American fame and fortune

Chapter 804 Licking the dog gets nothing

Beverly Hills, Charlize Theron's home.

On the second floor, Martin sat behind a window near the stairs. From here, he could see Charles Theron in the living room on the first floor and Stuart Townsend, who was begging to come over.

The latter has swollen eye bags, thin body, and low energy, which is in sharp contrast with Charlize, who is radiant after being moisturized.

"I'm sorry, Sally, I'm an asshole." Townsend looked shabby and begged: "I was wrong! Everything is my fault. I was really wrong. Let's get back together."

Charlize's face was tense and she didn't say a word, looking very unhappy.

Townsend's eyes glanced at the photo of the two of them still hanging on the wall of the living room. He somehow gained more confidence and said, "During this period, I discovered that the only person I have loved and still love is you. Without you, I would Life is worse than death!"

There is no big villa to live in, no luxury car to drive, no one to give him money every week, no easy and comfortable job, no lawyer to deal with all kinds of troubles, and being entangled by that Toni has become a problem in his life.

It's okay if he hasn't experienced a luxurious life. How can he live after experiencing this?

Only today did Townsend realize how rare it was to live a flat life, and how many men dreamed of it.

The person who raises him is not some old rich woman, but Charlize Theron!

Townsend glanced at the group photo at the top of the stairs, and his confidence increased a little: "I know you and that Martin Davis are just playing for fun, not serious. No matter how he is, can he compare to our ten-year relationship?"

When Charlize first hooked up with Martin, she thought that spending ten years with Townsend would be better than having a happy night with Martin.

This is still the view.

"You don't have to say anything." She said with a biting coldness all over her body: "You can go."

Townsend knew Charlize and knew that she was unhappy now, but as if it was not directed at him, he asked carefully: "What happened?"

Charlize didn't answer, his eyes fell on the coffee table.

Townsend, who had suffered so much, had now become a super licker and quickly picked up the newspaper and read it.

This section of the newspaper is full of reports about last night's Oscars, but not much about Charlize Theron.

Townsend was confused at first, and then saw the song sung by host MacFarlane, and saw all the lyrics in a section below.

"Because of this asshole?" Townsend asked, pointing to MacFarlane's song.

Charlize didn't answer but her face turned even darker.

Townsend understood immediately and wondered what to do.

Charlize was a bitch: "I'm in a very bad mood today. I don't want to talk about emotional matters. You can go!" She stood up and prepared to open the door: "I won't talk about this until I am in a better mood."

Townsend gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's wait until you are in a better mood. I'll leave first."

Charlize kept staring at him.

Townsend went out, drove an old Toyota, and left the familiar mansion.

He was in a slightly better mood than when he arrived.

Thinking of the photo of the two hanging on the wall of the living room and on the corner of the stairs, which had not been moved, Townsend seemed to see the hope of getting back together, and saw that the luxurious life of lying down was waving to him again.

If it wasn't for an old relationship, why would Charlize keep hanging a photo of them together?

This signal is too obvious!

Townsend left Sunset Boulevard North, made several phone calls, and quickly got the news.

Seth MacFarlane, who just hosted the Oscars, is now very topical and has many paparazzi staring at him.

Charlize is in a bad mood now. The reason for her bad mood is Seth MacFarlane's vulgar song last night. Townsend, the new dog licker, decided to teach MacFarlane a lesson to make Charlize feel better.

After confirming McFarland's address, he immediately started his car and rushed over.

An ordinary Volkswagen followed slowly, and the driver, sitting in the passenger seat, called Bruce.

A few minutes later, Bruce drove a commercial vehicle, picked up Martin and Charlize, and quickly chased Townsend's car.

Charlize asked: "Can he understand the hints I gave?"

Martin said: "It's not about whether he can understand it, it's about whether he is willing to be a licking dog."

"I know him better." After Charlize got together with Martin, looking back, she felt that she was so stupid. She could endure a man like Townsend for so many years: "He has a high spirit, average abilities, and he likes to enjoy himself. Where could he find this kind of opportunity other than that fool Charlize Theron?"

Martin suddenly thought of Julie and Aniston and said, "Sure enough, it would be terrible if love for an ex-wife or ex-fiancée turns into hatred!"

Charlize asked: "Is this why you don't want to get married or get engaged?"

"Because I'm a responsible person," Martin said.

Not long after, Townsend's Toyota appeared in front.

Charlize tilted his head and looked at it, and said: "In the last few years of our relationship, he had no income at all, but spent tens of millions of dollars. I just want to get some interest back!"

Martin took out his mobile phone: "How many people are there to watch the fun?"

Charlize nodded: "Whatever."

Martin dialed Nicholson's phone: "Jack, come out quickly. There is melon to eat. If you come late, you won't be able to eat."

Nicholson asked for the approximate address: "Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Martin then called Leonardo.

Leonardo had been infected by Martin and Nicholson, so he left the blonde and long-legged female model alone and hurried over.

Midway, Townsend stopped the car, went to a Chinese restaurant, picked up a bucket, and put it in the trunk.

Just before noon, the Toyota was parked outside a store on Seventh Street in Santa Monica.

The business car driven by Bruce stopped for a moment at an intersection ahead, and Leonardo got in first.

After waiting for a while, Nicholson and Lorraine came over from the other side and got into the commercial vehicle.

Martin glanced at Toyota and said, "Get closer."

Lorraine opened the bag she was carrying, took out a DV camera, and quickly adjusted the lens.

Charlize was curious: "Why are you bringing a camera?"

Lorraine said with a smile: "I work part-time as a freelance reporter, shooting some gossip news to earn some extra money. Money has been tight these past two years."

Charlize couldn't figure it out. She looked at Nicholson and then at Martin: "What's going on?"

Martin simply said: "Although Lorraine is just a part-time reporter, many hot news are produced by her."

Lorraine is showing off: "Amber Heard's Rush Gate, Emma Watson's Rush Gate..."

She suddenly realized something was wrong: "Why are all the exclusive news I photographed smelly?"

Leonardo responded: "Because the bastards who cause trouble are smelly."

Martin and Nicholson simultaneously gave Leonardo the middle finger.

Charlize looked at these people curiously. There were many rumors about the trio of bastards in the circle, but now they really looked like three idiots.

Martin patted Lorraine on the shoulder and pointed to the Toyota: "The protagonist is getting out of the car."

Townsend got out of the Toyota and stood near the trunk smoking.

Just behind him, there was a Lexus parked.

Lorraine opened the car window slightly and pointed the camera lens there. Now she was as skilled as a paparazzi walking through the streets of Los Angeles.

Leonardo reminded: "People are coming out."

Several people looked over there at the same time.

In the shop facing the street, as soon as Seth MacFarlane came out, there were several paparazzi taking pictures of him.

This guy just hosted the Oscars and performed a classic song, just when the heat was high.

Townsend took a quick glance to make sure the person was right, threw away the cigarette butt and stamped it out, opened the trunk of the Toyota, and strode towards McFarland with the bucket in hand.

The two paparazzi who were nearby suddenly smelled a stench. They turned their heads and saw the bucket Townsend was carrying, and subconsciously moved it aside.

McFarland also smelled it and saw Townsend.

This guy makes pranks in movies and on stage, but in real life he is a more serious person. Without saying a word, he turned around and ran to the store he came out of.

Townsend, who temporarily transformed into a licking dog, waited for so long, how could he let him run away, so he chased after him for a few steps, picked up the bucket and threw it out.

The two were not far apart, and liquid flew out of the bucket, pouring McFarland all over his head and face.

For a moment, red, green, and yellow flowed down MacFarlane's head.

McFarlane was stunned on the spot.

Townsend shouted, "This is for Charlize Theron!"

There was a flash of light all around.

MacFarlane wanted to speak, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was vomited by the smell of his body, making a sound of retching.

Townsend had not stood under the spotlight for a long time. Thinking of the vigorous feminist movement in Los Angeles, he loudly said: "This is for all the women you have insulted!"

In the business car, Charlize couldn't help but shake her head when she heard the voice coming from her: "Foolish men have also learned how to use BUFF!"

Martin couldn't help laughing and said, "Don't see him again recently."

Charlize said: "I'm leaving North America to shoot a movie, and I may not return to Los Angeles for half a year."

Townsend on the other side had already gotten into the car and was about to leave.

Lorraine turned off the camera and said, "Another piece of bad news!" She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "The big news is that Seth MacFarlane was covered in trash by a feminist supporter in the street, do you want it? "

The other side immediately replied: "Meet you at the same place."

After Townsend's Toyota left, Bruce started the commercial vehicle and left here.

As for the subsequent development, it is not their concern.

Martin turned to Kate Winslet in the address book on his phone and dialed: "I'll watch TMZ later. The news about Seth MacFarlane's misfortune is very exciting."

Kate said: "Martin, have you helped me take revenge? Thank you so much, but it's a pity that you don't look down on me now..."

Charlize muttered deliberately: "Lose more weight."

Martin glared at her.

Charlize couldn't care less.

Kate hung up the phone.

On the way back, Lorraine got out of the car alone.

Martin and his party had just entered Beverly Hills, and TMZ had already published a video of McFarlane being splashed on the head.

The commanding heights of online public opinion were immediately occupied by feminists. Not only did no one sympathize with MacFarlane, but all voices ridiculed him.

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