Apocalyptic War Machine: Raiding Billions in Warehouses from the Start

Chapter 141 How can there be any immortal emperor?


Amid Li Dachun's roar, everyone in the shelter began to move towards the entrance of the base.

"Tu tu tu tu——————"

Li Dachun shot at the alien apes that fell from the sky.

The firepower in this sanctuary is certainly not enough to support the growing number of alien apes.

And once these monsters enter a shelter where ordinary people gather, it will be a disaster.

He had already seen this kind of disaster once with the Firebirds, and he didn't want to see it a second time.

Although he worshiped many gods, he was sincere.

Now none of these bird gods come to help, so I will do it myself!

"Tu tu tu tu——————"

Li Dachun grabbed another rifle from an escaping soldier.

With both guns firing in volley, the apes who wanted to have a feast fell first to his guns.

"What the hell, damn gods, where have you been!"

Li Dachun cursed while reloading.

In order to better cover everyone's escape, he had moved from the entrance of the shelter to the central position.

The crowd passed through him and fled towards the light, but he walked step by step towards hell.

"Puff puff"

More and more holes were opened, and alien apes fell from the sky one after another.

The firepower of the rifle was not enough to kill these alien species immediately.

His life is coming to an end.

These beasts would eat him alive, just like he had seen with the Firebirds.

He was an incompetent priest who never sought divine protection for his believers.

The Firebird had helped him escape, but here he didn't want to escape again.

"Open your fucking eyes and see this fucking world!"

"Look at these people you've abandoned!"

Li Dachun roared to the sky, two lines of hot tears rolled down his face.

The flames from the gun's muzzle illuminated his bloody face.

Several children turned around and saw this scene while they were running away in their mother's arms.

An ordinary-looking man held up a gun to shoot the monsters falling from the sky.

Although there were tears on his face, it did not prevent this scene from being remembered by these children for a lifetime.

Maybe when they grow up, they will tell their children about it one day.

It is said that there was an uncle who used his mortal body to fight against the wrath of God.

“Bang, bang, bang”

Several alien apes landed on the ground, and Li Dachun had no time to kill them with a machine gun in the air.


The alien apes let out shrill roars.

They saw this man killing many of his companions.

They want to tear him to pieces, this ant who knows nothing about the world!

Above the shelter, wisps of bright light shot down from the holes opened by the apes.

It shined on Li Dachun like a spotlight.

Everyone in the shelter has successfully escaped under his cover.

The left-hand rifle was out of ammunition, and the right-hand rifle had one magazine left.

Li Dachun closed his eyes and did not intend to shoot again.

This shuttle is reserved for the damn God.

The roar of the alien species was already close at hand.

At this moment, there was no panic in his heart like last time.

There is only a calm and generous feeling of dying.

He prayed to gods and worshiped Buddha all his life, but he never received any favor from the gods.

Until today, he has become a god for ordinary people.

“Chu tu tu tu tu tu——————”

At the last moment when the alien species approached, a burst of extremely fast machine gun fire fell to the ground.

The hot liquid splashed on Li Dachun's body.

He knew it was not his blood.

Li Dachun opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that the alien species that landed on the ground had been shot into pieces!

The gods are coming?

Li Dachun looked above his head and through the holes.

He saw a row of dark fighter planes passing through the sky.

It was their machine guns that killed those disgusting aliens.


Li Dachun's body collapsed and he knelt on the ground.

Two lines of hot tears welled up from his eyes.

This is a fairy!

Li Dachun threw his head back and cried, all his emotions were released at this moment.

"It's a plane!"

"Look! It's our plane!"

several children shouted.

The people who escaped from the shelter saw the alien apes pouring down from the city wall.

I was in deep despair, but I found a row of fighter planes flying from the sky.

The machine gun on the bottom of the fighter jet sprayed bullets across the battlefield.

The high-speed bullets made it impossible for the apes to dodge.

Wherever the bullets swept, clouds of blood mist exploded, and those monsters were shot to pieces!

"It's a fighter plane! Our fighter plane!"

"Saved, we are saved!"

"Kill those monsters!"

Watching the fighter jets blast those disgusting monsters into rubble.

Everyone below cheered.

Regardless of men, women and children, everyone was inspired by the savior-like arrival of fighter planes.

Even those few soldiers who escaped from the Firebird Gang had the fear of the alien apes engraved in their souls.

Seeing the moment when the fighter planes destroyed the alien species again, the dead heart was rekindled.

Their fear of apes goes beyond fear of their bloody cruelty.

There is also the fear of the vast gulf between oneself and one's own strength.

What they are afraid of is not the alien apes, but the huge gap in strength between the aliens and humans.

They believed that humans could never defeat such an enemy.

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Even running away can only delay his own death.

So they were extremely frightened, even if they escaped from the Firebird Gang and those monsters.

But the despair caused by the gap in strength can never be eliminated.

until today.

Until they saw the vulnerability of the alien apes in front of fighter planes.

The fire of hope is rekindled within them.

With this kind of weapon, maybe they wouldn't have to run away.

Maybe there is still hope for mankind!

"Kill! Kill!"

"Kill them!"

Those who escaped regained hope.

They looked at the fighter planes in the sky and raised their arms and shouted!

That is the hope of mankind!

"Tu tu tu tu——————"

The Wasp machine gun spun wildly, spraying bullets from the muzzle without stopping for a moment.

While flying over the base, Lu Chen reduced the speed of the fighter plane.

Clean up all the alien apes that have entered the base.

After clearing the apes inside the base, fighter planes supported the city wall.

Coupled with the firepower of fighter planes, the invaded areas of the city wall were instantly replenished.

"Tomahawk Missile!"

Lu Chen's thoughts flashed.

Each fighter plane fired a Tomahawk missile.

Five missiles were fired at the city wall, with a loud explosion and a burst of fire.

The shock wave generated by the explosion instantly shattered the surrounding alien apes.

The attack of the boundless ape army was forced to create a gap.

Take advantage of the aftermath to block subsequent attacks.

The base defenders retook the city wall under the cover of fighter planes.

"Mr. Lu"

Rong Hubiao, who returned to the heavy machine gun, raised his head and glanced at the fighter plane.

This look was filled with all his admiration and respect from Rong Hubiao.

"Everyone! Fire!"

Rong Hubiao roared.

No words are needed, the best reward for Mr. Lu is to open fire.

What better way to express a man's emotions than to fight side by side?

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