American fame and fortune

Chapter 671 Door-to-Door Delivery

A little after five o'clock in the morning, Martin got up, put on his pajamas and prepared to wash up.

Daddario next to him also opened his eyes.

Martin patted her butt, which was also upright, and said, "You stay asleep for another 15 minutes. I'll call you later."

Daddario said "Yeah" and turned over to continue sleeping.

Half an hour later, the two came out of the trailer together, joined Bruce, and went to the restaurant to have breakfast.

Before six o'clock, all the actors came to several work trailers to put on makeup and change clothes.

Jessica Chastain saw Martin and said hello: "Good morning."

Martin nodded slightly to her: "Morning."

Makeup artists and stylists are busy.

After the actors complete their basic looks, the crew leaves the station and heads to the location for filming.

Not only the actors, but also other departments are busy.

There was movement on the "Mars" side, and the silence was broken on the "Maverick" crew next door.

Megan Ellison was eating breakfast and glanced at the temporary restaurant. The main cast and crew, including producer Jerry Bruckheimer and director Gore Verbinski, had already started eating.

Only Johnny Depp didn't come.

Meghan asked the assistant opposite: "What's going on with Depp?"

The assistant paid attention: "I had a party with his followers last night. It was 2:30 in the morning when I went to bed, and their party was still going on."

Meghan's anger increased again, so she quickly suppressed it and sent a text message to Amber Heard.

Even Johnny Depp, her father, a billionaire, can't mess with him.

After finishing the meal, Meghan came out of the restaurant. She heard the movement of the crew next door and was going to check out the situation. She purposely passed by the trailer where Depp lived and looked at the trailer from a distance.

Just in time, the trailer door opened, and Amber almost dragged Depp out of the car.

Depp walked staggeringly, as if he was still drunk, and his sunken eye sockets did not need makeup at all, just like Captain Sparrow's dark circles.

Meghan took a quick look and knew that if she wanted him to shoot normally, it would be noon at the earliest.

Fortunately, the crew adjusted the shooting plan. Starting from the Disney Studio, all Depp's scenes were shot in the afternoon, and the other actors' parts were shot in the morning.

Megan came to the place between the two crews, got on the highest trailer, stood on the roof and looked across.

She quickly saw the area where the makeup team was, and found Martin Davis and Jessica Chastain, wearing gray aerospace bottoms, coming out of the trailer and getting into a nanny van.

Several vehicles gathered into a convoy and headed southwest.

Meghan was thoughtful. Although Martin Davis was on the opposite side of her, there was one thing even she had to admit. In terms of professionalism, Martin was far ahead of Depp.

When the two crews were at Disney Studios, the main studio was only separated by a road. Meghan often paid attention to the crew of "The Martian." Martin and Depp had similar positions, but their ways of doing things were very different.

The former has an excellent reputation in the Hollywood industry, while the latter is hated by gods and ghosts.

It is not difficult for Meghan to imagine the huge trouble Depp will face once he loses his appeal.

Thinking of this, she felt worried. The two projects "Transcendental Hacker" and "The Lone Ranger" were top-notch in the industry from script to investment to production team, and the probability of success was infinite.

If something unexpected happens to these two projects, there is only one possibility - Johnny Depp!

Meghan is already furious with Depp, like the female version of the Hulk before the explosion.

Not long after, some of the crew of "The Lone Ranger" went out for filming.

As the time approached noon, Depp finally arrived at the temporary set in the wild.

At this time, the June sun was hanging in the sky, and the temperature in the unprotected Gobi desert was extremely high. Not to mention moving in costume, people were sweating just standing there.

Depp refused to go on set because the weather was too hot and wanted to wait until the weather cooled down.

Then, he and his playmates got into the air-conditioned nanny car and said nothing about getting out.

He didn't eat breakfast, and Depp didn't want to eat lunch, so he had alcohol for lunch.

"Boss, there is something important." A playmate reminded Depp.

Depp didn't even open his eyes: "What's wrong?"

The playmate named Hodgson said: "I was so excited last night that there wasn't much flour left. There's no place to buy it here..."

Depp waved his hand casually: "Ask them to deliver it as soon as possible, to your door, and give them extra money!"

Hodgson nodded: "I'll make a call right away."

He opened the door and got out of the car, called the supplier and asked them to deliver it before 12 o'clock tonight. The goods must be the best. Money is not an issue.

The person there responded immediately and promised that it would be delivered before 12pm.


Southwest of Death Valley, the crew of "The Martian" is filming intensely.

Two cranes set up a huge green screen, blocking the sun in the sky. The crew used the green screen as the background to shoot outdoor scenes on Mars.

The weather was so hot that during several shots of Martin wearing a space suit, he felt like his whole body was soaked with sweat.

"Stop, this one has passed!" Ridley stopped filming, looked at the sun in the sky, and said, "Take a break for half an hour."

Martin took off his helmet, and the makeup artist rushed over to wipe his sweat.

When he came to the rest area, he took off his spacesuit with the help of two assistants.

He took the water from Bruce and took a sip.

Daddario and Jessica Chastain, who were also taking off their space suits next to them, were soaked with sweat and their clothes clung to their bodies.

Martin threw two fans to them and said, "Let's go to the air-conditioned car."

The three of them got into the same nanny car. Martin first turned down the air conditioner slightly, and then turned it up slightly after the sweating gradually subsided.

There was no one else in the car, so Daddario directly pulled up his bottoming shirt, took it off and threw it aside, then took a tissue to wipe his sweat.

The scale attracted Jessica Chastain's attention.

Martin took out two bottles of mineral water from the small refrigerator, inserted straws into them and handed them to Daddario and Jessica Chastain respectively.

He took out another bottle, took a sip, and complained: "This damn weather is really not suitable for shooting outdoor scenes."

Daddario said: "I want to find a place to take a shower."

Jessica Chastain always had two blushes on her face. She didn't know whether it was from the heat or the sun: "I'll wait until I finish taking one piece. Thinking about having to stay here for a week makes me go crazy."

Martin said: "Didn't you film six movies last year?"

Jessica Chastain said with a smile: "But it's the first time for me to wear such thick clothes and shoot an outdoor scene in the desert during the hottest season of summer."

Martin said: "When I get back in the evening, I'll treat you to cold beer."

Daddario said: "I want a commemorative Coke."

"No problem." When shooting during the day, you can't drink too much of this stuff as it will cause hiccups. Martin waved his hand and said, "Whether it's Coke or other alcohol, I'll have enough for them all."

Before he came over, he had someone prepare it: "The crew has a truck specifically responsible for pulling supplies for me."

Jessica Chastain said: "You are better treated."

Martin told the truth: "When you become a popular star on the A-list, you will get the same treatment."

The break of more than half an hour came quickly.

Despite their respective complaints, the three got out of the car on time to touch up their makeup, put on thick spacesuits again, and continued their busy scientific research and investigation work on Mars.

The filming was intermittent, and Ridley had to let the actors rest and rehydrate from time to time to avoid heat stroke.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the crew called it a day and returned to camp.

After dinner, Martin called Daddario and Jessica Chastain and came to his RV together.

Bruce opened a nearby cold chain truck that was open 24 hours a day. It was full of food and drink supplies.

Jessica Chastain couldn't help but admire: "You enjoy it so much."

Martin said: "Aren't we just to make money while filming to enjoy life? We can't suffer and sweat while filming, and live a life that is so stingy that we abuse ourselves."

Daddario got into the car without ceremony: "I picked whatever I wanted."

Martin was very generous: "You can take whatever you like."

Daddario deliberately turned back and looked at Martin somewhere: "Are you really just taking it?"

Jessica Chastain also got to know Daddario today and said: "Can you not show affection in front of me? I am a lonely and single woman."

"Are you really lonely and helpless?" Daddario said deliberately: "Would you like me to give you some warmth tonight?"

Jessica did not answer her words, but went to get a bottle of sparkling wine, some dried fruits and fruits, and said, "Let's go and enjoy life."

Martin took some dried meat and fresh fruits and took the two of them back to the Mercedes-Benz RV.

Bruce had turned on the air conditioner and windows for ventilation before. Martin put down his things, closed all the windows on both sides, and called Ridley and the original author Andy Weir to ask them to come over and enjoy life together.

As night falls, the entire camping site becomes lively.

The non-dealing between the two crew members does not hinder communication among the people below. Many people know each other, and staff members between the crews also come and go.

Alcohol, partying, and things that happen between men and women are part of the eternal mainstream of amateur Hollywood.

Johnny Depp, who only filmed for an hour and a half today, was also holding a rave party in his RV.

But Depp has been acting like a monster since he joined the cast, and he has been exhausted from top to bottom, and no one else is involved except his playmates.

Of course, Depp doesn't care about this either. Ever since he played the role of Captain, the whole of Hollywood has been surrounding him.

Especially for the sequels of Pirates of the Caribbean, no matter how outrageous Depp's request was, Disney would hold their noses and accept all of them for the sake of commercial gains.

After drinking several bottles of wine, Depp felt that it was not enough and asked, "The goods haven't been delivered yet?"

The playmate who contacted me in the afternoon looked at his watch and said, "It should be here soon."

Another person kept sniffling and turned down the music: "Call and ask."

The playmate called and said, "They are almost here. I will go out to find them."

"It's so hot outside, let them send it directly here!" Depp really didn't have to say to his friend: "Let them send it directly to the Mercedes-Benz RV."

The man sent a text message: "You enter the camp and walk inside. Near the central area, the largest Mercedes-Benz RV is easy to spot."

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