Immediately assuming a nonchalant attitude, Jiraiya showed a particularly lewd smile: "Then~! Just look forward to it! I am going to go!"

After saying that, with a bang of smoke, Jiraiya's figure also left the Hokage's office in an instant, which made Tsunade press his temples painfully: "It's really unbearable, how can this idiot be the same as when he was a child? Nothing has changed..."

Looking at Tsunade's expression carefully, Shizune breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously, because even though she said she was disgusted, there was clearly a smile on the corner of Tsunade's mouth, and she picked up a few copies of Tsunade After reading the file, Shizune also said in a funny tone: "So, when Lord Jiraiya comes back, will you agree to go drink with him?"

"Are you kidding, you idiot..."

After speaking immediately, Tsunade's second half of the sentence softened, and then turned into a slightly helpless, but undoubtedly gratifying answer.

"...It's okay to let him be proud once the time comes..."

(PS1: The spectacular Kawen is really difficult to deal with~~But, I finally got through~)

(PS2: For this bento...should I strip Tsunade naked and throw it in?)

evil angel

As a man, you have to bear some heavy responsibilities after all, just like a novel, and the degree of perfection depends on the ending.

Sitting cross-legged on the bow of a small wooden boat, Jiraiya looked at his diary. This was a habit he had started to have since he knew his fate.

He is a ninja, but he is predicted to travel the world as a novelist and become the teacher of the savior. His disciple will become the son of destiny who will save the world. As a teacher, this is indeed a qualification that he can be proud of for a lifetime.

However, as a man, is there anything he can do to make his life, which has been a failure so far, more successful by his own strength?

"Guest, your place has arrived. It's too cold in front, so I can only send you here."

The boatman's voice brought Jiraiya out of his thoughts, and only then did he feel a hint of coldness in the air. It was obvious that the climate here was very different from the warmth of Konoha.

"Oh~! If I'm sorry to trouble you, I'll get off the boat here."

Standing up, Jiraiya jumped off the bow of the boat cheerfully, and looked at this dramatic customer with a smile. The boatman also subconsciously asked: "But, the guest came all the way to the Land of Snow What are you planning to do? You don’t look like a businessman doing business alone, do you?”

Yes, the Land of Snow, this is where Jiraiya chose to explore. Ever since Orochimaru vaguely mentioned this place two years ago, Jiraiya understood that this was the area he needed to explore.

Unfortunately, because he was more concerned about the Akatsuki organization, Jiraiya's priority was to explore the information of the Akatsuki organization. Until a few days ago, considering the fear of the Amegakure Village by Koharu and Mito Kaden, even if Jiraiya obtained any information, it would probably not be taken seriously. Therefore, Jiraiya decided to put aside the task of exploring the Hidden Rain Village for the time being, and start from the Snow Country instead.

From the information Orochimaru deliberately leaked, Jiraiya knew that the other party had a very good power in this country, but the problem was here. Orochimaru did not need to take the initiative to leak his true hiding place. In other words, although Orochimaru here Maru has his own power, but it is not Orochimaru who occupies the dominant position, but someone else.

Therefore, Orochimaru himself may still hope to use Jiraiya's power to fight against this dominant force. However, it is a pity that Orochimaru has not appeared in news for a long time. Considering the dangers of the ninja world, Jiraiya does not mind giving this old classmate an ending that suits a villain.

But, for me, what will be the outcome this time?


Fenghua Xiaoxue is standing on the balcony of the palace, looking down. Her posture and appearance have become much more mature than two years ago. Power and position will make humans learn to mature quickly, and Fenghua Xiaoxue is obviously not immune to vulgarity. And to be fair, she is now used to her solid and luxurious palace, used to sleeping on that large carved bed, instead of the days two years ago when she followed the crew around so much that she could only rest on a hard bed.

And the main reason is that no one wants to kill her anymore, and she no longer has to set up a simple mechanism in front of her bed to sleep like she did two years ago. The person who gave her nightmares has disappeared. There was no trace, and now even the bones may have rotted in the grave.

"Your Majesty, it's time for your afternoon tea."

The sweet voice of the maid brought Fenghua Xiaoxue back to her senses from the past memories, but after seeing the tea cup in the gilt tray, she instinctively said something: "By the way, the tea this time is filled with that kind of Have you got the petals of the flower?”

"Yes, Your Majesty. I chose the most beautiful flower in the flower garden."

The maid obviously knew what kind of flower her queen was asking about. It was a flower that had just been introduced to the Snow Kingdom a few months ago and was planted in large quantities. Compared with other flowers, this flower is not only brightly colored, And it is said to be a very good medicinal material. Therefore, the nobles, including Fenghua Xiaoxue, believe that the tea made from the petals of this flower has a unique charm, and it has even become the main drink of Fenghua Xiaoxue's afternoon tea.

"Well, I always felt uneasy when Orochimaru was killed a few days ago. Now is when I have afternoon tea, which makes me feel most at peace."

After sniffing the tea in the cup contentedly, Fenghua Xiaoxue turned her head with satisfaction, and in the garden below her palace, there was a garden that was already bright red. Countless flowers in bloom looked noble and elegant, welcoming her. With the breeze from the land of snow, the sea of ​​swaying flowers is like a lost fantasy.

"If you really like this kind of tea, what do you think about using it as the main industry of the Snow Country?"

A sudden female voice suddenly sounded next to Fenghua Xiaoxue, which made the latter feel a sudden shock in her heart. She turned her head almost instinctively, and then she saw a burst of white ice feathers falling from the sky, and then, wearing black The ice angel in the skirt appeared from the sky, looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue with a half-smile as he slowly fell.

"Mercury lamp..."

Taking a slight breath, Fenghua Xiaoxue allowed herself to say the name. There is no doubt that aura is absolute. Before, the feeling on the balcony was as peaceful and warm as a princess's afternoon tea, but with the As this white-haired girl with wings appeared, even the warm sunshine in the sky seemed to become eerie.

"The poppies are growing nicely and you can tell you like them."

Lifting her face slightly, Mercury Lamp obviously planned to go to the Kingdom of Snow today to see how the flowers of evil she had put down before were growing. And after seeing the poppy flower in Fenghua Xiaoxue's tea cup, she knew that she had Nothing more needs to be said.

"You are finally willing to show up. Orochimaru is dead. Where can my snow ninjas find a suitable snow shadow to lead them?"

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Fenghua Xiaoxue had indeed wanted to discuss this issue for a long time. The death of Orochimaru had turned the ninjas in the Snow Ninja Village into headless flies. Although they now rely on a few jounin to support them, But this is not the solution after all. And what worries Kazuka Koyuki the most is that after Orochimaru's death, a group of snow ninjas who were loyal to Orochimaru defected, including extremely powerful elites like Kabuto Yakushi.

These people are not only excellent in strength, but also know all the secrets of Snow Ninja Village. Fenghua Xiaoxue is very worried that these people will come to loot the Snow Country at any time.

But it is not that easy to choose a qualified leader. As a long-established ninja, Orochimaru is also one of the famous Konoha Sannin, so he can secure the position of Yukikage. Now he has no bones. Cun, it is not that simple for the remaining snow ninjas to elect a new leader with sufficient strength and prestige.

"Don't worry, I will handle this matter as soon as possible. The new snow shadow you want will arrive soon. Before that, we must first determine the sales target of this flower."

Mercury Lamp smiled strangely. As a qualified businessman, she didn't mind sharing profits with other people, as long as they were at least smart enough not to meddle in other people's business. At present, it seems that Fenghua Xiaoxue is obviously very qualified. She has no idea of ​​"pro-government", but to be honest, the big names in the culture of the 11th District are basically like this. The only ones who will compete for real power are Those local lords and generals with military strength.

"It's just a flower. What kind of profit can there be? You brought it anyway, so you can do whatever you want."

As a person who has suffered hardships in the grassroots society, Fenghua Xiaoxue is not the kind of idiot who doesn't distinguish between grains and grains, so she also knows very well that the price of ordinary flowers and other decorations cannot be high no matter how high they are. She has used the raw materials of the flesh tree currently traded with Konoha. The reason why she placed it in her garden is just because she happens to like the beauty of this kind of flower. She does not think that its price is worth anything. .

"As you wish, then please call the palace accountant over and I will consolidate the data."

Mercury Lamp lifted her skirt slightly and saluted. For her, every business activity requires careful calculation and arrangement. Especially this time the goods are obviously somewhat special. Its addictiveness and powerful medicinal effects complement each other. Then the purification process, price negotiation, and even the main target audience need to be defined.


Even though he was used to the current prosperity of Konoha Village, Jiraiya was still amazed by the country called Snow in front of him. The area here is indeed a cold zone, and the white snow all over the sky is what it should be. But what Jiraiya saw was a country with a pleasant climate and beautiful scenery.

"Ah~ This is all because of the gift left by the previous great name Fenghua Hayuki-sama. Guest, have you seen the rainbow ice wall over there? They are continuously absorbing the solar heat energy from the sky and then guiding it into the ground. , our country of snow has the warm climate we have now.”

The owner of the meatball shop is obviously very talkative, and this is the person Jiraiya wants to talk to. After all, being talkative means that he has a lot of information.

"Oh~! This is really amazing, by the way~ What is this pendant?"

Thanking the shop owner for his explanation, Jiraiya's eyes fell on a hanging ornament similar to a Sunny Day doll at the entrance of the meatball shop. This hanging ornament looked like it was skillfully tied with knots. From the appearance It looked like a young female figure with wings.

"Ah, you said this, this is an angel. Guest, you don't know. The current Queen Fenghua Xiaoxue lived among the people in her early years. It was a powerful angel who rescued her and helped her return to the position of queen. And it is that angel who has been bringing abundant gifts to the Kingdom of Snow. Someone who has relatives serving in the palace once said that the angel's clothes and appearance are very strange and beautiful, so I don't know who to start with. I started hanging pendants like this to pray for the angel’s protection.”

The shop owner obviously didn't realize Jiraiya's purpose of spying on the information, or he didn't think that such information would have any impact, but for Jiraiya, this directly provided the best way to investigate.

He is a powerful foreign aid and has a close relationship with the Queen of Snow Country, Fenghua Koyuki. His image is that of a person with two wings and dressed differently from ordinary people... As expected, I seem to have heard this description of the image from somewhere. Similar intelligence.

In other words, it is necessary to go to the palace of the Snow Country. Only there may you be able to find evidence to support your guess.

"I know, maybe I should also show respect to this Lord Angel~!"

Jiraiya nodded meaningfully. If that was really the case, it would be even more necessary for him to figure out this information.

(PS1: Of course it won’t be used in the original plot, so this time Jiraiya is coming to the Land of Snow~ Anyway, the message left behind can still be exactly the same as Pain’s, such as ‘the main body is not among them’ or something~)

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