Ancestor Above

Chapter 407 Domain Expansion

Lu Qing's consciousness has already entered Dongyang City.

After he calculated that Ming Dynasty should have arrived in Qi State, he started teleportation through the consciousness mode and arrived at his daughter's side.

Ming Dynasty has indeed arrived, and has been received by Xia Cang.

Xia Cang attached great importance to her arrival, and asked Lu Qing many times when she would come.

Ming Chao's response was also very cautious, claiming that her father sent her to the outpost, and he himself might not arrive until some time later.

Xia Cang looked very disappointed, but also very anxious. When facing the Ming Dynasty, he would not be too condescending - after all, there is something to ask for. In the few days since he arrived at Mingchao, he has hoped more than once that Mingchao can get in touch with Lu Qing as soon as possible, and he must be very serious about the seriousness of the situation here in Dongyang City.

And after Lu Qing's conscious body was sent over, through communication with Ming Chao, he really realized how serious the situation in Dongyang City was.

After the incident happened and Xia Cang entered it but failed once, it didn't take long before they organized a second exploration.

This time, Xia Cang joined forces with Zheng Yu to enter it, but this time, they failed again.

But the failure this time was relatively good. According to the information they disclosed to Ming Chao, the two of them almost defeated the three demons head-on.

However, their exploration this time also proved an idea that was only a guess before: with the expansion of the evil domain, the three evil souls inside will indeed become stronger and stronger .

This is very worrying.

That is to say, after this failure, they were very anxious, for fear that the delay would be too long, and the three evil souls would be further strengthened again.

So, after a period of rest, they conducted a third exploration.

However, they lost faster this time, and almost confessed to it. In order to cover Zheng Yu's safe evacuation, Xia Cang himself was seriously injured.

That's right, during the time they rested, the three evil souls had already completed a strengthening.

And the fourth exploration was not long ago. Lan Nuoxing, the master of Wu Kingdom's Dharma, the Great Immortal of Skyfire, is here.

This expert Dharma Minister is the only Dharma Minister in the Wu Kingdom. When he heard about the Dongyang City incident at the very beginning, he didn't particularly care about it. In his view, Xia Cang, who was stronger than himself, should be enough to solve the problem. It's not easy for him to act out at will, if this is a trap and kills himself in Qi, what will Da Wu do?

Wu Guo just sent an elite team of monks.

This team, of course, is not here to solve the problem, but to investigate closely, what is going on in the so-called Dongyang City domain, and whether it is as scary as the people of Wei and Qi said.

However, with the continuous updating of information and the continuous expansion of the evil domain in Dongyang City, Wu Guo finally realized that he really had to care about this matter. If you really let this evil domain continue to expand, you will really suffer a huge loss.

So, rushing to Lannuohang, Xia Cang and Zheng Yu, who had just recovered from their injuries, entered this strange realm again.

Then, they failed again.

This is terrible, the three Dharma monks can't even solve the problem with their hands...

If this matter cannot be settled, it will really destroy the entire cultivation world!

After a brief discussion, the three of them, in the names of Wu, Wei, and Qi, sent a request for help to the other six immortal kingdoms.

In the appeal letter, the matter here in Dongyang City was explained clearly. It clearly stated that if you don't gather the power of the nine immortal kingdoms while it can be solved now, and wait until the power of the evil souls grows beyond the level that can be dealt with at the level of the law, then everything will be too late, and the entire practice world will be destroyed. This unstoppable, infinitely expanding evil realm was swallowed up.

The letter has just been sent,

They have already received a reply——Jin Guo and Liang Guo took the lead in responding, and they said that as long as Qin Guo agreed, they would also agree.

The reason is simple. With Daqin maintaining strong military pressure on the two countries of Liang and Jin, they had no way to dispatch Dharma monks to Daqi, the easternmost of the nine kingdoms, to resolve matters in this evil realm.

Later, Chu State sent a letter, saying that they could come; and then, Shu State sent a letter, rejecting this action.

During this process, Qin Guo has never responded, neither agreeing nor objecting, just silent.

This cannot be explained by the fact that they were too far away to receive the news. In terms of relative distance, it must be the Shu Kingdom, which is located in the most southwestern corner of the world, and it is the most distant. Even the Kingdom of Shu can receive and reply to messages, so there is no reason why the Kingdom of Qin cannot.

Right now, the main job of Xia Cang and others is to try to get in touch with Daqin so that they can send people over; at the same time, they try to persuade Shu, Jin, and Liang to agree to this joint operation.


After understanding the current situation, Lu Qing didn't hesitate much.

I am invincible in the world, and I can handle it by myself!

Of course, this is just a bragging in my heart, and the caution I should have cannot be lost.

He planned to go in and explore the way in the state of consciousness first.

However, although he has not seen the first three evil souls with his own eyes, he now has a faint premonition in his heart.

And after entering Dongyang City—or in other words, the evil domain that has far exceeded the scope of Dongyang City, his ominous premonition became true:

Those three evil souls were indeed able to detect his consciousness!

Outside the domain, Lu Qing did not see the three evil souls. According to the previous information, it is necessary to enter the field to be able to see this monster.

Therefore, he entered it very carefully, and he also conceived some exchange items that could come in handy in this scene, so as not to be attacked suddenly, and in a hurry, something really happened. That would be great fun.

——I became invincible, but died the first time I went out?

This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to happen.

After the conscious body entered the evil domain, Lu Qing immediately saw the huge monster standing in the center of the city with its head raised to the sky.

That guy, with three heads, opened his big mouth at the same time, and a strange force spewed out from its three big mouths, blending into the domain. At the same time, a force is pouring into its body from a place not far away from it.

That place, Lu Qing looked from a distance, should be Dongyang Temple.

Before logging in for more analysis, the three evil spirits stopped their movements, and the three huge heads stared at Lu Qing's conscious body.

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