Apocalyptic Rebirth: The Palm of the Army Young Man

Chapter 427: Xiao Qi's Uncontrollable

Gu Jiu stood there for a long time without any movement or words.

Just because she doesn't understand something.

The four ancient martial arts families in the capital were too far away for her.

When Jun Yi saw Gu Jiu like this, he slowly stepped forward, approached her ear, and informed her of the tension between the Jun family and the Tang family.

Gu Jiu's brows moved slightly when he heard the words.

Jun Yi's words were very simple, and it made Gu Jiu understand that the woman in front of her was most likely a direct descendant of the Tang family.

But no one in the capital had ever seen her.

This means that she was really abandoned by the family.

Dealing with the secret affairs of the Tang family is still a woman.

After the end of the world, shouldn't it be so down and out?

Thinking of what she said before, being given by her family, Gu Jiu had some thoughts in her heart.

As soon as Jun saw her suddenly bright face, he slowly retreated.

In fact, Jun Yi is also selfish.

The young master took a fancy to Miss Gu so much that he did not hesitate to keep them.

It can be seen that this Miss Gu is really the person on the top of the young master's heart.

Now Miss Gu is surrounded by men, and the only woman is Han Dongfeng's sister.

This Han Yun is a woman, rather than a tomboy.

The appearance of Tang Yi at this time can also make Miss Gu less contact with the men around her.

It is always a good thing to have a woman beside Miss Gu.

Now it seems that there is no problem with this Tang Yi.

You are naturally happy with it.

Of course, they won't relax monitoring this Tang Yi.

Once she finds that there is a problem with her, she will directly kill her.

Tang Yi has been waiting, this is her last hope.

At this time, she was a little nervous, and more worried about raising money.

If the woman in front of her doesn't accept her, then she and the child really have a dead end.

The child was too young for her to leave at all.

What you want to do is simply impossible.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so threatened by Brother Hu's gang today.

Thinking of the road ahead, Tang Yi exuded a strong sadness.

She was really cornered.

Huo Xiang, Lei Jie, Xiao Qi, Han Yun and others saw Tang Yi's appearance, and their eyes were filled with unbearableness.

But among these people, only one person looked at the child in Tang Yi's arms with pity in his eyes.

This person is Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi looked at the child in Tang Yi's arms, the baby's fat little face, his eyes tightly closed.

The heart is unbelievably soft.

This little doll is really cute.

It's a pity that the little face is pale and pale, and it is unspeakable pity.

Perhaps because of being watched for a long time, the child's eyelids trembled.

Then a gap opened slowly.

Xiao Qi looked at the black eyes with water, and couldn't control herself for a while.

He stood up from the sofa and walked towards Tang Yi with his feet uncontrollably.

Her eyes kept staring at the child in her arms.

The child had already opened his eyes.

A pair of big black eyes, with innocence in their eyes.

When he looked at him, he was still curious.

Xiao Qi's sudden action attracted the attention of everyone around him to him.

But Xiao Qi couldn't detect it, he could only see the child at this time.

His eyes kept looking at him, the innocence in his eyes, and the curiosity, made Xiao Qi soft and unremarkable.

Gu Jiu also saw Xiao Qi's actions, and the words that were about to speak were kept on his lips because of his actions.

Xiao Qi walked to Tang Yi's side without looking at her.

Her eyes stared straight at the child in her arms.

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