After neatly biting Wadao Yiwen into his mouth, Zoro's right hand suddenly grabbed the hilt of Xia Lan's sword at his waist, and then pulled out the demon sword that he had not yet used in battle. That's right, he had no intention of holding back the Clovel in front of him, and he had long wanted to test the power of this demonic sword.

"Huh? The red blade...Oh, I see, is it Xia Lan?"

Clovel serves as Bellemere's finance minister and chief of intelligence at the same time. Although Nami deliberately concealed some secrets, such as the existence of Luffy and Zoro, of course the other party knew everything about the products Bellemere sold. These demon knives with blood-red blades are naturally known to each other, and judging from the surface alone, it is obviously impossible to easily distinguish between the first-generation Xia Lan and the mass-produced Xia Lan.

"It's good that you know. To be honest, I haven't mastered this knife yet. How about you give up now?"

As an authentic swordsman, Zoro is naturally not interested in Xia Lan's blood-breaking special effects, and he also dislikes using the ability of this demon sword to win, so even though Clovel is the enemy at the moment, he still doesn't want to Fight with this demonic sword.

"Hehehe~ Idiot! I am the core minister of this country! It's okay for you to use this kind of product to scare ordinary people, but for me? It's really ridiculous!"

In response to Sauron's kindness, Clovel just let out a series of wild laughs. Not to mention that she didn't even think that this green-haired swordsman who was not as fast as herself could touch her, let alone that as a person who cherishes life, she always carried her with her. I have become accustomed to carrying several copies of Xia Lan's antidote in my snuff bottle. After all, she never forgets to fight. Now that she knows that her country has this kind of demon sword that can seal throats at the sight of blood, it would be foolish not to prepare an antidote.

"Tsk~! There's nothing you can do about it. In that case, just ask for your blessings."

But just like Clovel's confidence, Sauron obviously has no doubt about the outcome of his battle. Not to mention that he has no intention of losing to the swordsman again. Even within this country, Clovel is not the strongest enemy at all. The most powerful one is the one who has both a speed that exceeds Clovel and a An orange-haired queen with terrifying brute strength.

"Indeed... Her Majesty the Queen only said to keep that long-nosed person alive, but she didn't say anything about the life and death of others... Besides, I'm in a really bad mood right now."

Smiling gloomily, Clovel also slowly raised her arms, and Sauron's face was clearly reflected on the ten-edged cat claws with a cold light: "Take the move! I don't plan to talk nonsense to you anymore. .”


This~! How could it be... like this? !

Sanji gasped slightly as he covered the wounds on his chest and abdomen. Even though he still had a strong fighting spirit, the scene in front of him still brought a sense of despair that seemed to be trying to crush his will.

The reason was also very simple. Right in front of him and Keya, the reflection of a piece of metal armor illuminated the surrounding garden ground coldly and cruelly. The Queen's Guards, and they were no longer just the two who seemed to be fighting in the corridor, but a full regiment that at first glance had reached at least a hundred.

Even compared to the two guards in the corridor who were both armed with giant axes, the guards who appeared around the garden and surrounded Sanji and Keya now have different weapons and body types. They have everything from long knives to deceitful scythes, from heavy war hammers to sharp spears. This also shows that this regiment is definitely not just new recruits, but is composed of veterans who have developed their own personal fighting characteristics. .

There is no doubt that this is the special combat power created by Nami to capture East China Sea pirates. Of course, these people cannot all have the blood attributes of 100 people like the two guards in the corridor, but their physiques are conservatively estimated to be average. It is ten times or even dozens of times that of ordinary humans, but there is no problem at all.

At this moment, this group of heavily armed and ruthless warriors surrounded the entire garden with a silent and fanatical attitude, completely blocking the path of Sanji and Keya like a moving wall.

"Miss Keya, no matter what you see later, don't give up on your wishes."

Gritting his teeth, Sanji also whispered instructions to Keya behind him. The blond chef undoubtedly had the worst plan. After all, even if the strength of the guards in front of him was only one-tenth of the two people in the corridor, But combined, these numbers are enough to overwhelm Sanji at this moment.

" can't fight anymore. I...I also want to prove that I will not give up!"

She suddenly pulled out a silver table knife from her sleeve, and Keya, who had a strong face, put the blade to her neck without hesitation. This strong girl obviously had no intention of just sitting back and watching others bleed and cry for her, and her tone was also With an unquestionable sense of resistance: "You guys, step back! Otherwise, I will never let you take me back alive!"

Keya's behavior undoubtedly caused some commotion among the Queen's Guards. After all, the order they received was only to bring Princess Keya back safely. If the other party committed suicide, they might not be able to explain it.

However, at this moment, the set of red gemstone jewelry on Keya's head suddenly lit up, and then melted instantly like a living thing. It quickly and accurately locked Keya's hands and wrists, and then used a powerful pull-up Tie this girl's arms behind her back!

"This! What's going on..."

Caught off guard, Keya suddenly became unstable and stumbled to the ground. The red blood that tied her hands once again condensed into a solid gem state. With her immature strength, it was obvious that she could not stand in any way. Probably broke it free.

There is no doubt that this is why Nami would personally select accessories for this princess before this. Because this set of red headdress is basically a simple blood drop stone made of her own blood, and because it is her own blood, the resonance range is even greater, so she can know Keya's movements well, even from a distance. Distance used his ability to control this part of the blood to deform again, thus making the obstructive Keya honest again.

"Your Highness Keya!"

The shocked Sanji was distracted for a moment, but the next moment, a heavy and accurate force exploded in his chest! Astonishingly, a queen's guard holding a scythe had already launched his own attack. The meteor hammer at the other end of the scythe crossed a distance of nearly ten meters in the blink of an eye with experienced movements, and struck the mountain accurately and viciously. Heal your heart!


Sanji, who is definitely not known for resisting blows, was immediately thrown upside down by this cruel blow. He was even spitting out blood in mid-air, while several Queen's Guards holding weapons on the other side were also attacked at the same time. Leaping up, the sharp blade glowing with cold light in his hand was mercilessly stabbing Sanji who was knocked away. There is no doubt that these guards don't care what the enemy's corpse will look like. In other words, in their eyes, the enemy's corpse must have its limbs separated first, so that the threat can be eliminated.

Damn it... is this... the end?

Sanji, who flew out upside down, saw that the scene in front of him seemed to be slowing down like a revolving lantern, but at this moment his mind became extremely clear: there was no way to escape, and now the attack he received had also entered. It's as if she's suffocated, and even if she resists, she doesn't have the strength to resist... And judging from the actions of these queen's guards, I'm afraid that I will be torn apart by random blades in the next moment... Shit, I didn't expect that I would call myself a The knight who protected the lady not only failed to rescue the lady he promised, but also left such a bad impression on her...

Regretfully, he slowly closed his eyes. Sanji was not interested in caring about what his body looked like when it was torn apart. Anyway, it should be over soon. But, I'm sorry, stinky old man...I'm afraid, even if I die, I will still bring some trouble to the restaurant...

(PS1: Hmm~~Just watch the show honestly with vases and stuff~Really, I need my daughter to put in more effort~)

(PS2: So, it seems that there are quite a few knights who have stumbled because of women? For example, the most famous Yangtze River knight.)


To test the strength of something, the first thing to do is to remove all kindness from it. Whether it is destroyed or destroyed, the weight it bears at the last moment before its destruction can often be regarded as the accurate limit of its physical strength.

What Nami wants to test now is the mental strength of the so-called 'Straw Hats'. No matter what, only those with a strong heart will think she is qualified to become the Pirate King and his partner. She has not personally experienced the things in the original work, so she does not intend to use it as a criterion for her own judgment. So now she needs to test it with her own hands to see the group of guys who were selected as the protagonists. , whether there is anything special about it.

"Reckless, thoughtless, overconfident in one's own strength...but at least he does have the courage to dare to challenge powerful forces, which is the so-called 'newborn calves are not afraid of tigers'."

Sitting elegantly on the rooftop, Nami didn't care about the chaos in Bellmere at the moment. After all, she also wanted to see who the nobles were who could be relied on at the critical moment. If some garbage with corpses and plain meals took advantage of this moment to commit crimes Or if they were to escape, then there would be no need to worry about extra charges for them to fall from power.

Therefore, Nami, with her eyes closed, completely focused her attention on blood perception. Because Keya's body was guided by the blood drop stone formed from her own blood, she could accurately sense the blood around Keya. reaction. There is no doubt that what she has to do is to completely crush Sanji's strength first, so that when he can no longer rely on strength, the golden-haired cook can show his true nature.

It's complicated to say, but it's easy to understand if you use the analogy of smashing walnuts. What she has to do is use her absolute strength advantage to smash all the external armor of this golden-haired cook as a way to fully detect him.

[Miss Keya, no matter what you see later, don’t give up on your wishes. 】

There is no doubt that Sanji's words have shown that he no longer has the confidence to escape from here with Keya, and he even knows that it will be difficult for him to survive. This sentence to Keya basically contains the tragic courage of "even if I am cut into pieces in front of you, don't give up on your wish."

"You can accept reality, analyze your situation calmly and rationally, and you will not give up or change your original intention even if you know you are going to die~ Well, yes, materials that will not deform are suitable for trust."

Nodding with satisfaction, Nami also raised her eyebrows slightly. She clearly felt the arrival of another blood reaction in her perception. This discovery made her nod with interest: "Yes, if you don't come, then The script of this play needs to be changed.”


The sound of blood spurting out of flesh was particularly harsh. Even though Sauron tried his best to deal with it, a sharp cat claw still made a wound on his left shoulder. Although it was not deep, the injury showed that he was indeed inferior in speed. Clovel.

"Damn it! Flying around like a fly!"

Being forced to defend key points with frustration, Sauron did feel a little anxious. For a long time, the opponents he faced did not magnify a certain characteristic to the peak like Clovel. Regardless of skill, strength, or speed, there are always some weaknesses that can be used as shortcomings, allowing Sauron, who has superior attributes in all attributes, to deal with them calmly.

But the Clovel in front of him was undoubtedly a different kind of opponent. Putting aside her skills and strength, in terms of speed, she has indeed achieved the top level, thus completely covering up other shortcomings.

Of course she has flaws. Whether it is the gap in the attack or the moment of recovery, they can be regarded as flaws in the attack for Zoro. However, there is a saying that says, 'Nothing is indestructible except speed.' Even if Sauron did catch a flaw in Clovel's, before he could prepare to deal with it, the opponent's next move had already been used up. There are flaws, but they are fleeting and cannot be captured at all.

After all, the introduction in the original text is very clear. The speed of Clovel's Silent Step is exactly the same as that of 'Shaving', and the enemies with 'Shaving' are the CP9 group who will only officially appear in the Judiciary Island plot. That level of strength is undoubtedly absolutely crushing to Sauron and others now. The only flaw is that when Clovel uses the silent step to kill, she cannot determine the target of her attack, which is equivalent to attacking randomly in a high-speed moving area. Therefore, the surrounding walls and ground were already covered with shocking scratches. Otherwise, if she could determine her target, Zoro, who was far slower than her, would have been torn into pieces by her by now.

"Hmph, you've been under my attack for so long and you still don't want to die? You look more like a fly."

Boredom showed up not far away from Zoro. Clovel was undoubtedly feeling a little impatient. It was certain that Zoro would not be able to catch up with her, but this green algae-headed man with superb swordsmanship Swordsmen can always use their weapons to block or avoid attacks aimed at their own vital points, so even though there are many scratches on their bodies now, they are just insignificant flesh wounds.

"Tsk~! It looks like that woman is so scary that it almost makes me tremble. If she had that kind of brute strength and the same speed as you, if she hadn't kept her hand last time, I might have turned into meat."

Breathing slightly, Zoro's fighting spirit has not diminished. After all, for him, the terrifying speed of Clovel in front of him clearly proves the true terrifying level of Nami during the last battle. The orange-haired woman's brute strength has already It was enough to knock his whole body into the ground with one blow. If her actual speed was comparable to Clovel, if they were paired together, it would only be a matter of raising a hand to knock down Zoro.

Fortunately, above these two people, there is the great swordsman Hawkeye who split the entire dojo with one blow. Looking at it this way, he was really a frog in the well!

"Damn it! What self-righteous efforts have I made for so long..."

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