Armor Frenzy

Chapter 714: life and death

Xiao Yuan also used the grenade to resist the enemy.

After Xiao Yuan discovered the aliens, he immediately realized that he was probably the key target of the aliens, and he knew very well that his gun alone could not stop the attack of the aliens. Xiao Yuan immediately took off all the grenades from his body, and threw them all out the door in one go, regardless of their function.

Loud, dull, faint explosions mingled in one place; smoke, flashes, explosions, and flames appeared in sequence, and grenades with different functions and effects turned the outside of the warehouse into a hodgepodge of hodgepodge.

Although the aliens rushing here are not afraid of death, they still hesitate for a moment in the face of this strange situation.

Xiao Yuan in the warehouse is very clear that the grenade is only used to block the aliens for a while, and sooner or later a large group of aliens will rush in. What he has to do now is not to resist with all his strength or fight to the death, but to delay the time as much as possible. Only in this way can he Get a chance at life.

But the warehouse is empty, and the concrete on all sides plus the ceiling is appallingly thick. How to buy time?

His eyes immediately fell on the few alien corpses, and with a quick move, he rushed over, dragged one by one to the most inconspicuous corner of the warehouse, and nestled in the corner to block himself with the alien corpses.

The grenade's time to block the enemy is very limited. Just as Xiao Yuan hides, a few aliens jump into the warehouse.

The aliens didn't say a word, and cut the alien corpses on the ground into pieces, but the cutting came to an abrupt end. It was obvious that they discovered that those on the ground were their own people.

The wings of those aliens waving buzzingly, hovering in the air and looking around, Xiao Yuanxin in the corner suddenly raised his throat.

Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me... More than three times important things are said, no matter if it's useful or not, it's true that I can't help but talk about it in my heart.

Although he sincerely hoped that the aliens would ignore him, Xiao Yuan's armored cannon was placed between the two corpses, and he could shoot with a flick of a finger.

Xiao Yuan still doesn't know that the situation has been reversed by a large margin at this time. The aliens have the absolute upper hand. There were more than 30 people when they hid in the warehouse, and now there are not even half of them left. The two squadrons that came here are now left. There are only two battle groups under the manpower.

I am afraid that Ye Han is the only one who is still desperately resisting. If it is possible, Ye Han also wants to hide, but he can't find a chance at all.

More and more silk light was shot into the warehouse, and a silk light suddenly fell on the infantry gunner on the left, cutting his thigh in half, but the infantry gunner gritted his teeth and continued to fire without saying a word.

The enemy army is strong, and the pressure on the three of them is increasing. The three of them are like a small boat in the wind and waves, and they are in danger of being engulfed by the wind and waves at any time.

Ye Han and the other gunner didn't dare to relax at all, as long as they relaxed a little bit, there was a possibility of being attacked by aliens.

Another ray of light fell on the infantry gunner on the left, this time he couldn't hold on any longer, his strong body swayed, and slowly fell to the ground like a mountain collapsed, and the armored gun was thrown aside.

A trace of despair filled Ye Han's heart, is he going to die here today?

Ye Han is unwilling but powerless, the only thing he can do is to continue to persevere until the last moment of his life.

At this critical moment of life and death, there was a sudden burst of gunshots in the distance.

Ye Han burst out suddenly, and the armored guns fired at full force-the unique sound of the armored guns could not be faked, and reinforcements must be coming from outside!

In this ghost place, apart from Ye Han's own team, there are only two squadrons led by 104 in the base, and there is no need to ask the identity of the reinforcements.

Although the addition of the new force did not immediately turn the tide of the battle, it also injected a stimulant into the unfavorable situation. Ye Han quickly squatted down, picked up the armored gun beside the gunner, and knelt down on one knee to fire with all his strength.

On the right bank of the wharf, Xiao Yuan's spirit was lifted, his fingers clasped, and several shots in a row killed the flamboyant alien, and he rushed to the door with one stride.

The sudden attack caused the aliens to panic, and the shells from the direction of the passage kept hitting the aliens in the air.

At this time, the aliens still had the numerical advantage. They quickly adjusted, and the dense formation quickly dispersed, launching a sharp counterattack.

Xiao Yuan took a look and joined the battle without hesitation.

The anger that almost died at the hands of the enemy, and the resentment that had to hide behind the corpse to survive, turned into a bullet of revenge and flew towards the enemy.

Of the dozen or so people who survived, only half were hiding in the warehouse, so the firepower from the warehouse was scattered and the threat to aliens was very small.

But the bullet rain from the other side of the pier was different. Ye Han had ordered Liu Bin to lead a group to stay at the pier when they went ashore. This group did not follow the main force to approach the passage, but stayed on the other side of the pier to establish a defense line on the spot.

It was this inconspicuous Liu Bin and the troops he led escaped the fierce battle at the entrance of the enemy and us.

When the main force retreated into the warehouse, Liu Bin intended to command the troops to respond to the main force, but both the enemy and the enemy moved too quickly. Liu Bin and his subordinates only fired a few shots, and the battle was over.

Probably because they have not been able to join the battle, a large number of aliens did not care about this side division after they poured out of the channel. Although Liu Bin and others opened fire with all their strength, the aliens always held on to the main force, and as a result, the main force was almost wiped out. , Liu Bin and others were unscathed.

At the critical moment when the reinforcements arrived, Liu Bin and his troops finally played the role of finalizing the call. They attacked back and forth with the reinforcements. The aliens still hovering near the warehouse were like sandwich biscuits with gas at both ends, and they had to withstand fire from both directions. blow.

Although the aliens were not slow to respond, they immediately dispatched people to deal with humans in several directions. However, when the aliens were adjusted, dozens of aliens had already been killed by humans.

The aliens in the air were suddenly divided into two waves. One wave continued to stay in the air, and while flying quickly to attract human firepower, once the opportunity was seized, it would fire a ray of light; the other wave simply descended to the ground, using the terrain and features on the ground to hide it. Cover, and confront humans in a similar way.

The aliens have a good idea, but their average height is three meters, and there are not many suitable places for them to hide in the entire dock. Hiding behind those inappropriate things has become a target for human beings.

The two sides fought endlessly, and the fierce battle made everyone forget life and death, forget victory or defeat, and only knew to shoot the aliens, shoot, shoot again, until the last alien fell, never again. Unable to find the target of the shooting, the dazed soldiers suddenly realized what had happened.

"Win? We won—"

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