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The way you get along with someone depends on the way you deal with them.

Although Lu Yan and Kadilov only met once and spent less than an hour together, he has basically figured out each other's temperament.

Outspoken, frank, self-respect!

In view of Kadilov's character, Lu Yan used this method that the opponent could not refuse to easily get a powerful boost for himself to attack the pig-headed forest!

"I will scout the pig-headed tribe, determine the specific number of the opponent and the location of the tribe's lair, and then formulate a simple attack plan as soon as possible..." Lu Yan described his plan: "Before tomorrow morning, I will hand over the weapons to you hands."

Kadilov and his party listened quietly, and suddenly asked: "Aren't you afraid that we will break our promise and cut off contact with you after we collect the weapons?"

"Of course I have also considered this possibility, but I think my "friendship" or "value" should far exceed a few special effects weapons! And for you, the reputation of your team, if even these few If the weapons are not even worth it, then it’s too cheap.” Lu Yan laughed and said confidently: “Of course you can take away the weapons and break the promise. Although it seems that I have suffered a loss in the short term, in the future From a long-term perspective..."

"You have lost a friend like me who has unlimited potential and is willing to trust you!"

"And I just lost a few weapons that could be made at any time, and the opportunity to cooperate with a group of guys who didn't keep their promises!"

After Lu Yan's words, the expression on Kadilov's face became more and more complicated, and finally showed a helpless smile.

"The Yanhuang people's language skills are the best in the world. Obviously breaking the promise is something I took advantage of, but I let you speak out, but I suffered a big loss..." Kadilov looked at Lu Yan, and said in a deep voice: "You convinced me! Compared to your value, those weapons are really nothing!"

"You just said that your friendship is very valuable..."

"Are we friends now?"

Kadilov asked this question very seriously, and Lu Yan looked at the seriousness in the eyes of the other party, knowing that this question cannot be answered in a sophistical way.

He must give the answer sincerely.

"Friends, it takes time to settle. Now, we should only be regarded as partners with common interests." Lu Yan pondered for a long time, and gave an answer: "The harmonious relationship between you and me at this time is all It is based on the value and ability of both parties!"

"But I hope that in the future, the relationship between us can abandon the concept of interests and become friendship!"

This answer is the closest to the truth.

Upon hearing this answer, Kadylov nodded in agreement.

When he fought with Lu Yan, he chose to slash with the back of his sword, and gave up several fatal attacks; Lu Yan gave up hitting him with a shotgun, and chose to give him an excellent weapon. They share the same ambitions, but because they both value the value of each other!

If it wasn't Lu Yan standing here today, but an unknown person, Kadylov might have chopped off the opponent's head with a single knife.

But this kind of cooperative relationship based on "value" is not all ruthless. In fact, the premise of many great friendships is based on value and interests.

Because in many cases, only two parties with similar interests and strengths will get acquainted with each other, and slowly experience some things together in the process of getting acquainted, and slowly transform these cooperative relationships into so-called friendships.

Otherwise, a beggar has no chance of connecting with a business tycoon, how could he become a tycoon's friend?

In the face of things like friendship interests and value are not all derogatory terms, because adults value these two things most, and only these two things can impress each other at the beginning The hearts of each other can lay the foundation for the future development of friendship!

"Your answer is very sincere." Kadilov took a deep breath: "A true friend can help each other, and you and I both meet this condition at the same time, maybe we can become truly intimate in the future ally!"

Kadylov stretched out his hand to Lu Yan, and the two lightly held each other.

This grip represents an alliance between two top players in the wilderness. They came together because of their interests, but in the future, perhaps they will be able to transcend the limitations of interests, abandon the concept of value, and become the most sincere friends.

time flies.

Night fell.

The Revenant Hunter team had already left under the leadership of Kadilov, and Lu Yan was the only one left outside the entire pig-headed forest.

This afternoon, after negotiating with Kadilov, Lu Yan asked Xiao Bailong to conduct a careful investigation of the interior of the pig-headed forest. At this time, a hand-painted sketch appeared in front of him, which clearly marked the pig-headed man. Tribal fortification distribution.

This is a sketch of the fortifications of the pig-head camp!

Lu Yan sat cross-legged in the safe room, carefully flipping through the blueprint.

Outside the window, a full moon has risen in the sky, but the difference is that this time the moon is not the normal blood color, nor the purple color before the acid rain, but an almost blue color, and around it, there are lines Ripples like tides are spreading!

The tide of the blue moon!

What kind of disaster will this abnormal celestial phenomenon bring to the wilderness?


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