American fame and fortune

Chapter 858 Good movies are like cool Internet articles

After returning to Los Angeles, Martin immediately went to the Fireman's Fund Insurance Company and, in accordance with the insurance agreement between the two parties, deposited a copy of all the footage in the vault.

This also prevents unexpected situations.

In the film era, it was not uncommon for film to be destroyed by fire.

Hollywood's third-party guarantee company has established corresponding insurance measures for this purpose.

Of course, in the digital age, this risk is less.

Other departments of the crew were temporarily on vacation, but Martin couldn't rest yet and led the director team to briefly sort out the shots.

According to Martin's plan, the length of the finished film "Shark Beach" will not exceed 90 minutes, but there are more than 2,000 minutes of filmed material.

Compared with those huge works, this can only be said to be a trivial matter.

In the office of the "Shark Beach" studio, Louise and Martin were handing over work.

Martin said: "I have a few days of rest before I attend the promotional announcement for John Wick 3. I can only leave it to you to do the first cut of the post-production."

Louise, who was wearing a black suit, pushed up her glasses and said, "Are you a director planning to be the boss who quits?"

"Isn't this in line with the rules of the industry?" Martin said nonsensically: "I'm a new director, so it's normal that I don't have post-editing rights."

Of course Louise didn't believe these nonsense: "You are still the number one investor and the big boss."

Martin stopped joking and said: "The editing team has been following the crew since the preparation period. Joel Negot knows very well what kind of film I want. During the subsequent fine editing, "John Wick 3" and "Interstellar" The promotion of "Time Travel" is definitely over, and it won't be too late for me to join the post-production."

He definitely had the final say in the final cut.

Louise nodded slightly: "Joel Negot has worked with us for many years. We know each other well enough and our ability is not a problem. It is very suitable for him to preside over the first cut."

Martin said again: "The crew wants you to keep an eye on it during post-production."

"These tasks are beyond the scope of the work." Louise raised an eyebrow: "You have to pay me extra."

Martin stood up, spread his hands and said, "Everything you want, just ask."

Louise checked the time: "Let's go to the airport, Kelly will be there soon."

Martin knew very well that he would have to pay billions again tonight, possibly tens of billions.

The two went to the airport together and waited on the private tarmac for a while. Kelly's Gulfstream business jet quickly stopped.

The cabin door opened, and Kelly Gray, who was wearing a red dress, came down the gangway. When she saw Martin, she immediately opened her arms.

Martin gave her a hard hug.

Louise saw that Kelly wanted to kiss Martin, so she pulled him over and dragged him towards the car: "Don't make a fuss yet. You have plenty of time when you get back. As a state legislator, you should pay attention to the influence."

The three of them got into Louise's stretched Rolls-Royce Phantom.

As the car started to move, Kelly suppressed the urge to sit on Martin: "Let's talk about the business first. After we finish talking about the business in the car, when we get to the place, we can get started."

Martin stretched out his arms, hugged one on each side, and asked, "What about Ukraine?"

Kelly said: "According to the systematic analysis of multiple think tanks, the probability of Alexandrovich being elected as the leader of the University of Ukraine is more than 80%, and the situation in Eastern Europe will usher in unprecedented changes."

Louise responded: “What’s important is not the changes, but what can we gain from these changes?”

"Money, of course," Martin said.

"For me, there is also political capital." Kelly asked directly: "How long can your influence on Alexandrovich last?"

Martin pondered for a moment and said: "At present, Alexandrovich wants to use monetary gains as a reward for my help. When I receive the reward, the so-called influence... You guys know better than me. When you become a big man, After being in charge and having power, people will change.”

Louise said: "The subsequent impact will depend on Alexandrovich's choice and needs. If he needs the United States, we political brokers will naturally have influence."

Martin looked at Kelly: "What do the Donkey Party think about this?"

Kelly smiled and said in Martin's tone: "Er Mao is a dagger that America puts in front of Big Mao."

Martin started from reality: "Once Alexandrovich is elected, he will prepare a gift for me, but it involves many complicated factors. It is difficult for me to swallow it alone. In order to receive it smoothly, I can only find you together."

Kelly came over and kissed Martin passionately.

Louise couldn't stand it and simply joined in.

The six classes were fighting each other.

Kelly and Louise were Martin's earliest partners. What Alexandrovich wanted to give away was quite huge, and it was very troublesome to take it over. It was far from what Martin could do.

Martin chose to drag these two people into the water.

Louise said: "If he can be elected, it will be a really big gift. I can send professionals here to assist you."

Kelly said: "Leave it to me on the political level, and leave it to me to do the part that needs to be paid."

After all, Martin's rise was short, and he said: "With you here, I feel relieved."

The car entered Louise's home in Sherman Oaks, and Martin was almost dragged into the villa by Louise and Kelly.

Monetary gains are in the future, but today you can ask for at least several billion in compensation.

During the short vacation, Martin was almost dragged away by Louise and Kelly, and was tempted to stay in Sherman Oaks.

A few days later, Nolan called for the movie, and Martin went to Warner Studios to participate in the filming of a commercial for "Interstellar."

Warner Bros. needs Martin as a narrator in the TV and online video trailers it plans to release over the summer.

"Interstellar" will be released in July, and posters and trailers are currently being released in an orderly manner.

Nolanga Martin's appeal, coupled with Warner Bros.'s promotional capabilities, make this film highly anticipated.

After finishing dubbing, Martin came out of the post-production studio and met Daniel who had just come out of the "Batman v Superman" studio.

The two entered the cold drink shop together.

Martin asked casually: "Is everything going well over there?"

"Not only did it go smoothly, it went too fast." Daniel's eyelids couldn't stop twitching when he thought about the situation of the crew: "Warner Bros. and DC Comics each sent a producer to assist Zack Snyder in preparing the movie, and nothing unexpected happened. If so, the film can start shooting in July.”

Martin asked: "Two producers?"

Daniel nodded: "Representing Hamada and Kevin Tsujihara respectively, supervise the crew and Zack Snyder to ensure work efficiency."

Martin sighed. He knew that Warner Team would not be able to do nothing.

Daniel changed the subject: "How is the progress of the script of "Joker"?"

"It's still under creation." Martin simply said: "This project will not be completed until next year at the earliest."

In the second half of the year, we will be working on the film. The post-production of "Shark Beach" needs to be completed, and there is also a lot of preparatory work for "Split".

Leonardo has helped Martin contact the Psychiatric Therapy Center of New York-Presbyterian Hospital. Martin can go there to experience life at any time as long as he is free.

Although there are not more than a dozen perverts with multiple personalities there, there are quite a few schizophrenia patients with dual personalities.

The two didn't chat for long. Martin had an announcement to attend in the evening.

Disney Pictures contacted YouTube to conduct an online interview with Martin about the "John Wick 3" project and answer some questions raised by fans online.

The crew also released the latest trailer on YouTube.

At the same time, relevant promotional articles were also published on social media, including Twitter and INS.

"Martin Davis breaks out of the siege and completes the ultimate kill. There are gun battles, flying knives, horse battles, motorcycle racing, etc. All the action scenes are dizzying!"

In addition to normal publicity, Davis Studio's publicity focus is still on dogs.

"Martin Davis, the crazy dog ​​protector, is back!"

"So many people died because a dog was killed in the first part."

"The last thing Hollywood can't mess with is Martin's dog."

The topic between the "John Wick" series and dogs has long since evolved into an Internet meme, even a bit cliché.

But don’t be afraid of being cliche, as long as it’s easy to use.

The meme between Martin and the dog has once again spread all over the Internet, arousing the interest of countless viewers in the film.

Before the first weekend of summer vacation, Disney Pictures held three consecutive previews for "John Wick 3" in Burbank with media, fans, critics and theater managers.

Many top-level blockbusters do not hold multiple test screenings.

Because the more people see a movie, the harder it is to control word-of-mouth.

Why do most art films use spot screening? One of the reasons is to control the size of the audience and try to prevent passers-by from being upset when entering the venue and giving low scores.

Through the operation of the media and critics, word-of-mouth marketing will affect the judgment of many people.

The film's exposure has a high reputation, and subsequent audiences will naturally be affected.

"John Wick 3" doesn't care about these. On the one hand, the quality of the film is excellent. From the producer to the distributor to the theater company, everyone is extremely confident in the film's commercial prospects.

On the other hand, as a sequel to a hit movie, the film has a wide enough audience and strong enough support.

After three consecutive shows in a week, fans’ comments can be seen everywhere on the Internet, and the reviews are basically positive.

"In terms of action scenes, this one is the best in the series, with a perfect combination of gunplay and melee combat."

"Another gorgeous and inventive action extravaganza, this one is as thoroughly entertaining as a living video game."

“If the first movie was the death of dogs, this one is ‘Revenge of the Dogs,’ dogs that tear their enemies apart.”

Movie fans unanimously praised the film's action scenes and believed that the crazy fighting scenes could satisfy the imagination and expectations of all movie fans.

Due to the large number of test screenings, the number of rating users on IMDB reached the required level, and the film studio immediately lifted the ban on word-of-mouth. The IMDB rating of "John Wick 3" was as high as 9.2 points.

Although the test screening score will be much higher, it is still representative to a certain extent. At least it can clearly tell everyone that this film is in line with the public's appetite.

In addition to the normal promotional announcements from the crew, Martin also posted on social media.

"Thank you everyone for liking my movie!"

Along with the tweet, there were more than a dozen photos of him during the filming of the film.

At the same time, the media reputation of "John Wick 3" has also been officially lifted.

The "Los Angeles Times" called this an incredible R-rated action film. Martin Davis once again performed many classic action scenes in a jaw-dropping way, which is full of entertainment!

The Hollywood Reporter focused on another aspect, saying that the film expanded the "Manhunt" universe in an enjoyable way, and the action scenes were well designed.

"Entertainment Weekly"'s review is simple and clear: Martin's action scenes are as clean and neat as ever, bringing out a high-level action movie with gorgeous action choreography and constant violent scenes.

Immediately after the word-of-mouth ban was lifted, the Rotten Tomatoes website included 39 column film reviews, of which 38 were good and 1 was bad, with a freshness rating of 97%.

The overall score of the film on the Metacritic website is as high as 84 points.

For an R-rated action movie, this has a huge reputation!

In addition, the internal ratings of theater managers collected by Disney Pictures are higher. Theater operators in the first-tier market scored an average of 95 points.

In other words, theater managers are extremely optimistic about the market prospects of "John Wick 3".

The distributor, Disney Pictures, also secured one of the best summer schedules for the film: the Memorial Day holiday.

Although this is an R-rated movie, under these favorable conditions, the film will open in more than 4,000 theaters in North America.

Entering mid-May, North American pre-sales for "John Wick 3" have officially begun.

In just one week, major theater chains in North America sold nearly 33 million US dollars in pre-sale box office.

Disney Pictures and major North American market agencies have also given the film's first-week estimates. Even the most conservative estimates suggest that the North American box office will exceed US$100 million in the first weekend.

It has been many years since Hollywood's R-rated film has grossed over 100 million in its North American opening weekend.

The first two parts of the "John Wick" series have accumulated a strong fan base, and Martin's market appeal is stronger than in previous years.

The popularity of this series actually proves that non-superhero comic book movies have broad market prospects as long as they are well made.

According to Martin's personal understanding, this series is just like the Internet fun articles he read in his previous life, which is fun from beginning to end.

In terms of enjoyment, in fact, the needs of most movie fans around the world are the same.

It’s not that there is no market for decadent mourning films, it’s just that the market size is much smaller.

As time goes by, the North American pre-sales box office of "John Wick 3" continues to rise. When the North American pre-sales exceeded 40 million US dollars, Davis Studio and Disney Pictures jointly announced that the follow-up will be further Expanding the "Manhunt" cinematic universe.

After the trilogy, a movie called "New York Continental Hotel" will be filmed with Winston as the male protagonist.

This news also piqued the interest of movie fans.

On the afternoon of May 23, the Emirates Cinema in Hollywood was packed with people and black suits, as the world premiere of "John Wick 3" kicked off.

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