In the midst of the fire, He Chuan really forced Lauder, who had been hiding in the darkness, out, but at this time, the distance between them was nearly 30 meters, and there was a wall of fire in between.

Lauder was almost going mad with anger, he never expected that He Chuan would use this method of burning everything together to force himself to show up, doesn't this idiot know how fast the wildfire will spread when the wind blows to the east? ?

Moreover, even in a civilized society with highly developed technology, it is extremely difficult to extinguish a mountain fire, not to mention in such a backward wilderness, once the mountain fire starts to burn, it will burn the mountain forest to nothingness. It will never stop before it is exhausted, and this fire may continue to burn for dozens of days!

All resources in the entire mountain forest will be wiped out because of this wildfire!

"You stupid pig, lunatic!" Lauder didn't have time to feel sorry for the shelter he had worked so hard to build. He looked at the raging flames surrounding him from all directions, and his heart was extremely desperate: "You want me to die with you in the here?"

He Chuan was stunned for more than a dozen seconds as he watched the fire. In fact, he didn't understand the horror and speed of the fire at all. He believed that the trees in the dense forest had high water content and were basically not easy to be ignited. But he ignored the dead branches and fallen leaves accumulated on the ground for so many years. Under the high temperature of the scorching sun, these fallen leaves have long since become extremely flammable and dry. Look at the water-rich trees around them, quickly evaporate the water in their bodies, and then ignite!

"Damn it!" He Chuan's scalp was numb. He heard Lauder's yelling, but he had no time to catch up through the burning wall of fire. He could only take out his flintlock and shoot tentatively in the direction of the sound. One shot, and then he turned around and ran out of the dense forest.


He stepped on the air and fell heavily into a deep pit. This was a trap set by Qiao Geli, but fortunately there were no spikes or iron hooks at the bottom of the pit. Relying on his strong physical fitness, He Chuan endured the pain and walked out of the pit. Crawled out of the trap, but at this time, he had already been delayed for dozens of seconds.

The surrounding flames were almost connected together, and He Chuan didn't dare to stop thinking. He couldn't tell the direction, so he could only find a gap in the panic and run away.

The scorching flames around him quickly raised the air temperature to more than 60 or 70 degrees. He Chuan could feel the heat wave coming even a few meters away. He wet his clothes with the water bottle he carried and covered his mouth and nose. He charged forward, and finally, just before the flames were about to encircle the stars, he jumped out. The flames struck from both sides, curling his eyebrows and hair.

[Because you ignited a wildfire that caused the death of senior player Lauder Lauren, your kill points increased...]

He Chuan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this reminder.

Although the experience this time was more dangerous, at least his goal was accomplished, Lauder and Qiao Geli were both dead!

But then, a reminder sounded again.

[Because you ignited a wild deer and killed a wild deer, your kill points increased...]

[Because you ignited a wildfire that caused a nest of mice to die, your kill points increased...]

Seeing the ever-increasing and beating kill points, the expression on He Chuan's face froze.

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