Amnesiac Bigshot Remembers Only Me

Chapter 1418: Dream of killing someone

Chapter 1418 Dream of beating someone to death


Fu Nanli glanced at her: "I know it hurts."

Wen Qiao nodded: "Well, it hurts."

Fu Nanli put some iodophor on her with a cotton swab, and then tore a band-aid to wrap her: "Be careful later."

Wen Qiao replied dullly: "Well, I see."

Wen Qiao felt a little strange. When Shen Ning said that she was unable to control her emotions, she didn't believe it, but just now.

She tried to think about it, she seemed a little greedy for that kind of violent aesthetics, and wanted to see more blood.

Once this thought formed in her mind, she was shocked.

How could she have such an idea?

I have never had this emotion in the first 22 years of my life.

She couldn't understand why all of a sudden, her emotions could not be controlled by herself.

With so little injury on her hand, Fu Nanli acted as if she was half-struck. He personally took a bath for her, then wrapped the person in a bath towel and hugged him back to the bedroom.

Young Master Fu, who hasn't seen him for a month, is unavoidably enthusiastic. After Wen Qiao did physical exercises for a while, he forgot some unpleasantness before.

Thinking about it, maybe I'm just worrying about it.

Late at night, Wen Qiao shrank in Fu Nanli's arms, feeling a sense of belonging and security, so that she could temporarily forget some of her worries.

"Is your body okay?"

Wen Qiao said softly, "Isn't my body made of paper after the operation is unreasonable?"

Fu Nanli's chuckle came, and his breath was warm, which made Wen Qiao's ears itchy, "I'm afraid that there will be a longer time apart. I can't bear it."

Wen Qiao wrapped around his waist: "No, we won't be separated anymore."

I slept for a long time. Wen Qiao didn't dream much before, and the quality of sleep was very good, especially when I was around Fu Nanli.

But this night, I had several dreams, and the dreams were darker and bloodier than the other.

She dreamed of the yellow hair. In the dream, no one pulled her. She beat the yellow hair to death, and also beat people to death with bare hands.

Huang Mao fell into a pool of blood, staring at her with wide eyes.

There are passers-by watching, and opinions vary.

"You don't have to die, how can you kill someone."

"This little girl looks weak and weak, why is she so cruel?"

"Yeah, it's horrible, have you seen it, the brutality when hitting someone just now was too scary."

At the back of the dream, Wen Qiao could even feel that she was dreaming, but she couldn't wake up. She was trapped in that dream, struggling, hesitating, scared, and panicking.


At the end of the crowd, the sky was bright, and someone stood there, like a guide at the pinnacle of life, and he gently called her name.

With the sound in his ears, Wen Qiao looked like a drowning man seeing the light on the sea.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and Fu Nanli on the side was looking at her with her head supported.

"Joer, have a nightmare?"

It turned out that he was really calling her, Wen Qiao turned to look out the window, it was already dark, it turned out it was morning.

She has a hoarse voice, cold sweat on her forehead, "Well, I had a nightmare."

"What did you dream of?"

Just now he heard her babbled words, and saw her holding the quilt tightly with her hands, her expression was painful, so he patted her face gently and called her name.

Wen Qiao's mouth was dry, and he licked his lips, eyes drooping: "I remember it clearly in my dream, but now I suddenly forgot all of it. I don't know what I dreamed of."

(End of this chapter)

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