American Fortune Life

Chapter 691 Responding to Apple's Default

Without a year or two of openness and improvement in cloud computing projects, there is no way to produce results in a short period of time. Even with Dr. Ye's kernel program, the team needs further development, but it will greatly shorten the development time. .

After all, in the IT field, time represents great wealth.

The next day, Rich Green, who received a call, came to the company to sign a work contract. As the big boss, Andy introduced him to all the staff, and his 23rd company also officially ushered in its opening ceremony. eo.

"Okay, this office is yours now, and I can go to the UK with peace of mind. In the meeting just now, you also heard that the company still needs to recruit professional talents to speed up the development of operating procedures. There is a talent pool for a range of AI components.”

Holding the coffee, Andy looked at Rich Green on the opposite side leisurely and said, to be honest, he used to be very interested in managing the operation of a large company, but with the accumulation of wealth, there are more and more companies under his control, then This idea is a bit weak, or a bit unrealistic.

On the contrary, this kind of management model that directly controls professional managers is more handy. For foreigners, Andy has never asked for loyalty. Instead, integrity, professional ethics, and contract spirit are better than those that take a long time to cultivate and test. The illusory loyalty reassures him even more.

Of course, supervision is essential. Therefore, he has always carried out the selection and management of the legal department and the financial department from his own think tank talent pool, so as to know every company well and the development direction at the strategic level. Will not go off track.

The most important point is that all of Andy's companies are non-listed companies, and the shares are firmly controlled by him. He doesn't have to worry about the power of the company. Obedient and capable professional managers will reuse them and give them full trust. People with crooked minds don't even need to come forward, and the company's legal department can directly fire them with a single authorization, and Andy doesn't even need to show up.

"I understand." Rich Green's expression was very serious. He didn't expect the company to hold such two big killers in its hands, the cloud computing kernel operating program, and the initial model of artificial intelligence.

This simply made him extremely excited. A future super unicorn company will now be run by him. It has to be said that this will make his career even brighter.

"Boss, I think that if we set up our own studio and start from scratch, it will take time and money The manpower and material resources are a bit outweighed.

There are not many studios with professional technology like this in Silicon Valley. We can screen some potential development teams for mergers and acquisitions according to our needs.

To perfect our own needs.

Spending tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars is not unacceptable to you, boss, and our company can rely on mergers, absorption and digestion to obtain a complete technology tree, which is undoubtedly the easiest and shortest time It is an important part that can promote the company's technological leap. "

Andy agrees with Rich Green's point of view very much. He has also considered this solution, but at present he believes that cloud computing is the primary task that the company needs to develop. After all, the evolution and learning of artificial intelligence requires huge data as the basis.

But now it seems that it is indeed necessary to prepare early and prepare the company's technical reserves first, which is the so-called company technology tree, to deepen the background of Muxica Company.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you as well. I believe your judgment and vision will not disappoint me."

Hearing what the young big boss said, Rich Green didn't show any flattered expression, but just smiled calmly. He is still very confident in running the company. After all, he can let Bea and IBM grab the market, and he can also He directed the plan to finally defeat this giant company by encroaching on market share. As for Bea being acquired by Larry Ellison in the end, it was a non-war crime, and it was just the result of the profit-seeking nature of capitalists.

After Andy greeted Dr. Ye who was nesting in the data center, he left Muxica Cloud Computing Company. Because it was a new company, Andy naturally knew that it would enter a running-in period in the next period of time, but fortunately He has repeatedly made it clear that the company's administration and operations are the responsibility of eo, and although Dr. Ye is a shareholder, he can only be in charge of the company's technology, and has no authority to conduct administrative, personnel, operational investigations, and division of labor. Very clear, no overlapping management conflicts.

The air ticket to London, England has been booked. He will fly to England at 10:00 tonight to complete the acquisition of Tottenham Hotspur. Before that, he came to Mockingjay Game Company, and called eo Michael Wright from the software app store on the other side into the meeting room.

"You've all received a letter from Apple wanting to restart the negotiations, right? They want to change the terms that they signed." Andy had long been prepared for Apple's greed, but he didn't want to let go easily. Without enough benefits, he, Andy Smith, would never suffer such aggrieved losses.

"Jobs' attitude was relatively firm, and he even did not hesitate to carry out a comprehensive breach of the contract, and then go to court to delay the time. Even if Apple finally paid the breach of contract compensation, their goal of building a new platform and taking away our current advantages will be achieved. "Michael Wright said, frowning tightly.

"The key is the selection of the download platform. After all, Apple controls the hardware of the mobile phone, as well as the iOS system. They also want to solve our troubles before launching the new model, and block or modify the system according to the situation." Blair also has a slightly complexion. Said ugly.

However, the Mockingjay game company he represents does not have any conflicts with Apple, and he does not want to affect the expansion plan of the game company because of the conflict between the Liberty City app store and Apple, but the final decision depends on what the big boss thinks select.

After pondering for a while, Andy finally decided: "Blair, the difference between the game company and Apple is not that big, it's just a matter of downloading and jumping to the preferred app store. After all, our games are based on the ios system and are currently available on the Android system. During the period before it is launched to the market, our game company really cannot do without the support of Apple, so we can choose to make concessions when negotiating with Apple."

Looking at Michael with a gloomy face again, he said, "Michael, haven't we thought about this situation a long time ago? After all, this is a market worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Apple has a huge advantage. How could they let others People earn the beauty that belongs to them.

Let’s talk about another mobile phone. Do you think there will be two application stores in the system menu of the factory phone? Therefore, from the very beginning, Apple and Jobs planned to break the contract and kick Liberty City out of the game. In your next negotiations, you should pay more attention to what tricks they play to reduce liquidated damages. You must know that 300 million US dollars is for Apple. The valuation of big companies is nothing, but after all, they are paying out, and I don't think they will fulfill the agreement happily.

Therefore, your task is to get liquidated damages without compromise, and then I will leave you 100 million US dollars to develop publicity, and use publicity to resist the official background of the official app store of Apple mobile phones. After all, we are in the current app download market. It is a dominant company, and developers of various software also earn a lot of money. Programmers who have tasted the sweetness know how to choose. "

Hearing the analysis of the big boss, Michael Wright could only helplessly smile, nodded and said: "It seems that this is the only way to go. Next, the mall will conduct a comparison of the most popular apps to increase the number of apps in the mall. Since we can’t take exclusive shortcuts, let’s take the all, many, and cheap route to consolidate our position.”

"Good idea!" Andy nodded in satisfaction, and did not show much surprise when Michael Wright's operation strategy was modified. .


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