Arcane Lord

Chapter 2446 Puman seeks an audience

————It’s too late for this, I’ll make it up tomorrow~~


When Xia Duo sent Lawrence to Akora before, he had worried about whether the other party would reduce his recognition of human identity due to the influence of elf culture. Now it seems that this worry is somewhat unnecessary.

Then, Chateau asked Lawrence about what he learned during the exchange in Akora, and Lawrence answered one by one, "While in Akora, I mainly learned the creative techniques of elves, such as rhetoric in poetry and performance in performance. Acting skills, knife skills in carving, etc. In addition, it is an in-depth study of the cultural origins behind elf art, not just the art itself.”

"good, very good!"

This is actually the main purpose of Xia Duo sending Lawrence to Akaula for exchange and study. He hopes that Lawrence and other literary and artistic workers in the territory can draw nutrients from elven art and use it in the Great Xia Territory.

It is difficult to grasp the appropriateness in this. As the saying goes, "If you are close to vermillion, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black." If you have been influenced by elf art for a long time, how can you not be influenced by elf culture.

But no matter what, even from Xia Duo's perspective that transcends the times, elf art and even elf culture still have a lot to offer.

However, Daxia Territory and even Netheril as a whole are almost in a state of poverty in the cultural field. They can only roughly imitate. Once they learn more, they will be more susceptible to the influence of elves.

This is not what he wants. At present, Daxia Territory has established an order that is different from other places in Netheril and is more recognized by the public. This order is reflected in the cultural field and is also a unique culture.

The so-called "foundation", with these different things, it is possible to actively draw nutrients from the elf culture instead of being assimilated by the other party.

In fact, Netheril also has some things that are different from the elves, otherwise it would not have changed its magic system hundreds of years ago. This can also be seen from the architectural style of Severnton.

The original elven style was complex and beautiful, but later a Nese-style simplicity appeared. Unfortunately, this was still in its infancy, and only a few spellcasters really had the confidence to stick to it.

Without Shador, perhaps a few years later, Netheril would finally have a truly independent and powerful culture. But again, the essence of culture is the aesthetic expression of the ruling class.

Chateau recognized the beauty across classes, but after all, he was in the minority. At this moment, Lawrence's change allowed him to see a brighter future.

The Daxia Order has the ability to allow senior literary and artistic practitioners like Lawrence to get rid of the influence of elf culture to a certain extent. In the future, as the Daxia Territory develops and grows, it will definitely give more people cultural confidence.

After talking about Lawrence's experience in Akaula, Sha Duo did not forget the reason for recalling him in advance this time. Considering that the information contained in the prophecy picture might be shocking enough in itself, he did not "code" the person who spoke. "Yes.

Instead, he restored the scene he perceived at that time from his memory, expressed it in the form of projection, played a mime in the room, and then asked Lawrence:

"Can you tell what those two are talking about?"

"Master Yin Orum? And the Grand Arcanist Badigal?"

As a top bard who had been active in Severton, Lawrence was no stranger to these big figures in Severton, but he did not expect that the lord would ask him about such a scene.

Xia Duo seemed a little hesitant when he saw Lawrence, but he explained one more sentence:

"It's the two of them, but you don't have to worry. This is a prediction I made not long ago. Unfortunately, there is no sound in the picture, and I am not familiar with lip reading, so I can only call you back to help interpret it. ”

Lawrence was slightly relieved when he heard that it was a prophecy and not a real scene. Now that he had joined the Great Xia Territory, he did not want the rapidly developing territory to be disturbed by some external factors.

But the prophecy was different. Even if it was an unfavorable situation, at least he could be prepared in advance. Thinking of this, he focused more on observing the facial movements of the two people in the projected image.

Lip reading is not a simple skill, but a very advanced skill. There are indeed geniuses in this world who can understand what the other person is saying by just reading a few faces, but Lawrence is not that kind of genius.

Of course, being able to learn such a sophisticated skill as lip reading can be regarded as an acquired talent for Lawrence, but after all, he is not the kind of person who is born with it.

As a bard, observing words and emotions is almost an instinct engraved in his blood. If he didn't know how to observe words and emotions, it would be impossible for him to arrange the Kiran Tower without being held accountable by those big shots.

Lip-reading can be regarded as an advanced skill in observing words and expressions. Lawrence practiced in Severton for many years before he could barely read the lips of regular customers.

For strangers, we can only restore, imagine, and repair through experience. It cannot be 100% accurate. After all, everyone always has some habits when speaking that may be difficult for even them to discover. In essence, this This affects the recognition of lip language.

Fortunately, Lawrence had seen the two people in the prophecy scene, and was basically certain that they spoke Nese language. Otherwise, don't speak a strange language. Even strangers would have difficulty identifying and interpreting them.

Soon, all the prophecy scenes were played, but Lawrence still frowned and said nothing, as if he had encountered some difficulty. In this case, Sha Duo certainly did not rush, but played the previous projection screen again.

Time passed minute by minute, and the room was still quiet. At this time, Sha Duo was also observing the facial details of Yin Olem and Badigal in the projection plane, and trying to analyze them.

It's a pity that he really doesn't understand these things. There may be people in the Red Heart Alliance who do, but they won't be included in the technical committee's database as a specialized academic achievement.

So his interpretation is almost equivalent to starting from scratch without any foundation. If he can analyze anything, it will have nothing to do with those professionals.

So while doing his own analysis, Sha Duo was also observing Lawrence. Although Lawrence's brows were furrowed, his lips were moving rapidly, as if he had really interpreted something.

Xia Duo waited patiently. For a while, only the projection screen was moving in the room, and everything else seemed to have stopped in time.

Almost an hour passed before Lawrence raised his head and signaled to Xia Duo to put away the projection, "Lord, I have the result."

Xia Duo was shocked. He finally received the good news. He quickly asked: "What did they say?"

"There are still a few keywords that I haven't identified, but I already understand the general meaning."

Thinking of what the prophecy screen revealed, the expression on Lawrence's face was a little strange, but under the gaze of the lord, he still said truthfully:

"In the projection, Badigal is seeking help from Master Yin Olum, saying that there are certain people - there are key elements missing here, and for those people

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