Armor Frenzy

Chapter 656: home field advantage

Mountainous area in a southeastern province.

An ice-white alien battleship descended from the sky wrapped in flames, and when it dropped to a height of two kilometers above the ground, a row of oar-like objects protruded from the left and right sides of the warship. The speed of the star battleship's descent quickly decreased, and the flames that covered the hull quickly dissipated, revealing the hull of the ship that was still wafting through the smoke.

Several missiles that came from nowhere rushed towards the alien warship, with a few tiny flashes of light, and the missiles broke off immediately.

The alien warship continued to descend, and a laser invisible to the naked eye suddenly struck from the sky, instantly piercing the alien warship, and the alien warship lost control and slanted to one side, falling head and foot to the ground.

However, at the moment when it was about to touch the ground, the alien warship strangely regained control, suddenly there was an obvious upward movement, and then it slammed heavily on the ground, the bow of the ship arched deeply into the ground, but the huge mass made the alien warship plough open The earth, knocked down countless trees.

Hundreds of tons of soil have been piled up in front of the bow of the ship after sliding for tens of meters. The bow of the ship was blocked but failed to offset the huge inertia, so the ship slammed across and rolled forward. I don’t know how many trees were overwhelmed. Stop slowly.

While it was dying, several missiles fell from the sky, and the alien warship remained silent, allowing the missiles to hit.

The first few missiles exploded and released billowing smoke, shrouding the ship in a cloud of smoke. The last missile was a neutron bomb, and before it landed, it turned into a dazzling white light in mid-air, a deadly stream of neutrons. Dropped from the sky and instantly penetrated the alien battleship, it also deprived the nearby forest of its vitality.

Neither animals nor plants can resist the attack of the neutron stream. Plants will die, and animals will die.

Not only that, although the light radiation and shock wave of the neutron bomb are relatively small, but small does not mean nothing. All the trees within a radius of several hundred meters fell down, the high temperature ignited the trees, and the large forest trees were like oiled candles. Soar to the sky.

Another missile struck, the alien battleship in the middle, and the iconic mushroom cloud rose again, but this time the scale of the explosion was much smaller than the one just now, and it was a touchdown explosion.

Strangely, the shock wave generated by the explosion was very strong, and the light radiation was much lower than that of the neutron bomb just now. The shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the forest in an instant, and the fire that was about to spread was directly blown out by the shock wave. The embers were still smoking.

Ten minutes later, a corner of the wreckage of the battleship opened, and several three-meter-high aliens got out of the battleship and fled quickly.

This scene was seen by the reconnaissance plane patrolling in the air. The reconnaissance plane immediately called the fighter jets. The two fighter jets roared and dropped the resulting guided bombs on the fleeing aliens.

One of the aliens raised his arm, a ray of light flashed like a gossamer, and a fighter jet in the air volleyed into two pieces.

The pilot parachuted decisively, and shortly after the ejection seat flew away, the disconnected fighter plane exploded, and the shrapnel penetrated the pilot's parachute, and the pilot immediately went into free fall.

The pilot was in danger. He hurriedly took off his main parachute and opened his backup parachute at a height of just over 200 meters from the ground. The fall finally came down, and finally the parachute hung on the tree, saving the pilot's life.

The backup umbrella is much smaller than the main umbrella, and the descent is faster. If something goes wrong when landing, it will become disabled even if it doesn't die. Hanging it on a tree saves the danger when landing.

The friendly army was shot down by the aliens, and the reconnaissance plane immediately called in more fighter planes to clean up the remaining aliens. Various weapons took turns to go into battle.

somewhere in the South China Sea.

The alien warship fell into the sea, causing waves more than ten meters high, and then the alien warship sank into the water.

The nuclear bomb that followed was detonated after entering the water, setting off huge waves thousands of meters high, and the mushroom cloud composed of water columns was extremely spectacular.

The nuclear bomb failed to hit the alien warship, but the time when the nuclear bomb entered the water was no later than the time when the alien warship entered the water. When the nuclear explosion occurred, the alien warship was underwater nearby.

As we all know, water is a liquid that is difficult to be compressed. If it is on the ground, it is difficult for the deviated nuclear bombs to cause serious damage to the alien warships. However, underwater, the water under pressure is the best weapon, and the alien warships are directly destroyed by the warships. The high pressure outside crushed the hull and lost power and sank to the bottom of the sea more than 160 meters deep.

After the explosion, the two nuclear submarines swimming in the South China Sea immediately received orders to rush to the sea area to search for traces of alien warships. The two warships were authorized. Thoroughly better.

somewhere in the northwest.

An alien warship fell in the depths of the extremely desertified grassland. There was no one in the vicinity of the landing point. There were only a few drought-tolerant plants growing on the desolate sand, and the density was unusually sparse.

To use nuclear bombs in the southeastern mountainous area, the military also has to take into account the risk of wildfire Use a shock wave bomb to put out forest fires, but in semi-desert areas, the military does not have to hold back, the alien warship has just fallen , the two nuclear bombs smashed into the head of the alien warship, smashing the alien warship severely.

The alien warship was disconnected from the middle, and the separated tail was blown away by the explosion. When it landed, it had already opened a two-kilometer straight-line distance.

Several fighter planes have been hovering in the air, but they are never close to the alien battleship.

The hundred-footed worm is dead but not stiff. Even if the alien battleship is destroyed, what if there are still aliens alive?

Caution paid off handsomely, and after waiting patiently for a while, the remnants of aliens finally couldn't help escaping the battleship.

Seeing a swarm of aliens, the pilots in the air were overjoyed, and immediately controlled the fighter jet to drop an air-to-surface missile.

The missile accurately hit the fleeing alien, the incendiary bomb exploded, and the high-temperature flames wrapped the aliens. When the smoke cleared, the dozen or so aliens all turned into burning candle heads.

Even if the aliens can block the high-temperature flames, it doesn't matter. There are cluster bombs waiting on the plane. If it is not possible, you can call the Tiangong number and give the aliens a brilliant firework that begins with the word "nuclear".

Central Plains.

The alien warship that fell here was slower than the alien warships in other areas. It seemed to know that the warship would be bombed by human nuclear weapons after landing. The alien warship changed its course halfway and flew to a city in sight. Instead of descending into the wilds that can be seen everywhere.

This unexpected situation immediately attracted the attention of the military. Tiangong immediately concentrated its firepower, and several beams fell from the sky, penetrating the alien warship for the first time, causing heavy damage to the alien warship.

However, the laser did not damage the power system of the alien warship, and the warship actually forcibly flew over the city.

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