American fame and fortune

Chapter 604 Female Killer

Washington, D.C., Pennsylvania Clubhouse.

A new gathering of the Coca-Cola Cult is being held here.

Martin held Elizabeth's hand and walked around the hall, constantly greeting the guests. From time to time, he would stop to chat with others and talk about topics of mutual interest.

Many celebrities from political and business circles attended the party.

Georgia Senator Erica came over early, and the Zippertons also came hand in hand.

Ali Emmanuel and his brother Rahm, the current White House Chief of Staff, were present.

Gavin Newsom and Jennifer Siebel came all the way from California to attend the party.

Many celebrities from the Donkey Party came.

There were also some non-Donkey Party members who came to join in the fun.

The sudden arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Chuan was a surprise.

But we can’t drive people out openly.

The climax of the party came at the end, when Mr. and Mrs. Guanhai appeared in the banquet hall with their eldest daughter.

Martin has become adept at handling these interpersonal interactions.

Elizabeth next to her is elegant, beautiful, fashionable, elegant and well-educated, and can handle these social interactions with ease.

In situations like this, Martin also needs a regular female companion to help him participate in social activities and handle all the affairs of the female family members.

It would be perfect if this person didn't care much about his personal life.

The Olsen sisters also got into the party by virtue of their status as Elizabeth's sister.

After socializing, the two met for a brief exchange, and the topic quickly fell on their sister.

Looking at Elizabeth who was communicating with the first lady, Mary Olson said: "She is even better than we thought."

Ashley was quite emotional: "Liz walked in front of us."

Mary's eyes moved to Martin next to her: "He brought these all."

Ashley responded: "It's a pity that he is a scumbag."

Mary had a different view: "Look at all the men in the banquet hall, all the celebrities in politics and business, who is not a scumbag?"

Ashley was unable to refute.

This meeting of the Coke God Sect went smoothly, and before ten o'clock in the evening, people started to disperse.

Relevant news spread quickly in Washington, and specific details quickly entered Mao's embassy and were transferred to Moscow through special channels.

In Paris, Marina Alexandrova never went back after arriving. She participated in the catwalks of two small brands and also tried to find work in movies, but nothing went well.

It is extremely difficult for a Russian with no foundation to get a chance to get ahead in the fiercely competitive Paris.

Marina has been waiting for Martin's call, but almost a month later, there is still no news.

On this day, Uncle Pulkin invited Marina to have dinner with her.

The two met on the banks of the Seine.

Pulkin asked: "Martin Davis hasn't contacted you yet?"

"No." Marina was somewhat anxious. Staying in Paris for a long time was expensive and risky.

Pulkin frowned slightly: "In terms of keeping his word, Martin Davis has always had a very good reputation in Hollywood. Just calm down and wait."

Marina nodded: "I'll wait another month. There's still no news. I'll go back to St. Petersburg temporarily."

Pulkin asked: "Did any of the other models or actresses who were with you that night receive a call from Martin Davis?"

"No." Marina was sure of this: "We have established a small group through social media and communicate frequently."

She thought for a while and then said: "I also created a separate group with everyone to exchange news."

Purkin said: "If you have any news, please inform me in time. Moscow attaches great importance to your work."

Marina was a little surprised: "Pay attention to me? Am I so important? I'm just a temporary recruit."

Purkin said extremely seriously: "We have received news that just last night local time in Washington, Martin Davis organized the first official gathering of the Coca-Cola Cult in Washington, D.C. Not only did Secretary of State Hilary appear at the party, but also Grand Commander Guan Hai and his wife were also present."

Marina couldn't figure it out: "From my contact with him, Martin is more like a playboy with no ambitions, who is also lustful and drunk..."

"The time you have been in contact with him is too short, and you have only seen one of his many faces." Purkin became more and more convinced that Martin Davis would become an important figure in the United States: "All the contacts were with powerful people, and Martin had no political intentions. and ambition, absolutely impossible.”

He wondered: "What is Martin's goal? Do you want to learn from Schwarzenegger and Reagan?"

Marina had a woman's intuition: "It doesn't feel like it."

Pulkin said: "No matter what, if Martin calls you, you must seize the opportunity."

Marina responded: "I will."

After dinner, Pulkin left first.

Marina walked along the Seine River towards her residence, when her cell phone rang with a message notification.

She took it out and took a look, but it was someone in the four-person group established with Natalia, Sasha Ruth and Sputlana who sent a message.

The person who sent the letter was Sputlana. She said: "Martin's manager called me and invited me to New York to audition for a female killer in "John Wick 2", an important supporting actress!"

After seeing the message, Marina was uncontrollably disappointed. Why was she not the one who received the call?

Just when she thought of this, in the three-person group she established with Natalia and Sputlana, Sputlana sent another message: "That idiot Sasha still wanted to compete for this killer role. She failed. I can't help but want to see her disappointed face."

Marina texted back: "Congratulations."

Natalia replied: "You're going to break into Hollywood."

With a "ding" sound, the small group of Marina and Sputrana received a message.

Sputlana said: "Natalia, a washed-up supermodel, looks down on us at all."

Marina wrote back: "I feel okay."

As soon as the message was sent, her and Sasha-Ruth's small group received another message. The latter sent a letter: "That Bitchi from Sputlana is so angry with me!"

Marina stopped quickly and found a place to sit down, because there were too many messages received at the moment. In the nearly ten newly created small groups, more than ten messages were received.

Everyone in different groups has completely different opinions on Sputlana's invitation to Martin.

Marina also enjoys it.


In a restaurant in Washington, Gavin Newsom and his wife invited Martin and Elizabeth to have lunch.

The two sides talked a little about last night's party, and Jennifer Siebel turned the topic to movies.

"With all the budget in place and your full support, the crew has started filming." Sibel said she was very excited about the project in which she starred: "Martin, I can guarantee you that "Romantic Trouble" will become a masterpiece of romantic comedy."

"I never doubted that," Martin said with a laugh.

The money comes from Wu Maoting's investment. Regardless of the final success or failure of the project, Davis Studio can reasonably and legally earn a management fee.

Martin has also found sales channels and broadcast platforms, and Netflix’s online video website is his first choice.

With the names of Newsom and Siebel, Martin could fetch a reasonably good price.

Sibel played the heroine for a few days and found it quite enjoyable. She said, "When are you free to go to the set to give some guidance?"

The studio hired a professional producer to manage the crew, but Martin declined: "I will go to New York soon to prepare for the filming of a new film."

Gavin Newsom chimed in: "John Wick Part 2?"

"Yes." Martin said simply: "I have been training like crazy these past few months to prepare for the filming."

Gavin Newsom toasted to Martin: "This movie is very good. I like it very much. The character you played is crisp and clear, and never sloppy. It is much better than traditional Hollywood action movies."

Martin drank a glass of wine and invited in return: "You can come to New York to visit me when you have time."

Elizabeth spoke at the right time: "We can go to New York from California together then."

"It's impossible to confirm the itinerary now." Gavin Newsom put down his wine glass and said to Martin and Elizabeth: "If I go, I will contact you."

He gained a lot at the Coke God Cult’s party last night.

As a political creature, he naturally wants to continue to associate with Martin.

The topic then turned to Gavin Newsom, and Martin also asked him about his next work.

Gavin Newsom is about to step down as mayor of San Francisco and is running for governor with Jerry Brown, a veteran California Donkey Party figure. If the latter is elected, he will serve as lieutenant governor.

The current governor of California is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Martin has related impressions. Schwarzenegger left office after 2010.

After lunch, both parties left separately.

Back in the hotel room, Elizabeth finished taking off her makeup, turned around and hugged Martin's strong waist and abdomen from behind, pressed her face against his back, and said, "We are always busy, especially this year, when we get together less and stay apart more."

Martin grabbed her hand, turned around and hugged her, and said, "If I don't make more money while I'm popular, I won't be able to support you when I stop being popular."

Elizabeth kissed him and said with a smile: "I can support you."

Martin laughed cheerfully.

Listening to this kind of words makes him very clear-headed. If there is really no money and fame, how much of his so-called charm will be left?

That night, Martin followed Ali Emmanuel and visited his brother Rahm. The two talked about many topics, such as Harvey Weinstein.

The chairman of Weinstein Pictures was replaced by Bob Weinstein, who had a completely different working style from Harvey. He transferred the copyrights of many films and had no interest in Hedge.

In addition, Joanna Chapman divorced Harvey, received a large amount of property from Harvey, and became a wealthy woman with a net worth of tens of millions of dollars.

Harvey's case involves too many people and things. The number of victims who have come out to report him is still increasing, and the case has not yet entered court.

However, there is definite news from various quarters that Harvey’s case will definitely be pronounced before the end of this year.

Martin stayed in Washington for three days, then said goodbye to Elizabeth and headed to New York with Bruce to prepare for the filming of "John Wick 2."

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