watching for a while, Martin's cell phone suddenly rang, and the caller was Charlize Theron!

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