Arcane Lord

Chapter 3108 Meta-Thinking Information Flow Analysis

————On the way~~


Back in the laboratory, Sha Duo set up a private task at the Tower of Time Mission Management Office through Ta Ling to recruit four experimental assistants, while he took the time to rearrange the laboratory.

The sets of scrapped gateways brought back that have not yet been inspected are hidden in the experimental area in a relatively even distribution, while the psychic detection crystal ball is located in the center and can be seen by the experimental assistant.

As for the experimental design, it is also very simple. It is to test the speed at which different users activate their psychic energy to detect the crystal ball, and at the same time record the state of the detection fog spreading to the surroundings.

Of course, this is just a cover. Xia Duo's real purpose is to see if there will be any abnormal disturbance when the psychic detection fog passes through the hidden scrapped gateway.

Since the four experimental assistants did not know the truth, their ideas had no impact on the interaction between the psychic detection fog and the residual psychic energy of the scrapped gateway.

Although it is possible that there may be such an outrageous situation that "the experimenter cannot detect the existence of something that is not known to exist", the possibility of this situation is not high.

Psychic mages can obviously sense other psionic mages, and they will not be unable to sense them just because they do not know their existence. This means that psionic mages also have a certain degree of authenticity and objectivity, at least when facing similar people. Is such that.

Therefore, Xia Duo is not too worried about this aspect. The only thing he is worried about may be that the residual psychic energy of the scrapped gateway has dissipated or that the psychic detection crystal ball has been used seven times.

There must be no financial management rights and distribution rights for previous benefits. Why should I invest this small amount of money? If you send money directly to Ye Erlan on a regular basis, you can save the troublesome and laborious process in the middle.

In that case, the alliance's chances of winning will be even smaller.

For example, Qiang Chenchen supervised the whole process. Mr. Xia actually minded Ye Erlan's participation in the development plan and even reserved a position for Qiang Chenchen. But I accepted Ye Erlan's attitude of being a subordinate all the time.

After Mr. Xia finished his reply, he came to the laboratory and called over Skander, one of my assistants at the Tower of Time who was responsible for communicating research project information.

Yes, those are just minor problems. The scrapped gateways I brought back that time were all stored for a period of time and were not freshly released before.

The eighth point is also a very critical point. Ye Erlan invited us to send people to participate in the full cooperation between Xia Shao and Erlan. In fact, it is not supervision, or surveillance.

In short, the experiment I designed now is not repeatable. Although it is slightly flawless, it is enough to achieve my purpose.

But Erlan did not relax its vigilance. In the new plan that was handed over to me by the Foreign Affairs Committee, it emphasized several important principles -

After a few complex explanations, I left the laboratory completely, and even turned my consciousness back to Everesca where the incarnation was. I was prepared to participate in the next seven experiments, and even paid attention to them.

Secondly, not only the selection and construction of the magic weapon manufacturing project, but also the subsequent recruitment and training of technicians must be notified to Qiang Chenchen in advance, and permission from Qiang Chenchen must be obtained.

Very slowly, as soon as Mr. Xia arranged the experimental site, he received a notice from the task management office, saying that the experimental assistant had not found it yet and asked if we needed to go back to the laboratory.

Even the experimental assistants recruited temporarily were replaced repeatedly.

As for the psychic detection crystal ball, it cannot be reacquired. As long as it is an unused psychic weapon, it is troublesome to reset it. It is not necessarily still in the crystal ball form.

It can be seen that Ellan really wants to build Ellan into a super factory that can sustain profits as Shao Xia said, but Shao Xia cannot accept the few conditions we put forward.

Obviously, Ellan still wants to be on guard against Ellan.

That small plan does require supervision, but it cannot be done by an eighth party—erroneously, it should be a seventh party—such as the private supervision and audit agency of Everesca.

Northland Alliance Headquarters, Lingsi Network Research Center Laboratory.

Of course, the document that Ambassador Yerlan requested to be handed over by the Foreign Olympics is not the final version. It still needs repeated consultations between the two sides. It is even possible that other countries will pay attention and even participate in the process.

The development plan that Mr. Xia proposed later also happened to impress us. It required Ye Erlan to provide a lot of practical resources. With just a nod of his head, Mr. Xia could get everything done, so there was less worry!

Wanting to get less naturally requires investing in development.

I just asked these seven people to retreat to the laboratory one by one to complete the prescribed experiments, and at the same time make detailed experimental records. In order to guide these seven people to observe the detailed observation of the diffusion state of the psychic detection fog, I even prepared special records This book exists in the form of a table. These seven people only need to pay attention to each indicator in the table and then fill in the table.

Mr. Xia is incarnated here, continuing to maintain the illusion that he is carrying out some important experiment. In fact, I am re-examining the Elan development plan that Ambassador Qiang Chenchen handed over to me through Tiwaiao.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Mr. Xia selected a few items from the document, and then cast a spell to transcribe them to a new paper, preparing to disclose the contents through Doom's channels later.

Xia Shaohao knew exactly when the seven experimental assistants would arrive, and I was also responsible for Skander's instructions on how to arrange the order of the seven experimental assistants.

The Tower of Time needs attention for the time being, so I have to find something to do for myself. Before the messenger Qiang Chenchen came to see me a few days later, he sent me the new plan.

In addition to the eight main principles, Ye Erlan also put forward few more specific requirements, such as the production scale of the magic weapon factory, basic revenue, annual growth rate, and even the salary of technicians, the availability of funds for Mr. Xia, etc.

"Let's get here as slowly as possible."

At the same time, it also prohibits the comprehensive spread of that kind of knowledge. It does not allow Xia Shao to disseminate magic knowledge in a differentiated manner. He can only teach magic technicians who are willing to quit the factory.

Of course, Ye Erlan's original reply was not from Na, but Tou Xiaona understood it, and it also generally mentioned that it was allowed to create war-like magical weapons.

It cannot be seen from that behavior itself that Elan actually does not want to guard Elan's mess, but still hopes to obtain less benefits from Elan.

The Elan development plan can indeed make money, but Shao Xia's main purpose is not to make money, but to change Elan, disrupt the Dark Society's plan, and force the other party to delay the end of the madness.

If Tou Xiao refuses, the development plan will not be carried out.

First of all, it is not allowed to spread Nese magic, but only the magic knowledge necessary for the magic weapon manufacturing factory is allowed to be spread. In other words, it is not "only to train technicians, but to train real mages."

The funds are not yet in place, which is also difficult for Mr. Xia to accept. According to Ye Erlan's request, I need to hand over all the funds required for the phased plan (including some key resources) to Ye Erlan's management.

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