“Zi la la la————”

Thin and dense noises came from under the metal base, and the foundation of the base began to vibrate at high frequencies.

With a bang, a crack appeared on the metal ground.

This was the first time Lu Chen saw metal being torn apart directly, and it was still the metal of a metal tower! !

As the base was damaged, the entire metal tower sank suddenly.

It is on the verge of destruction.

The host can carry the Mechanical Heart to jump. After the Mechanical Heart is taken out, the metal tower will run out of energy within 10 minutes.

Where does it take 10 more minutes!

Lu Chen shouted in his heart.

There was no time to check the gains such as crystal cores, so he directly scrolled to the character logout column.

He needs to transport all the team members who enter together!


There was another explosion, like a muffled thunder exploding in my ears.

The openings of the cracks are getting bigger and bigger, and countless small cracks have appeared in other places.

Things like gravel or broken metal spurted out from the cracks like droplets.

Lu Chen quickly searched through all the team members to make sure no one was left behind, then thoughts flashed through his mind.


With a buzzing sound, a blue light beam enveloped him.

At this moment, there was a painful cry from the ground of the metal base.

Like all rigid materials, they have a critical point of failure.

A load-bearing rigid body is not like a fluid, which changes into its shape according to the amount of force exerted on it.

They only break when the force you apply reaches a certain threshold.

Therefore, the collapse of rigid materials is an instantaneous collapse without warning.

The foundation of this base has just gone through this process.

It has been completely destroyed!

The originally hard and stable ground was completely shattered in an instant.

And as the ground shattered, Lu Chen could clearly see the behemoth underneath! !

Looking at it, it turned out to be a "monstrous mouth"! ! !

The huge circular rings are combined and rotated layer by layer to form a steel behemoth that can crush and devour everything in the world!

"Then it's a shield machine!"

The moment the teleportation took effect, Lu Chen understood what kind of mechanical equipment it was.

Shield machine, a miracle of human engineering, a giant engineering equipment used for underground tunnel excavation

Forget about trains, this lunatic actually converted the TBM into a war weapon! !

The light blue light disappeared, and Lu Chen and others appeared at the gate of the base again.

Not a single member of the team who went in with him was left behind, and all of them were teleported back.

Like Lu Chen, their faces were all deeply shocked.

"What happened, boss!"

Lin Zhuang asked Lu Chen on behalf of everyone.

"Escape from the underground quickly!!" Lu Chen did not explain, but directly issued the order.

He could tell at just one glance that the monster shield machine was no longer an ordinary shield machine.

That lunatic Lin Ji must have made even crazier modifications.

Not only is the size doubled, the diameter of its cutting wheel alone is close to 30 meters.

If a monster of this size activates, let alone the metal base, the entire area will collapse!

Without asking any questions, everyone boarded Chiyan one after another, and then were teleported back to their respective convoys by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen found that Yue Ji's calf had been severely injured, but he had no time to think.

Vibrations have been transmitted to the hub, and dust and gravel are constantly falling from above.

This underground system can no longer hold up! !

While teleporting Yue Ji, Lu Chen kicked the accelerator and drove Chi Yan towards the thunderstorm.


As soon as Chi Yan fired his kick, the Salvation Army base collapsed downwards with a crash, and the entire earth above it was directly pressed down.

This guy demolished the entire base just to win!

This is not just a gamble on life, this is a gamble on everything in this organization!

Cruel person!

Lu Chen asked all the team members defending on both sides of the hub to gather at the thunderstorm.

Then the thoughts flashed wildly, and there was no time to classify them, and the team members were pushed into the back compartment of Thunderstorm and Qingtian.

Then he teleported back to Thunderstorm and took all the tanks back into space.

"Let's go!!" Lu Chen shouted as soon as he returned to Thunderstorm.

Zhuang Yuan stepped on the accelerator, and the thunderstorm rushed out of the tunnel where it came from, Qingtian followed the weather.


There was another tremor, and the hub that could barely hold up just now collapsed in half.

Dust and gravel poured into the tunnel like a huge sandstorm.

The underground system is basically more than 20 meters above the ground, with a full 20-meter thick soil layer.

If the entire tunnel collapses, even Lei Bao and Qing Tian will have difficulty escaping.

Lu Chen turned around to check the tunnel after the thunderstorm. Fortunately, the underground hub was strong enough.

The tunnel has not completely collapsed yet, and they still have a certain amount of time to escape from the tunnel.

But after the steel monster came out, Lu Chen couldn't guarantee how long the tunnel could last.

So they have only one goal now, and that is to escape underground as much as possible!

After the thunderstorm started, Lu Chen suppressed the panic in his heart.

He took out his communicator and first contacted the convoys on the ground guarding each exit, telling them to stay away quickly.

If the ground collapses, they will also be deeply affected. Lu Chen does not want to see meaningless sacrifices.

Then he contacted Li Hai and asked him to drive the Colossus to the subway exit he marked.

The original subway exit has been blown up and they must find a new one.

And it can't be an exit close to the Salvation Army base, so as to avoid the bombs they ambush.

After arranging everything, Lu Chen looked ahead. Next was their crazy escape journey.


A long roar came from the end of the tunnel.

The entrance to the tunnel has begun to collapse!

Damn it!

Lu Chen cursed secretly in his heart, but it was a pity that Lei Bao and Qing Tian were not as fast as Chi Yan.

Otherwise, you can escape in a minute without having to play to such an extreme.

But Chase Lu didn't expect that the other party would come up with such an exaggerated thing!

Activating this weapon would destroy his organization even if he won.

He didn't consider other people's lives at all.

Anyone who uses this kind of self-damage to 50 enemies can only be said to be a complete lunatic!

A strong and violent smashing sound came along the tunnel.

Just now, its crushing mouth pointed upwards and ate the entire metal base.

Now it must have crossed over and destroyed the entire tunnel.

Just wish it wasn't destroying tunnels so fast! !

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