American fame and fortune

Chapter 836 The village chief is coming online soon

The camera recorded Alexandrovich's heroic appearance, and with Martin's encouragement, the comedy star became more and more confident.

He stood at the door of the Dnieper Cafe, and the scene of the Security Bureau taking out prisoners one after another completely became the background.

To create a hero, it is not only necessary for a person to perform extraordinary deeds, but also to have vigorous publicity by the media.

Alexandrovich had exactly this.

The 1+1 TV station controlled by Rebrov is the most watched TV channel in Ukraine, even surpassing the national TV station.

Martin looked out the car window and said: "Although Alexandrovich is not tall, he has a great sense of justice."

Rebrov defines it directly: "He is a hero."

Martin fully agreed: "Yes, he is a hero now and will be a hero in the future."

"It's time for the TV station to interview him." Rebrov took out his cell phone and made a call.

Soon, a female reporter appeared in front of the camera and interviewed the National Security Agency official first.

He got a big credit for nothing. The official was very polite and said: "We have received reports that there is a gang that abducts Ukrainian women and commits economic fraud. It may threaten national security. We will take drastic measures tonight to eliminate it in one fell swoop." This gang was identified and two abducted women were rescued on site.”

At this point, Nikiya and Ivana, accompanied by two female police officers, came out of the cafe and were captured by the camera.

"Actually, we didn't do much. We just received reports and came to arrest people." The official pulled Alexandrovich over: "Mr. Alexandrovich gave us detailed information that can help us catch these criminals." He played a major role in rescuing the two female victims."

The female reporter quickly changed the interview target: "Mr. Alexandrovich, how did you notice this group of criminals?"

Alexandrovich first glanced at the Humvee diagonally across the way, mustered up his confidence, and said: "This group of criminals pretended to be Hollywood talent scouts to contact the contestants of the Saint Women's League selection, and wanted to deceive them, but I noticed it in time. , mobilized the security personnel of the program team to monitor them secretly, thus mastering their whereabouts..."

He picked up something that could highlight himself and talk about it, and said it in detail, with a solemn face, and warned: "For example, when you encounter someone who recruits actors or models, you must be cautious. You can't be too careful. I have I have a feeling that these criminals are more than just these people, they not only deceived two people, but there may be more victims."

The reporter nodded cooperatively.

Alexandrovich shouted loudly: "If you encounter a similar situation, or if someone around you goes abroad to work as a model or actor but cannot be contacted, please contact the police station or security bureau in time!"

The brief interview ended, and the Security Bureau and Demytro escorted Andre and his party to leave first.

Alexandrovich then got into the Humvee.

Martin encouraged: "Great, when the news comes out, you will be a hero."

Rebrov added: "Dmytro briefly interrogated a person. They not only deceived our players, but also other aspects. It seemed that a batch was going to be shipped from the Black Sea to Los Angeles."

Martin nodded slightly: "This can be a series. Alexandrovich, please hold on to this thread and don't let it go. I believe you can dig out more things."

Alexandrovich has a sense of responsibility and a strong desire to speak out: "I will always watch."

Rebrov pointed to the leaving Security Bureau convoy: "Follow us and have a look?"

Martin was very self-conscious: "I'm a foreigner. Isn't it inconvenient?"

Rebrov thought for a while and realized that this was indeed the case, and said: "I will inform you as soon as there is news."

Martin went directly back to the hotel where he was staying.

Alexandrovich and Rebrov went to the Security Bureau again to wait for news.

With the great memory technique mastered by the security bureau, Andre and the others can remember the time when they were children and watched the neighbor girl take a shower.


Interstate Hotel Kiev.

As night fell, Lynch packed his luggage, put on his bag and left the room, went downstairs and left the hotel, and walked towards the American Embassy not far away.

Tonight, Andre and the others will take action. Although they are sure, Lynch is still very cautious.

Once an accident occurs, these people can give up, but they cannot get stuck in Ukraine.

Lin Qi came to the embassy and made a phone call. After waiting for a while, he came to the embassy door, showed his ID, and entered the embassy.

When Andre's notification is successful, he will return to the hotel as normal tomorrow.

On the other side, the Security Bureau and Demytro took less than an hour to pry open the mouths of Andre and others, and got a lot of shocking news.

Alexandrovich, together with people from the 1+1 TV station, followed the Security Bureau in a helicopter and went straight to the Black Sea port city of Ossad to rescue the women and children imprisoned there.

The other team completed the formalities and went straight to the Interstate Hotel in Kiev.

They quietly contacted the hotel's top management, and a deputy director of the hotel's security department used the room card to open the room where the target was located.

Seven or eight security agents rushed in, but there was no one in the room!

Some of the clothes and luggage were still there, but the people were missing.

Here, we quickly reported to our superiors and launched a wider search.

But there was no trace of the American named Lynch there until dawn.

In the embassy not far away, Lynch woke up in the morning and looked at his cell phone, but did not receive a call from Andre.

In the past, no news was good news.

But today he was restless, so he took out his cell phone and dialed Andre's number.

The call was quickly connected, and Andre's familiar voice came: "Good morning, boss."

Lynch asked: "Things are going well?"

Andre said: "It went very smoothly. We brought the target to warehouse No. 1."

Lynch said: "Very good, I'll rush over right away."

He hung up the phone, took out the phone card from his cell phone, cut it off and threw it in the toilet. He took out another cell phone and called his friends in the embassy.

Just now, Andre warned him through code words.

Warehouse No. 1 represents an accident.

Lynch asked a few questions, then took out another mobile phone and sent a text message: "Evacuate immediately!"

The text message was sent and the mobile phone card was processed in the same way.

A friend from the embassy called: "There are a few cars going to the consulate in Lviv this morning. You might want to give them a lift."

"I need to prepare something," Lynch asked.

The friend smiled and said: "The most commonly used thing."

Lynch understood, opened the bag he brought with him, took out some US dollars in cash, and put them into envelopes.

At nine o'clock in the morning, he got into the embassy vehicle and left Kiev.

However, Lynch sent a message that Ossad's subordinates did not receive.


Near the port of Ossad, a warehouse with a courtyard.

The security bureau personnel have set up a cordon and the entire warehouse is under control.

The reporter from 1+1 TV station who followed us set up a camera at the entrance of the warehouse early.

On the inside side of the door, Dmytro learned about the situation and came over to say to Alexandrovich: "The rescued ones are the second batch. The previous batch has been transported away."

Alexandrovich took a long drag on his cigarette and asked, "What do you mean by the Security Bureau?"

Demytro said: "They only want the credit and the seized funds, and the rest will cooperate with you."

Alexandrovich took out his cell phone: "I'll make a call first."

Demytro took the initiative to step aside.

Alexandrovich looked at the time and dialed Martin's phone number, which was quickly connected.

It was Bruce who spoke: "I'm Bruce, Martin is working out."

Alexandrovich quickly said: "Old Bu, I have something urgent to do with Martin."

In the hotel gym, Bruce first threw a towel to Martin, and after he wiped his sweat, he handed over the phone.

Martin took the phone and asked, "Did it go well?"

Alexandrovich felt slightly guilty: "The rescue operation went very smoothly. Three girls and four girls were rescued and six suspects were captured. However, one batch has been transported away. Where exactly is it transported? Who is staying here? People don’t know.”

He still retained part of his conscience: "Damn! If I could have noticed earlier, those people..."

"Don't blame yourself, don't put too much pressure on yourself, you have done a good job." Martin, like a life mentor, first enlightened Alexandrovich, and then asked: "What are you going to do next?"

Alexandrovich felt the insignificance of his personal power, and even adding the Security Bureau was far from enough. At this moment, his belief was particularly firm, and he said: "These things must be spread, spread widely, and the bigger the noise, the better. In this way Only then can we attract more people’s attention, and even attract the attention of the whole world.”

Martin followed suit: "In my experience, if you want to expand the influence of public opinion, you must have an opinion leader. Alessandro, no one is more suitable than you."

"I will not pretend that this did not happen, and I will not evade my responsibility," Alexandrovich said.

Martin added: "From the three rescued girls, find the youngest one, make her look more miserable, hold her in front of the camera, and you should know the rest."

"I understand." Alexandrovich hung up the phone, found Dmytro, and quickly communicated with the Security Bureau.

The Security Bureau was not stupid and asked the other two girls to be carried out by agents of the Security Bureau.

Alexandrovich had no objection to this show and knew that it was a show of great social significance.

He entered the warehouse and quickly won the trust of the three girls with his ability as a comedian. He picked up the one who was less than ten years old and followed the security bureau people outside.

The group of people went out and walked past the camera.

Alexandrovich had a serious look on his face and refused to be interviewed by reporters.

Now is not the time to talk.

People from the security bureau were interviewed and told the results of this operation with the rescued girls and boys as the background.

The rescue operation here came to an end for the time being, and Alexandrovich and the 1+1 TV crew quickly returned to Kiev on the Security Bureau's helicopter.

That night, 1+1 TV station focused on this series of actions in its prime-time news, and highlighted the key role Alexandrovich played in them.

Whether he was shouting in front of a Dnieper cafe or rushing past a girl in his arms at the Ossad port, Alexandrovich was a person who truly won the attention of the people outside of TV shows.

Subsequently, Alexandrovich spoke out through social media, announcing that he would personally bear the medical, food and accommodation expenses for the rescued girls before they returned home, and that he would set up a rescue charity foundation to rescue Ukrainian women. .

The next morning, Ukraine's largest newspaper "Facta" published the details of the rescue operation.

From discovering clues, to secretly tracking down, to luring the snake out of its hole to alert the security bureau, all the credit for this series of achievements rests on Alexandrovich's head.

On Ukrainian social media, some people began to call Alexandrovich a "hero"!

"When the country was sinking and society was mourning, Alexandrovich was like the spring sunshine, lighting up the gloomy sky in Ukraine!"

"Alexandrovitch proved with practical actions that a small man also has great energy and can also perform heroic actions!"

In just one or two days, Alexandrovich became the most popular figure in the news in Ukraine.

Even the upcoming finals of the Holy Maiden Team Selection Competition has attracted much attention.


In the hotel conference room.

Martin sat on a chair and flipped through the latest Ukrainian newspaper. Although the text was incomprehensible, the pictures were fine.

He focused on the three girls held by Alexandrovich and the Security Service agents.

Bruce said: "What these people did was much more ruthless than us."

"Don't compare them with us." Although Martin is not a good person, he thinks that the bottom line is much higher than those garbage: "Those scum are not worthy!"

Bruce asked: "What will happen if they are taken out of Ukraine?"

Martin shook his head slowly, but then he remembered the news he had seen, about a certain island.

Regardless of whether they get to the island or not, the outcome for these people will probably not be good.

Bruce also read the recent news and said: "These people caught are just the lowest part of a series of networks. There may be a huge channel network outside Ukraine."

Martin knew that Bruce was reminding him and smiled: "Let Alexandrovich charge into the battle for this matter. He is a hero of Ukraine and should do something practical for Ukraine."

Bruce asked: "Have you considered this before?"

Martin said softly: "Let's not take the initiative. Let's check the situation first."

Bruce was relieved.

After a while, there was a knock on the door of the conference room, and Rebrov and Alexandrovich came in one after another.

Martin asked: "What's going on now?"

Rebrov said: "The Security Bureau dug out a total of two lines from the group of people in Andre and Ossad ports, one of which went to Los Angeles, and the other went to France by sea, with the destination being Paris."

Alexandrovich is a good actor, and he completely took on the role of a hero. He pounded the conference table and angrily said: "These damn French people, besides surrendering, will also engage in such vile behavior!"

"Don't underestimate the French." Rebrov reminded: "The criminal groups within them really dare to kill people."

Martin continued to ask: "Does the Security Bureau plan to continue pursuing it?"

Alexandrovich said: "Some people want to continue to pursue it, while others think that enough is enough." He became more and more angry: "Damn political fight! I have no say!"

"No, you have it now." Martin could see clearly that Alexandrovich had not yet completed his transformation, so he simply said: "This series of events, coupled with media reports, you have considerable reputation and influence on public opinion. , don’t underestimate these things, sometimes they can make waves.”

Rebrov said: "Alessandro is now the most popular news in Ukraine."

Martin looked at the future village chief and taught him earnestly: "You must learn to control public opinion. If you cannot control it, you must try your best to drive the direction of public opinion so that most Ukrainians will be on your side and form a voice that cannot be ignored! Don't forget , you stand on the side of justice, even if you fail to achieve your goal in the end, you are still a hero."

He was like a frank and good brother: "There is a certain risk in this matter. Those bastards who have done dirty things may take revenge. Alessandro, the higher your reputation and the greater your influence, the more likely those bastards will be." If you don’t dare to take action, your personal safety will be more guaranteed.”

Rebrov said: "Yes, this is Ukraine, not France or the United States."

Alexandrovich kept nodding.

Martin added: "They will always belong to the rats in the sewer who cannot see the light, but you are a hero standing upright in the sun. The more majestic your image is, the more afraid they will be."

Alexandrovich said: "I will never give up on this matter and will fight them to the end!"

He really wanted to make his own voice heard and wanted his voice to be more influential. He had never thought: "No matter what level I achieve, I will work hard to do it."

Rebrov wanted to make Alexandrovich even more popular: "Should I ask 1+1 TV station to arrange a prime time interview for you?"

Alexandrovich said without any hesitation: "Okay!"

These people are all action-oriented and will do whatever they plan to do.

Just one day later, 1+1 TV station launched an exclusive interview with Alexandrovich during prime time.

In the exclusive interview, in addition to "Servant of the People" and the selection of the Holy Maiden League, the key point mentioned was this abduction case.

“I have been to France, the UK, and the United States.” Alexandrovich said with a sad face: “In the big cities of these countries, I have met countless Ukrainian female compatriots. What are most of them doing? They are not engaged in high-end models and art jobs as some media have promoted, but most of them are working as street girls and call girls."

His eyes were so red that he was about to shed tears: "I have talked to many of them. They did not join this industry voluntarily, but were deceived and sold by people who tricked them into leaving their hometowns in order to become stars and celebrities. The beautiful dream of a supermodel, engaged in the most despicable form of human trafficking!”

"But in those places, there was nothing I could do and I didn't even dare to call the police. The gangs that controlled them had connections with the local police. I could only watch them sink. I hated myself so much..."

"This time, I saw the hands of evil appear again in Ukraine. I did not hesitate to seize the clues and rescued several compatriots! But I know very well that there are more compatriots who may have been deceived, and there are many more The hands of evil are present in Ukraine and Ukraine’s various channels leading to overseas countries.”

"For the sake of our sisters in Ukraine, I call for a strict investigation of these crimes!"

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