Number 3 and Number 5 slowly stood up from the ground, their eyes revealing endless confusion.

Li Haoran smashed the world they knew into powder in just a few minutes.

Where should they go?

Are they really demons?

"Hahaha." Li Haoran looked at the two of them and laughed.

"Is it difficult to recover? It's okay, we still have time."

"I need you to get back on your feet before No. 1 and No. 2 get here."

Li Haoran held down his hat and said to them in a commanding tone.

"Yes" No. 3 and No. 5 were speechless.

Baosteel Base, late at night.

Lu Chen's act of implanting crystal nuclei into other warriors brought the atmosphere of the banquet to another climax.

With the completion of the crystal core implantation, the banquet finally came to an end.

Through a perfect speech, Lu Chen gathered the hearts of the entire base people together.

After stepping off the podium, Lu Chen did not join the table of other base leaders, but went straight to the members of the Death Angel.

He was going to issue tomorrow's tasks to all the top management of the Death Angel.

The task with the highest priority is naturally the First Army of the Haicheng Alliance with Rong Hubiao as the commander-in-chief.

According to statistics, the number of tanks in the new First Army this time will reach an unprecedented 500.

Moreover, these 500 tanks were selected from the best, and all ordinary off-road vehicles with poor performance were screened out.

Almost all of these 500 tanks are heavy armored off-road vehicles, and then there are also giant artillery tanks comparable to tanks and a series of main tanks from other bases.

In addition to tanks, the First Army also has another fearsome combat capability, which is the Legion of Superpowers.

After this universal upgrade, Lu Chen successfully brought the number of detectable superpowers in the base to 150.

Among them, there are about 10 people with third-stage abilities and about 50 people with second-stage abilities.

As for those with special abilities hidden among the crowd, Lu Chen didn't bother to pursue them.

After discussing with the top management of Death Angel about the specific distribution of the first army and the management of the superpower army.

Lu Chen rushed to Lin Dachui's machine repair department without stopping, where the most powerful killing weapon in the Baosteel base was located.

As soon as they entered the base, the huge silver-white Tushen appeared in front of them.

This is the silver-white appearance that Lin Dachui's machine repair department used to polish it little by little with machine repair equipment.

The stainless steel shell of the Earth God reflects dazzling light under the light, like an ancient and majestic metal dragon.

"Is this modified?" Cheng An asked, looking at Lin Dachui who was undergoing final adjustments.

"It's alright, boss." Lin Dachui said with rare calmness.

"This is the magnetic card to open the door. Get up from the boarding platform over there."

Lin Dachui solemnly handed a black magnetic card to Lu Chen, as if it was his child.

Behind him, the members of the mechanical repair force also looked solemn. This was the work of their painstaking efforts.

Taking the magnetic card and looking at the giant metal dragon, Lu Chen was a little skeptical about how these people created such a monster.

"You come and give it a name." Lu Chen looked at Lin Dachui and said.

Lin Dachui's eyes widened, looking flattered.

"Really, really?"

"This is your child, you should be allowed to come."

As soon as Lu Chen said these words, Lin Dachui shed tears.

"Steel, Cyborg, I want to call it 'Cyborg'."

Seeing that Lin Dachui said it so quickly, it was obvious that he had thought about this issue a long time ago.

"Okay, then let me try Cyborg."

After Lu Chen said this, he turned around and walked towards the boarding platform.

Cyborg's whole body was suspended in the air in the transformation room by steel cables, and the boarding platform was just under its head.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Chen slowly climbed onto the nearly 10-meter-high boarding platform.

The magnetic card slipped, and the cockpit located at the top of the steel bone slowly opened.

The overall cockpit is a spherical shape, and the overall design of the Linji Tushen cockpit is followed.

The entire driver needs to stand in the cockpit, and then wear sensor controllers on his head and hands.

A radar map with a range of 2 kilometers in front of the cockpit allows the driver to observe ground and soil conditions.

Although the current interior is still ordinary, Lu Chen is not worried because the mechanical heart has not yet appeared.

After Lu Chen put his hand into the controller, a system prompt popped up on the panel.

Matching modified tanks detected

Modification object: giant tank

Modification conditions: 6 mechanical hearts

May I ask if you want to modify it?

Lu Chen used his mind control to choose yes.


Upgrade and modification begin


A huge roar sounded, and thousands of galaxy-like blue data lines lit up from around Cyborg.

They stretched outward and then surrounded themselves into a circle of light, enveloping the entire giant steel frame.

“Hangchi, bangchi, bangchi——————”

A huge roar like a train starting up resounded throughout the folding space, and the giant beast that had been sleeping was waking up!

The modification and upgrade lasted for a full two hours.

During these two hours, Lin Dachui and others who were waiting below did not move a step.

They want to be the first witnesses to the birth of this steel frame, and they want to witness this great moment with their own eyes!


With a loud noise like dust settling, the blue data lines around Cyborg began to gradually dissipate.

"It's coming! It's coming!" Everyone held their breath and concentrated, the sacred moment is coming!


Thousands of blue data lines dissipated like smoke, and the modified steel frame appeared in front of everyone.

At that moment, these team members, who relied on their mechanic skills for a living, forgot everything in the world.

Forget the end, forget life and death, even forget who you are.

All they have left in their minds is Cyborg, the most perfect mechanical creation in the world.

After systematic transformation, the entire body of the steel frame has turned bright silver.

The cutterhead made of aviation-grade materials shone with a terrifying cold light after the system upgrade.

Those jagged surfaces are close to absolutely smooth, this is because when the material is dense to a certain extent.

The strong force between its molecules can make the surface of the material appear absolutely smooth.

Under this smooth and dense light, hidden is the fierce murderous intention that crushes everything!

The cutterhead is composed of circles of saw teeth, and the radius becomes smaller as it goes inward, forming a cavity like the mouth of an abyss.

The huge cutterhead and cavity formed the head of the steel frame, and behind the head was a long dragon-like body.

Powerful, shocking, terrifying.

These three words came to everyone's mind.

This is simply a miracle!

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