After thinking for a while, Lu Chen decided to choose cold fusion energy.

Because the deflection shield still consumes a lot of energy.

The current energy source of Colossus is nuclear fusion energy, which does not require fuel.

It only needs to absorb air to generate energy in the nuclear fusion chamber.

It is almost inexhaustible.

But there is a limit to how quickly energy can be generated.

That is, you can quickly release skills and use energy, which cannot be replenished in a short period of time.

When the deflection shield is turned on, it will consume nearly 30% of the current energy.

Compared to a fighter plane which only needs 40% to charge each time, it is considered a huge consumption.

Moreover, maintaining the deflection shield will continue to consume energy, consuming 1% of the current energy reserve every second.

In other words, although the deflection shield is an excellent team battle defense, it will also quickly consume Colossus' energy.

As for armored defense, it's not really needed yet.

After thinking clearly, Lu Chen directly took pictures of two third-level crystal nuclei.

Cold fusion energy is being upgraded

While waiting for the upgrade, Lu Chen began to think about the future direction.

The beast tide is over, and the monsters in Nancheng City are almost gone.

In the future, I have to go to bigger cities to kill monsters.

As for which city to go to, he hasn't decided yet.

Although his hands and eyes were already clear in Nancheng City, he was blind after leaving Nancheng City.

The layout and power of those cities, the levels of alien species and zombies.

Judging from the current economic ranking, Nancheng City is at most a small second-tier city.

The population and scope are far less than those of large first-tier cities.

In the end of the world, a large population also means that they will become a breeding ground for monsters.

The number and levels of alien species and zombies will be far greater than those in Nancheng City.

What's more important is that the "Anthem" organization will have more layouts in these big cities.

The stronger economic strength before the end also means that the overall combat power of their base will be much higher than that of Nancheng City.

There are currently three first-tier cities around Nancheng City, and each of these cities has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of strategic status.

Chase Lu was still undecided on which one to enter after repeated considerations.

After all, those who have no grudges against them can only choose from a rational perspective.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen felt a headache and simply stopped thinking about it.

Next time we hold one, let several leaders think about it together.

Tomorrow's task should be to go to the bases of the Firebird Gang and the Zhatian Gang to retrieve two mechanical hearts.

Previously, because they were busy defending Shanda Group and the Angel of Death, they had not yet obtained the two mechanical hearts.

I just hope that I won't encounter the same kind of existence like the Corpse King, who can directly take away the heart of the machine.

Overtime communication upgrade completed

Cold fusion energy upgrade completed

After the upgrade was completed, Lu Chen first came to the metal tower of the Death Angel and activated the overtime communication.

After activating it, he also tried it specifically and used the communicator to call Rong Biao who was far away in Shanda Group.

At two o'clock in the morning, the moonlight was hazy.

After Lu Chen called for 3 minutes, Rong Biao took the communicator and responded.

"Fortunately you didn't sleep, otherwise I would have thought that the hyperdimensional communication was broken." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Rong Biao: ""

After ensuring that the two bases could be connected smoothly, Lu Chen returned to Thunderstorm and went to sleep with Zhuang Yuan.

The next morning, Lu Chen was getting up to do morning exercises.

As soon as he opened the car door, he was startled by a group of eagerly waiting team members outside the garage.

When they saw Lu Chen, they pounced on him like a dog seeing shit.

"Chief, our team came first!"

"Chief! Our team is the first."

“We started lining up last night!”

A group of people were jostling and shouting, making Lu Chen's head hurt.

"Don't scream, don't scream, come one by one." Lu Chen waved his hand.

"Whoever comes first, go to bed."

"I'm first, I'm first!"

"Me, me, our team!"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Lu Chen called these people to stop again.

"Hiss—" He held his head and thought.

This is not a solution, powers are first come, first served.

Each team has something they want, so they fight to get it.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chen clapped his hands and said.

"I'll give you one last chance to line up in order."

"After everything is arranged, I will ask Yue Ji to interrogate them one by one."

"If you lie, 500 crystal cores will be deducted!"

As soon as these words came out, all the team members were really frightened.

After all, Tsukihime's terrifying mind-reading ability has been known to everyone since she was the leader of the Death Angel.

Lu Chen smiled slightly when he saw the team members lining up obediently.

If you are in trouble, please ask Yue Ji.

After lining up, the captain takes the lead, and the team members follow and come forward in order.

The first one is Team Li Hai. Li Hai has two big panda eyes.

In this case, either there were many people exercising last night, or there was indeed a queue in the middle of the night.

Li Hai Team is a newly formed team in Shanda Group.

The total team won a total of 800 crystal cores, which is still a very good result.

Li Hai directly chose "hand and foot coordination", which seemed to be a very useless skill.

This skill is to enhance body coordination and combat effectiveness is close to nothing.

But Lu Chen didn't choose him randomly from 120 crystal nuclei.

Although the hand and foot coordination is not very powerful, it is very helpful in controlling the tank.

In other words, if you choose this skill, you are very likely to get the next super tank like a fish egg.

Lu Chen gave Li Hai a meaningful look, but Li Hai just stood calmly.

The team members behind him had no objections, and it seemed that they had discussed it.

Not bad, Lu Chen thought, this Li Hai still has a very strategic vision.

The goal is not limited to those cool single-target skills.

"Okay, get in the car." Lu Chen pointed to Thunderstorm's cab.

He thought Li Hai would step forward, but he didn't expect that he would take a step back and give way.

"Chief, our team has made Aqiang a superpower."

"His driving skills are the best, and he is the most suitable for this special ability."

Chase Lu was stunned for a moment, admiration rising in his heart.

This kid is bound to become a great player!

You know how many people dream of controlling a super tank!

No man would be willing to refuse this kind of killer weapon on the battlefield.

Not only did Li Hai see through Lu Chen's intentions, he also resisted this temptation.

Choose the most suitable person in the team to implant the crystal core.

This overall view will definitely become a great tool in the future.

Lu Chen nodded and remembered the name Li Hai in his heart.

A few minutes later, Aqiang successfully implanted the crystal core.

Everyone in Li Hai's team left the garage with laughter.

The captain of the next team who came forward quickly glanced at the merit list after they left.

Seeing that those powerful skills were still there, the expression on his face instantly calmed down.

Their team has 506 crystal cores, which is just up to the standard line.

He chose the "Wind Blade", which allows him to create sharp wind blades with his arms.

After successfully implanting the crystal core, he left in the adoring eyes of all the team members.

The merit redemption mission continues.

A total of 9 of the 15 teams have the ability to redeem.

Some teams also have multiple opportunities to redeem abilities.

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