Clouds cover the moon, and the cold wind howls.

On the wilderness in the middle of the night, a team gradually walked out from the black-like darkness in the distance. There were five people in this team. Their steps were extremely light and steady. Although they were moving very fast, they did not make any footsteps. Voice.

The five people divided into triangular camps and marched forward. Among them, the member at the front of the triangle was the most robust, and his weapon was also a huge axe. The four companions on the left and right sides all had longbows on their shoulders and short knives on their waists. , is the standard ancient hunter dress!

They are the [West Coast Alliance] team, but in the hunt against Lu Yan this time, only the hunter team in the team was dispatched. Those miners are not suitable for fighting, and pulling them over will easily hinder them.

The tall and strong man at the head held an ax, stood on a high ground nearly 800 meters away from the shelter, looked in the direction of the shelter, and said in a low voice: "I can't see anything...Damn it, hunting at night is dangerous Sex is paramount, and I wouldn't want to attack in this environment if I wasn't pressed for time!"

Because they were afraid that the light of the torch would be detected in advance, they did not have any lighting equipment, and on the way just now, they almost came into direct contact with a lion group that came out to look for prey. If it hadn't been covered in mud in advance , Prevent their own body odor from radiating outwards, and if they climbed to the tree early to avoid the path of the lions, I am afraid they will be discovered by the hungry lions and eat them up!

In the middle of the night, the dangers in the wilderness will multiply exponentially, and even the most seasoned hunters are unwilling to go out in such a dark environment.

But there is no way!

They had no other choice, and spent a lot of resources to buy Lu Yan's shelter information. If they didn't hurry up and let other forces take the lead, they would really lose money!

"Fortunately, we arrived smoothly, and there was no accident on the way." Someone said in a relaxed voice: "The next thing will be easy!"

"Don't take it lightly, Lu Yan has already wiped out the swarm, he is much stronger than we imagined!"

Among the five, the oldest and most experienced middle-aged man spoke. He looked up at the sky and saw that the dark cloud covering the red moon was slowly moving with the wind.

"Observe the situation first, maybe we are not the only ones who have arrived here after the insect swarm!" The middle-aged man waved his hand, and everyone followed his movement to lie prone on the ground, and took out a piece of paper from his arms that was very similar to the color of the land. sackcloth covered him.

They are a group of the most patient hunters.

And the most precious experience that hunters have gained from many hunting jobs is... never let yourself be exposed in advance.

In the mountains and snow fields, there are often some ferocious beasts fighting with each other, and what the hunter likes most is to hide quietly and watch the two ferocious beasts fight to the death. In the end, the hunter will come out to harvest without any effort !

At this time, they also had the same idea.

They wanted to lie in ambush, wait quietly for the other two forces to arrive and fight Lu Yan, and then jump out to reap the benefits when both sides' strength and hole cards have been wiped out.

This is the way to minimize losses and maximize profits.

As for the direct and reckless tactics of the Zerg Swarm before, it was the most stupid behavior in the eyes of this group of hunters, and it was no different from a shaved orangutan!

The night wind blows the earth, and also blows away the dark clouds covering the red moon. As the red moon reappears above the sky, the cold moonlight shines down. The hunters are pleasantly surprised to find that in the southeast direction less than 300 meters away, , Three figures appeared again.

Samurai Squad!

"Sure enough, other forces have also arrived!" The middle-aged hunter lowered his voice and said in a voice that only a few members of his own side could hear.


"No, it's not's two!" came the muffled voice of the strong man, "Look to the west!"

The hunters in ambush quietly turned their eyes to the west.

On the horizon covered by the moonlight in the distance, there are some small black dots wriggling. As the distance between these small black dots gets closer and closer, they gradually take on the shape of a human figure!

"It's Stinger Combat Company! There are five people in total!"

The middle-aged hunter showed an excited look on his face: "Okay, not bad! All the forces surrounding Lie Luyan are in place tonight!"

The five members of the Stinger Combat Company came from the They also stopped at a position 800 meters away from the shelter. With the help of the moonlight, they and the three members of the warrior team found each other, and the two sides stopped. There was a short confrontation.

"My grandfather once told me that if you want to get the best prey in a mountain forest, the first thing you need to solve is not the prey itself, but the competitors who have the same goal as you." The middle-aged hunter said silently. Speaking, watching the members of the warrior squad and Stinger combat company, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"Look! They're going to fight soon!"

In the refuge, Lu Yan listened to the voice coming from the intercom, with a very ugly expression on his face.

He hoped that the enemy would come earlier, and now the enemy did come, but this amount...isn't it a bit too much?

The three major forces of the Samurai Squad, the Stinger Combat Company, and the West Coast Alliance have all gathered outside the refuge. The number of enemies is as high as 14. If they attack the refuge together, even with the existing firepower, it may be difficult to stop everyone. .

It seems...fucking is a bit off!

Under the moonlight, the little wolf cub walked alone on the wilderness. Its voice was already hoarse, and its physical strength was close to its limit.

It is almost unable to hold on.

It was walking in a bush, and suddenly, it stopped, and there were rustling footsteps in front of it.

A huge shadow squeezed from the bushes.

It was a black bear, staring at the little wolf cub with a hungry stomach, with saliva dripping down the gap between its teeth, and its eyes were full of greed and hunger!

The little wolf cub screamed, turned and ran.

The black bear roared, the roar shook the forest, and it opened its **** mouth and rushed over.

Recommend the new book of urban **** Lao Shi: the all-round security guard of the school belle

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