"Well done!" Rong Hubiao shouted to Yue Ji. This was the first time Yue Ji had saved him.

"The second unit is assembled!" The voices of the team members came from the folding space.

Without saying a word, Rong Hubiao directly pressed the teleport button, and the second Human Miracle appeared on the battlefield.

"Quick! Quick!"

Everyone who had just escaped from the first Titan Cannon tacitly rushed towards the second Titan Cannon.

Rong Hubiao suddenly pressed the transfer button on the central control, and an extremely huge missile was filled.

"Aim with all your strength and predict the direction of the snakehead's attack!!" Lin Dachui shouted to everyone in the mechanical repair team.

“Full power, full power!!!”

“Boom boom boom——————————”

While they adjusted their angle, ten fighter planes took off again and launched a fierce attack on the giant snake.

The cruise fighter has completed maintenance and energy supply in the Colossus compartment.

Now they are back to the full ammunition condition they had at the beginning of the war.

More than a dozen Tomahawk missiles were constantly bombarding the snakeheads.

The snake head, which had just been hit hard by the deflection shield, was bombarded by Tomahawk missiles before he could react.


In the smoke and dust composed of firelight and electromagnetism, the roar of the giant snake was heard again.

This time it wasn't just a roar of pain, but an angry roar.

"We have completely angered it——" Rong Hubiao shouted.

"Damn it, I've been pissed off for a long time!!"

Even though it had no effect, the fish egg never stopped attacking the giant snake.

"Crack!!" The ballistic trajectory of the second Titan Cannon was adjusted again.

"Let's make it angrier!!" Lin Dachui shouted to everyone.


The huge wind pressure spread to all directions, and huge missiles rushed into the sky again.

Rushing towards the creature that frightened them!

The missiles fired at the giant snake are like humans roaring at the world again and again.

The reason why human beings can stand out from all living creatures is because of our courage to do everything! ! !



A huge explosion and the crazy roar of the giant snake came from the sky at the same time.

A super hurricane appeared at the bottom where the snake's head was.

If all the tanks here were not of a certain tonnage, they would all be swept into the sky.

The snake's head fell, and the snake's head fell to one side.

It chose to avoid the sharpest spear, and its body began to dance wildly.

The steel-like scales made a harsh sound.

The entire giant snake began to move, and the giant snake's attack had just begun.

"The third, the third giant cannon!!" Lin Dachui's voice came out.

Everyone felt a huge threat. Something was coming. The giant snake was about to attack! !

In an endless darkness, in a world without up and down, without front and back.

Lu Chen was suspended in this boundless darkness.

He heard it.

A huge explosion and endless roars were heard.

He smelled it.

I smelled the smoke in the air, the bloody smell of death.

He felt it.

He felt a warm force rushing through his body, and felt feathers brushing against his face.

"Lu Chen——————————"

An ethereal voice sounded in this world without warning.

"Lu Chen, can you hear me——"

Who is it, who is calling him?

I feel like I am a very important person, and I feel like there is something very important.

"Lu Chen, please, wake up quickly——"

Who is it? Who is it?

who I am? Why am I lying here?

Why can't I open my eyes?

"Lu Chen————————————"

"Everyone is waiting for you————————"

Who is waiting for me and why?

In the darkness, Lu Chen kept struggling, like a drowning man.

Why, why can't I remember anything? Who are you?

"Lu Chen————————————"

"I am Zhuang Yuan——————————"


A stone was smashed into the water, and the ripples spread out in all directions.

Zhuang Yuan.

Lu Chen, suspended in the darkness, murmured softly, as if someone had opened a hole in his mind.

Countless information poured in.

Rebirth, super system, hoarding, killing, base, war, countless alien species, hymns, countless corpses.

hymn! !

Chase Lu remembered everything.

He was killed by Li Haoran. His time force field had no effect. The time force field only slowed down the speed of the flames eroding his body.

He remembered that this was the second time he entered this dark space, and the first time was the moment when he chose to be reborn.

Am I dead? Am I dead? Why can I still hear Zhuang Yuan's voice?

"Lu Chen————————————"

"Please, wake up quickly——————"

"Zhuang Yuan!" Lu Chen shouted with all his strength in the darkness.

His voice rushed out into the darkness and drifted into the endless distance.

"Zhuang Yuan!"

"Lu Chen! Lu Chen, can you hear me?"

Lu Chen felt a hand on his chest.

"Zhuang Yuan!"

"Zhuang Yuan!"

He shouted with all his strength, but his voice just kept drifting into the distance.

"Lu Chen!"

"Lu Chen, just reply when you hear it, answer me!"

"Lu Chen!"


Another wave of ripples spread around, and Zhuang Yuan's voice disappeared from this world.

"Zhuang Yuan!"

Lu Chen opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

With a cry, the darkness of the entire world slowly faded away.

Nothingness is disappearing and light is returning to the world.

Lu Chen saw it. He saw himself lying on a metal experimental bed.

There was a huge glass cover in front of him, and experimenters were standing around the cover.

A bearded man with glasses was standing in front of a glass cover looking at him. Beside him was a woman wearing glasses.

Lu Chen was stunned when he looked at the woman. He knew that she was not her, but she looked a lot like Zhuang Yuan.

"Dr. Zhuang, this experimental subject is the most effective."

An experimenter behind the man handed over the report, and the unshaven man lowered his head and read through it.



Lu Chen wanted to roar, but couldn't make any sound.

He looked down and saw that his body was connected to various instruments and infusion tubes.

His chest was all turned out, revealing a bright red beating heart.

The moment he saw the heart, he was stunned and hesitated.

He saw that his heart had countless fine circuits and infinite mechanical inscriptions.

This is, this is.

Lu Chen's eyes widened in horror, almost unable to believe his own eyes.

This is not, this is not.

Mechanical heart?

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