Armor Frenzy

Chapter 331: withdraw

The first brother pondered: "Beijing's territory has fallen, but the country's breaking technology is there. If the two are merged, Nanbang will definitely get Beibang's nuclear technology... This is not in our interests, what do you think?"

"Nanbang's technical strength and industrial level far exceed that of the North Stick. Once the South Stick obtains the North Stick's nuclear technology, there will probably be another nuclear power in the world." General Qiu looked grim, "There is already a polar bear in the north. Another merged country to the south... the situation is very unfavorable for us."

"This has come to my heart. Now fighting with Beibang is like pushing Beibang into Nanbang's arms. If we don't fight the Beibang's nuclear base, there is still room to turn around. Now it will be troublesome..." said the first brother. , "The previous situation judgment was too optimistic, but the matter has come to this point, regret is useless, the merger of the two must be stopped. Even if it is only a slight sign, it must be fought hard."

"I agree. Now that we have used force, it is better to teach Beibang a hard lesson. If you don't beat him, you won't have a long memory."

The first brother fell into contemplation and tapped his fingers on the table unconsciously.

It is very simple to prevent Xiaoyang and Nanbang from meeting. With just a few missiles, Xiaoyang can be sent to meet his ancestors. The problem is that the military has limited forces to fight on the surface, and the situation between the two sides can also be interpreted as an armed conflict. As soon as the little sun is hit directly, the armed conflict will instantly turn into a full-scale war!

Moreover, Little Sun's military talent will not be stronger than that of the Beibang generals. It is actually a good thing to have a low-level Little Sun standing on the heads of the Beibang generals.

Moreover, directly attacking Xiaoyang will also cause China's political backlash, and it is likely to be strongly condemned by the international community.

In short, killing the little sun outweighs the gain.

Thinking of this, the first brother raised his head: "Have we grasped the whereabouts of the little sun?"

"The satellite has been staring at it."

"Where is the closest troop to Little Sun?" the first brother asked again.

"Lei Ting, the closest unit to Little Sun is Lei Ting." General Qiu said.

"If Lei Ting blocks Little Sun..." A little hesitation flashed in Brother Yi's eyes. War is a continuation of politics. With Little Sun's consistent conceit, it is likely to intensify conflicts.

General Qiu quietly waited for the first brother to think. After a few minutes, the first brother asked, "Old Qiu, do you think Lei Ting can catch Little Sun back?"

General Qiu shook his head firmly: "Impossible, Lei Ting sacrificed six people, and now there are only two players left.

The first brother was startled, and angrily nestled into the chair: "It doesn't make sense to shoot a cold shot, it's even more effective to muddy the water!"

"What about the sniper shot at Nanbang?" General Qiu said, "How about hitting Nanbang's sniper, and then ordering the intelligence officers lurking in Nanbang to spread rumors, blame it on Beibang, and anger the emotions of the people in Nanbang?"

There is no need to guess where the North and South Bangs meet, it must be the same old place.

"Good idea, but it has to be done cleanly." A smile appeared on Brother Yi's face.

"I can find a way to arrange it." General Qiu said.

The first brother thought for a while and said, "Killing Little Sun is also a way, but the body must be destroyed, at least his face."

General Qiu was stunned: "Is this necessary? It is very unlikely that Xiaoyang will meet the representative of Nanbang in person.

The first brother rubbed his forehead: "It doesn't matter if it's me or not, since we can use Nanbang's cold shot to blame Beibang, of course, we can also use Xiaoyang's cold shot to blame Nanbang... The difficulty of sneaking in is not ordinary, do we have any? Time to send some more staff?"

"Little Sun has long since withdrawn to the southern border of Beibang, not far from the negotiation site. Even if Lei Ting is given an order now, the fashion is reluctant, and it is not realistic to transfer people from the rear."

"Can you find some helpers for Lei Ting from the intelligence officers?"

"It's no problem to find a helper. After the great operation is over, we will withdraw together with Lei Ting, but the place of negotiation is full of military restricted areas. The density of landmines is the highest in the world, so it is very difficult to infiltrate."

"You don't have to be at the negotiating place, as long as it's near the border..." Having said that, a brother paused, "Forget it, you can treat me as nonsense, give Lei Ting an order to snipe at the little sun, but don't care. If it's real or fake, don't really kill him, just frighten him."

General Qiu looked puzzled. He didn't understand what medicine the first brother was selling in the gourd. Seeing that the first brother didn't mean to explain, he didn't ask any more questions.

A few minutes later, the voice of the radio station suddenly sounded in the No. 1 car in Beibang: "Buzhoushan called Lei Ting, please answer when you hear it."

"Thunder received, please speak!"

"Lei Ting, I just received a new order from Beidu, a combat order."

The joy of escaping from danger suddenly disappeared, and the piano master frowned: "What order?"

"Turn to the south to snipe and scare the little sun."

The violinist was immediately furious: "What kind of **** order is this?"

"It's a direct order from the top."

The violinist seemed to have been punched by someone, and his chest felt uncomfortable, but he couldn't say a word.

"Thunder, I understand your feelings, but an order is an order, and I will send the mission briefing to your armor immediately."

The communication was cut off, and the musician slammed his fist on the wall of the carriage: "Go to his mother's order."

Ye Han silently parked the car on the side of the road: "What should we do?"

"What else can I do?" The piano master was furious. After reading the briefing at a glance, he took off the microphone and shouted, "Lei Ting called Bu Zhoushan, please answer when you receive it!"

"Bu Zhoushan received it, please speak!"

"The target is too far away from us, we don't have enough fuel."

"I'll help you react to the situation, you all execute the order first."

"How do you want me to execute the order?" The violinist was The car ran out of gas halfway, how could we still get ahead of the convoy by walking on our feet? "


The communication was interrupted, Ye Han glanced at the fuel gauge, turned off the radio and asked, "Do you need to let go of the fuel?" The remaining fuel in the fuel tank can still run at least 300 kilometers, which is not enough, but not bad. too much.

The piano master twitched the corners of his mouth: "There are satellites watching in the sky."

The news of the lack of fuel was transferred to Beidu through the fleet, and a few minutes later, Beidu withdrew its previous order and asked the No. 1 car to continue to return.

Ye Han simply does how to consume fuel, the low gear can be vigorously banging the accelerator, the speed is not fast but the fuel consumption is not small, it took more than an hour to grind it, and it was worthy of returning to the coast.

Fortunately, there were no accidents along the way.

For the sake of safety, the landing ship did not dock again, and the armored vehicle with several holes in the front could not enter the water. The fleet simply decided to abandon the armored vehicle and sent a speedboat to the shore with explosives. The armored vehicle was dragged into the sea and blown up. (To be continued.)

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