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Lu Yan never thought that tonight's war would end in this way.

In fact, without the arrival of the wolves, although Lu Yan had already severely damaged the other three forces, it would be quite difficult to completely wipe them out.

Among other things, Abe Dongming alone is very difficult.

He was not injured in the confrontation with Lu Yan. If he wanted to escape, it would be very difficult for Lu Yan to catch up to him and kill him.

Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

Lu Yan once let Jin Jingxiu escape from him, which became a thorn in his heart, and he must be on guard against the other party's sneak attack at all times.

"Woooo..." The wolf king let out a deep roar, as if asking Lu Yan who is the enemy.

"No, no, no, you don't need to do it... Uh, use your mouth! I will do it myself!" Lu Yan smiled. Among the remaining enemies, several of them are "advanced players" on the leaderboard. How could he give up on this A chance to enhance the aura of the hero?

"Lu Yan, I'll fight with you!" Abe Dongming saw that his wish to drag Lu Yan to death with him had failed, he roared madly, and opened his mouth to bite Lu Yan's neck.


Lu Yan raised his left arm and smashed it with an elbow. Blood gushed from Abe Dongming's mouth and nose, and his teeth shattered!

"Want to be a hunter, but how does it feel to be treated as prey?" Lu Yan grabbed Abe Dongming's collar, then lowered his voice and whispered to his ear: "If I tell you now, the location of my refuge is revealed by me on my own initiative." Yes, Chen Hang is one of my spokespersons!"

"You spent a lot of resources to buy my position, only to run over and be killed by me..."

"What do you think of the result?"

Lu Yan's voice resounded very clearly in Abe Dongming's ears, his eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"No, it's impossible...Could it be that we've always been controlled by you with the rhythm?" Abe Dongming's heart was shaken, and he couldn't accept this fact.

If the pain of being pierced by a spear and having his ribs broken by Lu Yan came from the body, then what Lu Yan said now is like a sharp knife on the spiritual level, mercilessly cutting his self-esteem!

"You think you are strong enough to create your own legends in the wilderness... But in fact, in my opinion, they are just a group of wild beasts who have been dazzled by greed. If I use a little trick, you have to obediently follow my instructions. Willing to die." Lu Yan took out a dagger from the inventory and shook it in front of Abe Dongming, and said with a smile, "Does this look familiar?"

Abe froze.

He recognized the dagger, it was an item he had opened from the treasure chest, and it was traded to Chen Hang tonight as a material to buy information, and it appeared in Lu Yan's hand at this time is enough to explain everything!

"Thank you so much for your supplies. When you were rushing away from your shelter in the cold wind, I was sitting at home eating snacks." Lu Yan smiled brightly: "Yes, there are more! If it weren't for you Help me get rid of several competitors, I'm afraid I won't win so easily tonight!"

And Abe Dongming's face turned blue and red.

The physical injury and the severe mental trauma made him completely collapsed. He has always thought that he is a high-level player and a strong player!

As a member of the samurai team, he believes that not only can he control his own destiny, but he can also influence the future situation in the wilderness!

But looking at it now, his original idea was so ridiculous.


Abe was furious and spit out a mouthful of blood. The breath of the whole person was extremely low, and it seemed that he was exhaling more and inhaling less.

"Take my thanks and die!" After Lu Yan finished his words, he wiped Abe Dongming's neck with the dagger decisively.

Blood surged wildly, and an invisible blood energy was absorbed by the **** giant net of the hero's halo.


Lu Yan felt his heart beating wildly twice, and a majestic force gushed out from the depths of his cells again.

[The hero's halo level has increased! 】

[lv4 Hero Aura: Increase the host's stats by 6%, weaken the courage and willpower of enemies within 13 meters! 】

Dragging Abe Dongming's body out of the secret passage, Lu Yan picked up the spear again and looked around.

I saw Kitano Ji, the middle-aged hunter, and the remaining two enemies surrounded by wolves, looking panicked and trembling.

"Lu Yan, don't kill me... I can join your team and serve you! I am the player on the kill list, and my strength is unquestionable! If you are willing to accept me, I am willing to fight for you and plunder other players. Sanctuary, I will fight for the title of King of the Wilderness for you!" Kitano Ji looked extremely miserable, with many blood holes blown out of his body, and was pierced by three sharp arrows at this time, and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud: "I beg you You, spare my life!"

Death is a terrible thing for anyone.

Even Kitano Ji, who is known for his violence and strength, is no exception.

He is even more afraid of death than ordinary people.

Because in the wilderness, he is an advanced player, he has a lot of resources, and he can live more comfortably than 99% of people!

So he is greedy for such a life!


Faced with Kitano Ji's plea, Lu Yan didn't give up halfway, and directly raised his spear to stab him in the heart.

【You have killed a senior player...】

【Hero Halo...】

Seeing Kitanoji's body lying limply in front of him, Lu Yan felt a little emotional.

The samurai squad is definitely a strong team. If tonight's time hadn't happened, I'm afraid they could really become a dominant presence in the wilderness in the future.

But brutal wilderness is just that.

No matter how outstanding a character you are, there is a possibility of dying!

Many people may think that the destruction of the samurai team is too child's play. A well-known strong team was easily destroyed without showing its due strength.

But in fact, the reality is not like film and television works. The deaths of those famous characters are often not vigorous, but extremely aggrieved, ridiculous and easy!

For example, Qin Wu Wang Yingdang, he is tall and strong, Kong Wu is He set up a prime minister politically, expelled Zhang Yi to form an alliance with Wei, and united with Vietnam to control Chu.

The military attacked Yiyang and set up Sanchuan to quell the chaos in Shu.

Economically, the feudal borders were revised, the field laws were revised, rivers were dredged, embankments were built and bridges were built.

But it was just such a talented character who should have left a great reputation in history, but because of a competition with others, his tibia was broken and he belched on the spot.

Han Xin, a soldier fairy, fought all his life, defeated Xiang Yu, helped Liu Bang to build a country, and finally became king and worshiped minister, but was stabbed to death by a group of women with bamboo poles.

Even emperors and generals are like this, let alone a mere samurai squad?

Even Lu Yan didn't dare to say that he would be able to make great achievements and shine in the wilderness in the future.

With a lot of supplies and a solid shelter, he may also be beaten and killed by an unknown **** when he is exploring in a certain mountain forest in the future!

Survival is not a fairy tale.

Many times, cruel fate will not give you a chance to show yourself, and will send death to you!

Lu Yan remained expressionless, ignoring the begging voices of those people, and killed them one by one.

Facing the leader of the stinger combat company who hid in the safe house, Lu Yan's reaction was more direct, he took out the fire source and lit it.

"Lu Yan, I curse you! I will spread your information to the whole wilderness! I can't kill you, but in the future, someone will take everything from you! Hahaha!"

In the raging fire, the miserable wailing of the leader of the Stinger Combat Company resounded through the wilderness, and finally returned to nothingness.

"Get ready to count the harvest..."

So far, all the enemies have been killed tonight, Lu Yan has a smile on his face, and starts to prepare for his favorite part.

Clean the battlefield and count the loot!


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