American fame and fortune

Chapter 807 Clara’s Miraculous Healing Technique

In the temporary stable of the studio, the crew set up the camera, and a special track was laid from the inside along the wall to the door.

When Martin entered the set, Chad called him and three stuntmen together.

Martin kept his hands and feet active to prepare for more intense action scenes.

Chad demonstrated in person and said while gesturing: "Martin, knock down Buck here first, get into a fight with Lewis, kick down Telles who is rushing in front, and then deal with Lewis."

He pointed at the two black horses brought over by the trainer: "The horses are nearby. You should be careful with your movements so as not to hit the horses."

All four of Martin nodded.

Chad continued: "Martin, after you knock Lewis down, put him on the horse rope."

He then reminded the two jockeys: "Watch the jockeys and don't let the horses really run."

The jockey responded: "No problem!"

Chad knew that Martin was learning about directing recently, so he asked specifically: "Do you have any more questions?"

Martin would not let his personal matters affect the filming of the whole crew, saying: "If there is anything, I will ask you when you have time."

Chad is not worried about Martin taking away his job. On the one hand, he has no plans to leave the "John Wick" series. On the other hand, Martin is a master of action scenes, but not a master of shooting action scenes.

Action scenes are no easier to shoot than those so-called artistic shots, and they also require outstanding directorial talent.

There are not many directors in Hollywood who can make action movies look good.

Chad shouted to clear the scene, and the crew made final preparations before shooting.

As the recorder made notes in front of the camera, filming officially began.

Martin and the stuntmen had already rehearsed these action scenes, and the four of them fought together according to the set routines.

Compared with the first two parts, the third part not only has more action scenes, but also a greater number of close combat scenes.

The filming process was intermittent. After the editing was completed, the action scene was only one minute long, and even half of it was shot in a whole morning.

At noon, Martin didn't eat much. He felt that the horse riding scene might have to be filmed many times.

If you shoot the horse riding scene repeatedly, you might get upset.

In the circus part, Martin himself participated in the battle, which was basically the part where the horse was galloping. A few close-ups of the fight were made with fake horses.

It's too dangerous to ride a horse while fighting a motorcycle killer.

Even with adequate safety measures in place during filming, an accident occurred during a scene in which a motorcycle tipped over and crashed, causing a stunt driver to suffer two broken ribs on his left side.

When Hollywood shoots large-scale action scenes, it's all about small accidents.

It is said that before World War II, people often died when filming large-scale cold weapon battles, and each crew had a death quota.

He has been riding horses a lot in the past few days, and there were a lot of riding scenes shot in the afternoon. Martin lacked long-term horse riding training, which caused a bit of pain near the base of his thigh. When he finished work, he felt a little awkward when walking.

After taking off his makeup and changing clothes, Martin came out of the makeup trailer with his legs crossed, looking a bit like Scott.

Bruce took out a green bottle and threw it to him: "Put a little on it and it will be fine soon."

Martin didn't need to read the words on the label of the bottle. Just by looking at the shape, he knew it was a bottle of Fengyou Essence. He thought to himself that if he applied it close to the area where the skin was a little abraded, wouldn't this sour feeling go to heaven?

He threw it back to Bruce: "You can keep it."

Bruce asked, "Would you like a doctor to look at you?"

Martin came to the Escalade, got in the car, asked Bruce to drive quickly, and said, "Let me use the Vaseline you brought with you."

Bruce was surprised: "How do you know I carry Vaseline with me?"

Martin snorted: "I don't know you?"

Bruce, a bad person, still explained: "Mainly, Kim and Khloe may come to New York at any time..."

Back at the hotel, Blake Lively went to Philadelphia to attend an advertiser's event, but Martin didn't worry about not having a female companion, as Clara rushed over from Los Angeles.

Because his legs felt uncomfortable, Martin did not go to the restaurant. He simply took Clara back to the room and ordered dinner to be delivered.

Entering the room, Clara saw that Martin was walking somewhat awkwardly, and asked in a habitual tone: "Oppa, what's wrong with you? Were you injured while filming? Do you need me to call a doctor?"

"It's not a big problem." Martin sat on the soft sofa and said simply: "I have been riding too many horses in the past few days, maybe my thighs are a little bruised."

"Is that so?" Clara rolled her eyes and thought of a way: "Can I help you take a look?"

Martin asked curiously: "Do you know medical skills?"

Clara comes from Bangzi's entertainment industry, which is simply a slavery circle. The 'slaves' who have signed a contract will always try their best to please their master.

Her hand fell on Martin's leg: "I don't know medical skills, but there is a way to make you better."

Martin could hear the subtext: "Tell me about it."

Clara said: "You go take a shower first, and then I will help you."

Martin went to the bathroom to take a shower and came out soon.

Clara had already laid the sofa flat, spread a blanket on it, and patted it gently: “Oppa, come here.”

Martin put on his bathrobe and went to sit down.

Clara pushed him to the sofa: "I can't help you check your body like this. Come up here, don't lie down, turn over."

When Martin turned over, his bathrobe was pulled off.

"I saw it, don't move." Clara pressed her face against it in order to see it more clearly.

Martin suddenly felt that the originally burning wound became cool, and the only pain was dispersed by the flexibility of a snake.

Clara wasn’t lying, she really understood.

This is definitely the best way to treat a scrape.

In this regard, Martin can only give one description - soft and moist.

Perhaps it was Dr. Clara's half-night efforts that had an excellent therapeutic effect. When Martin got up early the next morning, the friction wound on his leg was completely gone.

Clara specifically told Martin: “There will be a second course of treatment at night so that the treatment can be carried out in depth.”

Martin was very satisfied: "Finish the work in the evening and wait for me at the trailer."

Clara smiled happily.

Back on the set, the filming was still mainly action scenes, which were similar to the previous films. Martin needed to fight alone against what seemed like a whole world of pursuit.

During the artificial heavy rain, Martin ran wildly in the studio again and again.

At the end of the morning, I got wet a dozen times and looked quite miserable.

In the afternoon, fighting started while running. In this series of action scenes, there were relatively few gunfights, and most of them were close combats.

Chen Hu also specially designed an action scene like a knife-throwing contest based on Martin's ability to throw.

Martin dealt with more than a dozen opponents by himself, and even though he was agile, he was sometimes injured accidentally.

For safety reasons, the prop knife is made entirely of resin and imitated metal, but it is not light in weight in order to have a flying texture.

During the filming, Martin was hit in the head at least three times with a prop knife, one of which hit his forehead, causing a large area of ​​redness and swelling.

Of course, there were many actors accidentally injured by him, but fortunately, they were all okay.

Doctors on the crew appeared frequently and were extremely busy.

After filming this scene, Martin was wearing a blood-stained white shirt and a dirty black suit. His body was covered in blood and there were several scars on his head. He looked a little miserable.

Martin sat on the steps of the set, resting against a wooden display case, and waved to Bruce.

"Too tired to get up?" Bruce could tell that Martin was very tired. Those stuntmen could take turns and rest intermittently, but Martin, the leading actor, had to fight during filming, and Iron Man couldn't hold on.

He asked: "Do you need me to help you?"

Martin waved his hand: "It's not that exaggerated." He took out his mobile phone and threw it to Bruce: "Take a photo, try to make me look as embarrassed, tired and injured as possible."

Bruce understood what Martin wanted to do as soon as he heard it. He immediately turned on the camera on his mobile phone and took a dozen photos of Martin from different positions and angles.

Martin asked for his cell phone back, selected two pictures that looked miserable, and posted them on Twitter and Instagram, which he recently opened, and posted: "It's been less than a week since the filming of "John Wick 3" started, and my head is full of injuries. "

As soon as the tweet that sold badly was sent out, there were replies.

But it was Leonardo who posted: "I am on vacation in the Caribbean. There are sunshine, beautiful women and beaches here. I enjoy it so much."

Later, Nicholson continued: "Leo, you are such a dog. Martin is so tired that he can't even lift his head. You still show off your beauty to him?"

Soon, a message from Taylor Swift appeared below: "I feel sorry for Martin for ten minutes. My concert tour is coming to New York soon. I will go see you then. I hope you won't be injured all over your body."

Angela Lindewald left a message: "I'm in New York and I'm going to see you with Carolina in the evening."

Carolina quickly left a message: "I hope we go there and won't aggravate Martin's injury."

Most of the replies from these celebrities are set so that only Martin's account can be seen.

But the comment section was immediately filled with replies from fans.

"Look at the photos and think about how hard Martin worked on the set!"

"Excellent action scenes, all performed at the risk of injury!"

"Martin's talent is amazing, and Martin's hard work is admirable!"

"The movie made in this way is worth buying tickets to watch."

Martin's tweet was quickly reposted and appeared on countless online media.

Movie fans know through the Internet that the murderous man is about to return!

The crew of "John Wick 3" also took the opportunity to launch a publicity offensive, telling all movie fans across the United States that Jonathan is back through soft media articles and Internet interactions.

The crew's publicity still focuses on dogs.

The first batch of promotional posters were officially released to the public.

There are two main ones.

The main poster shows a scarred Martin running through the streets of New York with his dog.

The secondary poster shows Blake Lively holding guns with both hands, and two German shepherds wearing body armor fighting alongside her.

"The murder caused by a dog continues!"

"The superficial heroes on the screen will soon have nowhere to go. Only real heroes can attract the support of the audience!"

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