American fame and fortune

Chapter 594 Another box office champion

The movie is a dream, but Nolan brings the audience into a dream within a dream, and Martin is the pioneer of dream stealing.

He stars as the dream stealer Dom Cobb, who is best at sneaking into other people's dreams, stealing valuable information and secrets from the subconscious, and if necessary, further memory transplantation will be performed to tamper with the other person's memory.

A creative concept and theme, a simple story, but Nolan once again used a relatively complex narrative technique.

Even so, the film is not difficult to understand at all.

Hollywood has proven time and again over the decades that films that are too complex will only drive away audiences and shut down the market.

And Nolan also uses a lot of visual spectacle shots that can attract passerby viewers.

Dream scenes do not have to respect the physical laws of the real world at all. Various space reversals, seawater intrusion, city collapse, etc. can be played to your heart's content.

The only thing that can limit a movie is budget and imagination.

When the subtitles on the big screen at the Kodak Theater ended and the ceiling lit up, the audience burst into warm applause.

If "The Matrix" created a new realm of "pretentious movies", then "Inception" pushed it to a new level.

The whole audience applauded, and Nolan took the cast and crew to the stage for the curtain call.

Tom Hardy has been quietly observing Martin, watching Martin standing with Nolan, enjoying the craziest adoration from the audience.

Thinking about what he had endured for Martin, he couldn't help but feel unbalanced.

The greatest injustice and suffering fell on him, but the profits, money and glory belonged to others.

Following the curtain call with the cast and crew, Tom Hardy was not at all excited or excited, only depressed and sad.

After finally making it to the end, he met his manager after coming out from the backstage.

The two of them walked out together.

Tom Hardy asked: "When "Inception" first started filming, Director Nolan told me that he wanted me to play the villain Bane in "The Dark Knight Rises". Why did someone else get the role?"

The agent said: "The crew gave me feedback that you are not big enough."

"They are talking nonsense!" Tom Hardy did not believe it: "If this was the reason, Director Nolan would not have invited me in the first place."

The agent was silent for a moment and said: "Before the shooting, when I communicated with Emma Thomas, Nolan's mind had not changed, but shortly after the shooting... when I asked again before the crew left for Paris, , Nolan said that inviting you is just a preliminary idea, and we will wait for Bane’s audition to discuss the details.”

Tom Hardy couldn't help but said: "Another shooting!"

The agent didn't want the client to think he was incompetent, so he had a ready-made excuse in front of him, so he simply pushed it forward: "The shooting incident had a great impact on you. Everyone thought it was you who did it, and no one was willing to help you." In my defense, director Nolan also overturned the idea of ​​casting you as Bane."

"I know." Tom Hardy asked: "Originally, their target was not me."

The agent nodded and responded: "According to Brad Pitt's confession, he was instructed by Harvey Weinstein and the person he targeted was Martin Davis."

He expressed relief: “Harvey Weinstein is about to be severely punished!”

Tom Hardy said nothing, feeling that the culprit was not Harvey, but Martin.

Harvey was far away, but Martin was close.

But Tom Hardy kept all these things in his heart, and that bastard Martin was not easy to mess with.

On the other side, three bastards, Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson, got into the same car and were about to go to the nightclub to wash their faces.

The topic of the three people is still at the party prepared by Leonardo.

Leonardo has been looking at his phone and said the latest news: "In addition to models, there will be several Russian and Ukrainian actresses who want to break into Hollywood."

Martin suddenly remembered the Emperor Catherine the Great who often appeared in short online videos in her previous life. Unfortunately, he only remembered that she played such a role, but did not know her name.

Nicholson said: "Not counting Russian and Ukrainian actresses and Milla Jovovich in Hollywood, I only know one Yelena Korikova. When she was developing in Hollywood, I talked to her. Yes, but unfortunately I returned to Russia later."

Martin asked: "Jack, are you talking about a serious chat?"

Nicholson spread his hands: "Isn't it normal to talk in depth after chatting?"

Leonardo shrugged and said to Nicholson: "You are going to be disappointed. Yelena is too old. The actresses who will come are about the same as models. They will not be very famous. After all, it is my first time to organize a party there. I haven’t fully figured out the path yet.”

Martin suddenly thought of a question: "Leo, there won't be any swallows among the people you invited, right?"

Leonardo had heard: "KGB swallows? Don't worry, there will never be any. It is not easy to cultivate swallows. Each one is precious and it is impossible to use them on us."

He said carelessly: "So what if there is? Then I will hire the most professional security guards, and they will only become prey when they come in!"

Nicholson became interested: "I have heard so many rumors about swallows, but I have never seen one, let alone handled it."

Martin revealed nakedly: "Because you are worthless!"

"Yes, you are valuable." Nicholson countered: "Having killed so many Russian spies, the Swallows will definitely calm you down completely..."

Leonardo asked deliberately: "How to calm down?"

Nicholson pulled it out with one hand and gestured with a knife to cut it: "Of course it is!"

Martin knew very well that he had never killed a single Russian spy. It was all framed by the LAPD and FBI to frame Da Mao.

Leonardo pressed Martin's shoulders: "Hey, you're not going to be a coward anymore, are you?"

Of course Martin would not admit it: "Are you kidding me, I've always been the toughest one!"

The three of them washed their faces and felt refreshed. They went to Avalon and had a few drinks before going home.

There was an additional text message on Martin's phone, sent by Thomas. Warner Bros. conducted a questionnaire at the premiere, and the response from the audience was very good.

The next day, the media reputation ban on "Inception" was lifted.

Kenneth Turan, a columnist and film critic of the Los Angeles Times, gave the film great praise: ""Inception" has anti-physics discussions, wonderful action scenes, powerful emotions, and Martin Davis's consistent performance. The astonishing performances make people addicted.”

It also received rave reviews in other media.

"Martin Davis once again proved his excellent vision for film selection. "Inception", which he collaborated with director Nolan, is a fascinating sci-fi dream journey."

On the website, there is a carnival of movie fans.

"One person has a thousand faces, and what I mean is that a good actor like Martin is exactly the same. It is also a commercial movie, but the characters he portrays show a completely different temperament. In "John Wick", he almost performed the action and fighting scenes to the extreme. This "Inception" shows elegance, fun and wisdom..."

As the film's word-of-mouth ban was lifted, various statistics were released. The Rotten Tomatoes freshness score was 94%, the IMDB average score was 9.2 points, MTC media scored 83 points, and the overall CS audience score was A.

"Inception" has a huge reputation.

Of course there are negative reviews, for example, some groups are targeting Martin.

"Martin's movies are always very messy, full of violent elements such as explosions, gun battles and killings. These have nothing to do with art. He is as far away from artists as New York to Los Angeles."

Who can please everyone except money and gold?

There is Martin pink, and naturally there is Martin black.

Martin is pretty good, but Nolan has generated a large number of negative fans because of the score battle of "The Dark Knight" on IMDB.

As soon as "Inception" finished its premiere, many one-star negative reviews appeared on the relevant columns of IMDB.

"This movie is pure garbage, one of the worst movies ever made. I know my comments will be attacked by Nolan fans because I see through the essence of "Inception" - bullshit. Nonsense!”

Similar comments were quickly inundated with rave reviews.

But for this super-large production with a production budget of US$160 million and a total publicity and distribution cost of US$80 million, the only real judge of success or failure is commercial income.

Among all commercial income, box office is the most basic.

Commercial screenings are online advertisements. Consumers have negative reviews of the advertisements, which will definitely affect offline sales.

On Thursday night, "Inception" was released in advance in 1,800 theaters in North America.

Because of the original movie, the midnight box office revenue was only $4.12 million.

"You're not going to rush into the street, are you?"

Bruce, who received the report from the previous night in the manor, frowned: "This number is a bit low."

Martin remained calm and reminded: "The midnight box office of 'Avatar' was only US$3.53 million, which is an inherent disadvantage for original movies."

Without the added fame of him and Nolan, it would be great for this film to have a midnight box office of US$2 million.

Martin asked: "Where is "The Last Airbender" of the same period?"

Bruce said: "$2.75 million, but this is an animated film adaptation." His words suddenly changed: "However, the film has a very poor reputation. The IMDB score is not more than 6, and the CS audience score is only B-."

"At the end of the day, success or failure will be known," Martin said.

This year's Independence Day falls on the weekend, and Americans have three days of holiday. Starting from July 2, "Inception" will be fully released in 3,988 theaters in North America.

The film does not adopt a strategy of simultaneous global release. Even in markets such as the United Kingdom, Mexico and Brazil, it will be released as soon as next weekend.

Even if "Inception" has Martin and Nolan in the lineup, the naturally high risks of original movies still make many people full of doubts.

Countless box-office superstars and big-name directors in the past have failed in original films.

In one day on Friday, "Inception" took in $26.54 million, taking the top spot on the box office list.

"The Last Airbender", released at the same time, only took in $15.57 million.

The former has excellent reputation from the media to the audience, which indicates that there will be a very stable box office trend.

The latter has a poor reputation.

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